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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/23/2021 in Posts

  1. Notice how you’re the only one responding to your own thread?
    16 points
  2. Guys, I can't prove this 100% via science (but who listens to those nerds anyhow); I think that 4th COVID injection I got a couple days ago increased my girth! So this morning I was getting in a quick pre-simulator jack and something just felt different. Fuller. More Bigger. Meatier. I'm about a solid 5/16" around on a good day but this morning things were really on the up and up. I've been maintaining my pretty standard diet of 1600 ounces of red meat/uncured bacon a week and nothing but pure unfiltered rainwater, or grain alcohol for fluids so I know its not diet related. Haven't changed my laundry detergent in awhile so I know its not that either. Anywho, things were moving along in a pretty standard ops fashion when right as I was about to climax the woman who's three doors down from me in billeting (and who unbeknowst to me was silently watching from the bushes next to the window) yells out "oh what a lovely tea party" (I think she's got a head full of sick thoughts). Normally this would've been a complete turnoff for me but she's a ginger who looks like she can squat a good 300lbs so this really sent me to the next level. In the immediate aftermath, you know, in the time where you're usually sitting there silently judging yourself for what you just did or watched, I thought, the world needs to know if its true. And things like this just don't get the right coverage in the MSM anymore. So I grabbed the tape measure I got for free from the FAC when they stopped doing abdominal circumference measurements on the PT tests (would've been a waste to have them throw it out) and quickly wrapped it around my still engorged member. Admittedly, it was a little difficult to read given that my vision was blurry from lack of O2 due to the belt still wrapped around my neck (always phenomenal to win the world's greatest race on a Monday right?) but I'm about 90% positive that it read a solid 0.5", or a total gain of 3/16" for all you public school grads out there. I'll continue to provide updates here as I do more home "experimentation" but if anybody's still on the fence about this vaccine, after my morning all I can ask is what are you waiting for?
    5 points
  3. after hours of searching (1 min google): https://www.reuters.com/article/factcheck-pfizer-ceovaccine/fact-check-pfizer-ceo-received-his-second-dose-of-the-covid-19-vaccine-on-march-2021-idUSL1N2PD1UX edit: goddammit, I knew I shouldn't have even responded to this whack job.
    4 points
  4. Don't waste your time, this dude has proved time and time again that appeals to basic facts, statistics, and reason simply don't work on him. The vaccine is a global conspiracy pushed by a cabal of upper crust liberals, and he and newsmax bimbo Emerald Robinson are the only ones who know the truth. After trump is reinstated as president from the election that was STOLEN from him, all will be revealed.
    3 points
  5. We need their help completing our defeat at the hands of the current administration.
    3 points
  6. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network mobile app
    3 points
  7. Nice. Of course, we could have 10,000 B-1 bombers dropping 1,000,000 GBU-39s, and our political class would still lose the war to a psychotic band of illiterate, fanatical goat herders.
    3 points
  8. Dude I'm all for holding corporations accountable, and the idea that they will "always act ethically" is for sure a stretch. But do you think all the thousands of employees at Pfizer are just monsters injecting a death sentence into their fellow community members? Think about how much it would take to pull that off...This shot came out during a global pandemic...under the scrutiny of literally everyone qualified (aka not me...and probably not you). Also...logical flaw. You know what else hasn't been properly tested against humans and isn't FDA approved? The COVID virus itself. If you wanna roll your dice with an "untested" virus created by nature...go for it. But nature also created HIV, cancer, ALS, Polio, etc. You gunna roll your dice with those viruses too? I think you should have the right to not get the shot. But hospitals should also have the right to push you to the back of the line/not accept you ifyou show up wasted from Covid. ALSO. My sister has masters in bio engineering, works across the street from Moderna. It's always ok to question, but every time you blast the "shot" as some conspiracy, your insulting the hard work of those people who worked in that field. Are you an AF pilot, fly any combat missions? What if I just came up to you and said Afghanistan was a hoax. We were never there, you never flew any actual missions. We just pretended to be there to defraud the American tax payer of money and all the governemnt elitists lined their pockets. All the scenes on TV were just filmed in Nevada by Paramount movie crews.... Get the vibe? ...You'd probably wanna punch me in the face...
