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HossHarris last won the day on October 31 2023

HossHarris had the most liked content!

About HossHarris

  • Birthday 01/01/2008

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  • Location
    The beach

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Gray Beard

Gray Beard (4/4)



  1. If you’re heavy/airline … I’ve got a citizen satellite wave that I’ve been very happy with. Sapphire crystal. Hacks itself off the gps signal. Can set time zone off gps if you wake up on a desert island. Solar powered. It’s been flawless. Recommend.
  2. Based on the geometry, I think the only frontage he presented to the snipers above trump was his dome ….
  3. So the concentration camp guards “just following orders” is valid defense/excuse for you?
  4. A candidate we can ALL get behind !
  5. Flyin hemmet? motorcycle hemmet? short bus hemmet? what are we dealing with…
  6. Crushing pussy is admin … married or single. Should take very little of your time and attention to do well. or maybe you aren’t cut out to fly fighters ….
  7. Cool! Now do Miami….
  8. And pass along some cat-5 stories. My boy’s at the zoo and I’m sure he’d enjoy a craniums up on the incoming supt
  9. She’s a pretty shitty chief diversity officer if she(?) doesn’t list her pronouns in her signature block ….
  10. Yup. Nobody gives a shit here. Indoor. Outdoor. Private land. Public land. Offshore. Just don’t be a dumbass. And even that is a low bar in florida.
  11. And FFS get a good gun belt. (you cannot get a good gun belt at JCpenney, Kohl’s, or the Gap)
  12. those are both terrible and not the only options ….
  13. The local, adversarial to the feds, vso guy is worth their weight!
  14. 9 and 7/8ths of them are full of shit
  15. Nope. Nor do I hope to be. Around my normal territory, if a weapon is produced folks back away. If a weapon is fired, folks run. We aren’t dealing with organized squads of trained paramilitary. Even in Phoenix and Vegas I wasn’t carrying to win a protracted gun fight ….
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