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fire4effect last won the day on April 5 2022

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  1. Remember Effects Based Targeting from ACSC? You know IMHO I've always thought a strike on the Iranian oil terminal facilities in the Persian Gulf or pipeline nodes in the desert would be the way to go. Enough to send a message they get 5X5 but without completely at this point destroying the infrastructure. Shut off their ability to export oil and the cash flow dries up. No more whack a mole trying to catch tankers circumventing an embargo. They'll be "squealin from the feelin" soon enough. Of course, oil/gas prices would spike which means it'll never happen before January 20th. Honestly Israel is the best pit bull we can let run amok on them now while having all sorts of plausible deniability.
  2. Couldn't have happened to a nicer SOB. These animals just can't get it through their thick skull (well maybe the ordnance did) that sooner or later justice comes from above.
  3. BOLO for this individual as being the mastermind behind the operation
  4. Well, I would say anyone with shrapnel to the face that's the new "Scarlett Letter" Israel just branded the whole Hezbollah herd for identification. BTW second that on the cans.
  5. Iran's ambassador to Lebanon injured by pager explosion | Reuters As some have pointed out. Why was the Iranian Ambassador holding a Hezbollah pager? 🤔
  6. Anybody see the Taliban parade at Bagram the other day? Why oh why we didn't drop a present on the reviewing stand is beyond me. The official headline would be "Car Bomb Detonates Near Taliban Leadership During Parade" Just to remind them what can happen.
  7. Just saw this thread a couple of days ago while out of town. I certainly enjoyed his comments and dry humor on B.O. over the years. Gone far too soon and for the most tragic of reasons.
  8. At the risk of piling on the LE community I happened to come across this the other day. Interesting nexus between Texas/New Mexico LE and American Airlines. Can't make this SH!T up if halfway true. I haven't been able to find out how it was finally resolved even though it was 2 years ago. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=newssearch&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwj06r-m2ZiIAxVB4skDHSf3KRYQxfQBKAB6BAgREAE&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.fox10phoenix.com%2Fnews%2Fmichael-lowe-american-airlines-mistaken-identity-new-mexico-jail&usg=AOvVaw0fg4RKg7mgD5LC13SO8tJ9&opi=89978449
  9. Yep, and while I can't say for sure I wouldn't be surprised that higher ups were putting pressure to sign off to make some kind production quota. Then when the world goes to hell they never heard of him. That said there should have been at least 2 signatures on the 202 approving the waiver and it seems it was repeatedly signed off over a number of years. I bet a lot more will come out in the coming weeks.
  10. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=video&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwjFgPHl-JmHAxVz8MkDHT-VDNQQtwJ6BAgNEAI&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DT4bn1WG5LS0&usg=AOvVaw2cDUODB0VSCeKSo5xx7TGa&opi=89978449 Here's a classic
  11. "A man is as faithful as his options" Chris Rock
  12. Force Multiplier. Had this discussion years ago with a former military member who was a cop and that's what he called it. Few wanting to fund the cost was and is the issue. Avoid a few multi-million-dollar payouts and I say it's paid for itself. Of course, sophisticated/expensive unmanned systems are another though potentially reasonable discussion. When word gets out you can't outrun it you also have a potential deterrent effect to not run in the first place.
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