    2 points
  9. Thanks for posting this. Nice to see someone rationally explaining their viewpoint for a change.
    2 points
  10. Hey, I know where you can get an M-4 and ammo real cheap! Maybe even an Apache helicopter if you have the cash and don't ask too many questions.
    2 points
  11. Unleashing airstrikes on the Taliban while their cooperation is still required for the evacuations may not be the best course of action...
    2 points
  12. You will be considered unvaccinated in 3 months. So there’s always a chance again when you deny booster shot #1 through x....as this is never ending.
    2 points
  13. Hey guys, not sure what to do with this. Help/Advice/Recommendations welcome. I just checked into my hotel here in California and struck up a conversation with the bellman. I was struck by what an incredibly genuine human being he was from the moment he started speaking. He asked where I was from, I asked where he was from. Afghanistan. Former interpreter for the Marines. Came here under the whatever program it was that got him and his family US citizenship. Extremely long conversation ensued until the manger hinted that he needs to be working, not talking politics. Long story short: He has a brother in Herat with a wife and kids. The brother is in hiding because he also worked for Kellog, Brown, and Root on military bases throughout AFG. The Taliban is trying to root them out. Apparently, he needs some sort of a letter saying he worked for KBR to get the documents required to leave the country. Latif then asked, because I was former military, if I had any ideas or knew of anything he could do. He's worried that his brother and his family will not survive this. I got a lump in my throat as this whole thing I've been following suddenly became personal. I want to help, but I don't know what to do. I have his contact info. Any comments welcome.
    2 points
  14. Never underestimate the ignorance and short attention span of the typical voter.
    2 points
  15. Some of you guys will believe anything.... Try having some skepticism for reporting that confirms your priors, not just things you already think are nonsense.
    2 points
  16. Public Service Announcement: There is an ignore function under your account settings for the board.
    2 points
  17. Yup, you'll have time...might be a welcome break from the daily grind of UPT. I agree, it would suck to have your plane sitting in storage for a year, take it with you and keep her flying! Funny enough, you may have to fill out a "high risk activity" form so the Air Force knows you're doing "dangerous" things lol.
    1 point
  18. Don’t let it get you you down man, do what most of us have done and block him on your user settings. And if that doesn’t center you, let this calming picture of a restrained beaver wash over you in an awesome wave.
    1 point
  19. Being pedantic here... I agree. Science doesn't push anything really, people do. Science is a method and a body of evidence. A lot of people sure did claim the moniker of "science" in their political BS though. I actually really appreciate the study and wish I had seen it sooner in all this. I think the mitigation/suppression framing should have been part of the discussion all along, with empirically based analysis informing our inherently values-based public policy... out in the open... with leaders being particular about the science and the values informing their decisions... the humility to admit the huge data quality limitations... and the courage to defend values outside of simplistic "if it saves one life" first-order-effect focused demagoguery.
    1 point
  20. Now that the vaccine is fully approved by the FDA, one wonders why it is so different in your mind than the flu shot or the litany of other vaccines the military mandates. Or if you think mandating any vaccine is bad, one wonders why you volunteered to work for the federal government, surrendering much of your medical care autonomy. oh that's right.. because it's all political theater
    1 point
  21. How exactly? The media are still blowing things out of proportion, the don't trust the gubment people are getting sick in droves, and states are largely being left alone to make the rules their constituents want. Is it surprising to literally anyone that California and New York are the first places talking about vaccine passports? It's almost like that's exactly the type of onerous government the majority of people in those states want. If dreadlocks California man hates nanny state policies so much, perhaps he should vote with his feet and move to one of the many states that is handling this reasonably. And after that maybe he should reflect on why he ever lived in California in the first place.
    1 point
  22. Yeah, probably... also... 14 days to flatten the curve?
    1 point
  23. I have a feeling they'll pivot from "unapproved vaccine" to a different talking point.
    1 point
  24. https://www.fda.gov/news-events/press-announcements/fda-approves-first-covid-19-vaccine Hopefully this means something to skeptics.
    1 point
  25. Found out most ANSOF are staying to fight even though many have been offered visas. Panjshir isnt far from Bagram. I'm wondering if any consideration is given to helping ANSOF retake Bagram before we say final peace if the Aug 31 deadline isn't extended. This would give the US a usable airfield to continue evacuation from as long as people can get out of Kabul. Would also seriously threaten the Taliban's long term capability to control Kabul. They may need to withdrawal to Kandahar.
    1 point
  26. A longish article about COVID and the vaccine with data where possible and without spin or political leanings best I can tell. https://www.realclearscience.com/articles/2021/08/23/lets_stop_pretending_about_the_covid-19_vaccines_791050.html
    1 point
  27. Might need a bit of deconfliction and I would be careful who we strike there. The Taliban are going because Ahmad Massoud, (son of Ahmad Shah Massoud “Lion of the Panjshir"), has established a serious resistance threat. If you know the history his father was a legendary Anti-soviet guerilla fighter/leader who also hated and resisted the Taliban. He successfully defended the Panjshir Valley against the Soviets and Taliban. He was assassinated two days before the planes hit the tower and may well have shaped a different outcome in Afghanistan had he survived. Regardless, his son is the only one who can mount a serious internal challenge to the Taliban. Like his father he is highly educated (secondary school education in Iran, time at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst (Britain's West Point), Bachelors Degree in war studies from King's College London and a Master's Degree in international Politics form University of London. This will be the only serious challenge to the Taliban and they have a lot of backing from more moderate sympathizers in Europe.
    1 point
  28. Ironic how quickly the people who lament the lack of integrity in senior leadership start engaging in the same behavior once it benefits them.
    1 point
  29. CAO - 22 AUG 21 // 1620 EST Lots of reports of ISIS and other bad actors buying the data from Facebook and WhatsApp to track assistance to Afghans and locations of Afghans affiliated with US/Coalition efforts. Continue to connect here and pass OSINT info to keep members informed. TTPs, locations, names, and other data that would put our friends at risk should be shared over Signal or other more secure means. If anyone is looking for movement TTPs one of my buddies sent me tips that he has been using to prep folks for movement. FYI of you are communicating with folks in country.
    1 point
  30. 1 point
  31. ClearedHot, I have no SA on the situation. I was there 2011-2012, but the only time I left Bagram was when I was in an MC-12 (a horribly led, horribly tasked platform that had a lot of potential... but was a major shit-show), so I have no frame of reference outside what we did in that aircraft. I met a plethora of Americans, Egyptians, Emirates, etc... inside the compound but have no idea what they contributed. I just read about a women and her two children that were there to "visit relatives". I have no idea if that is fact, but if anyone is there "on vacation" I'm of the opinion that you have created a self-inflicted wound. Really? You went there to "see your relatives"? Gutsy call, Mav. And I'm not of the opinion that my son or daughter should bail you out from your decision to go there. You intentionally entered that country of your own accord? YGBSM. It's like the three americans that were hiking on the Iran-Iraq border. Great idea!!! Your actions resulted in millions of dollars of American diplomacy to get you back from Iran. I wonder what all of the energy could have been directed toward, had you not decided to tempt fate. Next time, try the Sierra Nevada.
    1 point
  32. I guess I hadn't accounted for the lack of integrity in objecting to the vaccine.
    1 point
  33. Not sure if this was posted before, but these are good folks helping the kind of people you're talking about: https://nooneleft.org/
    1 point
  34. SD is a great American city. Yes, it probably has the best climate in the country & offers some of the best scenery anywhere (yes, that kind of scenery too). But what it really has going for it that so many cities have lost in recent decades is real diversity of thought. The Navy and Marines & a great many veterans are represented in force, most of them very conservative. So are some of the most liberal people in the nation. And somehow everybody seems to be able to get along. They surely don’t agree with each other’s politics, but there seems to be a mutual respect. It really seems to be one of the last great cities where people haven’t sorted themselves into one tribe or another & it’s all the better for it.
    1 point
  35. I checked out of Afghanistan a long time ago. Then they sent me back a decade later.
    1 point
  36. Don't post here much but felt the need to now. Your question is a grim one. The response to all that has occured will be, in my opinion, major combat operations again in Afghanistan. The stench of this calamity, is to great for US Citizens, our Allies and even CNN/Reuters. You can't leave +15K US citizens behind enemy lines. No amount of State Dept cajoling is going to free them and the Taliban is not going to let them go. The idea this is a non-combatant situation is about as truthful as the Stephanopoulos interview. The open source reports just get worse and worse. Outright evil/insanity is ongoing against who the enemy desires outside the wire. We are in a tremendous bind. +15k US citizens are now held by a terrorist organization. We can't strong arm our way out. We can't bluff our way out either, as the threat of harming them isn't going to work. Diplomacy will not work. This is going to be an all out street fight by the 82nd Airborne, 10th Mountain and 24th MEU to save US citizens and restore order to the baddest neck of this here globe.
    1 point
  37. Turn off the electronics and go outside. Meet people in your community. Join real live in person activity groups like rotary. Try a hobby. all of these are good.
    1 point
  38. So these assholes decided to don American gear and recreate the infamous Iwo Jima flag raising to rub our noses in it. At least we don't have mean tweets anymore...well, except from the Taliban...their Twitter account remains active and approved while a former POTUS is permanently banned...this situation has become Orwellian
    1 point
  39. Anyone else see the irony of Kamala leaving for Vietnam today? Is she going to Saigon to bring back some DLOs on that evac so we can do better in Afghanistan? The optics are simply surreal.
    1 point
  40. I found another one that should resign! If this information is true (never can tell these days) then the CG of the 82nd Airborne Division should apologize to America and resign. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/us-general-tells-british-special-forces-stop-rescuing-people-in-kabul-youre-making-us-look-bad From the article: "...the commanding general of the 82nd Airborne Division has told the commander of the British special forces at the Kabul airport to cease operations beyond the airport perimeter." "...the British officer firmly rejected the request." God save the Queen!
    1 point
  41. So I just got my forth COVID shot (2x Moderna through the military, 1x J&J, and just threw in 1xPfizer for the hell of it at the local Walgreens). No adverse side effects, got some extra solid gainz at the gym this morning, and honestly feel great. As an added bonus, my phone is currently crushing it on 6G.
    1 point
  42. Especially when I think of the ass pain that went into the investigation when ONE ACOG went missing from the arms room several years back. Wonder if the Taliban will sell any cheap on E-Bay
    1 point
  43. You know they’re doing a truly shitty job when even the left-leaning press is on their ass! A complete embarrassment and tragedy. Resignations from these clowns at a minimum.
    1 point
  44. I think you missed the title of this thread… 8-)
    1 point
  45. I’m here currently, just graduated a couple weeks ago. Lodging for accompanied you have two options. You can stay on base housing which is run by Hunt Housing and they are jextremely incompetent or you can try to buy/rent off base. The market in Del Rio is not the best so most people try to stay on base for the duration of UPT. Items to familiarize yourself with is boldface/ops limits for the t-6 and the 202v3. You need to have the boldface/ops limits down cold on day 1. Laughlin has a lot of dumb t-6 specific departure/arrival procedures. For a guy like me who came into UPT with no flying experience it was a lot to understand at once.
    1 point
  46. 1 point
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