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  • Posts

    • Well, it's certainly not hyperbole, nor a conspiracy theory. That is the only language HAF responds to. They have a number. It's a political number, and they won't tell you what it is, but it's the one they find acceptable before at-scale recapitalization of primary and intermediate training is taken seriously. The rest of this exercise is nothing more than your typical morale-crushing regAF practice bleeding/running in place/pick your platitude/ people put up with until they too bail for the airlines. Which is why I no longer get my blood pressure up about all the malfeasance-by-inaction, nor the political double speak. Any time people of my age demo have spoken up about this issue, as members of the enterprise for longer than most regAF folks cycle through this assignment, all you get is tone policed and Luddite accussations. I've said my peace in official channels with nothing more than a scalded ass to show for it. Put it on my tab I guess, but I sleep with a clear conscience, having the displeasure of watching students buried in this line of work (Meat44, Mafia57, one other non-fatal but career-ender) so I don't say any of that flippantly. The AF has accepted atrocious gaps in basic training infrastructure for decades. The T-38 and the T-7 is the most glaring example, but the T-6 GPS is a poster child example as well, especially in the context of COTS solutions. To be clear, the -6s lack of NAS RNAV 1 compliance dates back to 2009, so they've been scoffing at it for a lot longer than this thread intimates.   Back to the main thread: The mandate in 2018 was simple, make more brick, but no straw for you. In the 1980s, production was 25%+ higher, supported by a full complement of additional manning, aircraft and bases all over the sunbelt. The 1990s paved way to the biggest reduction in that footprint, and HAF has been demanding more brick ever since, and failing. So instead of heeding the advice of the so called luddites, they double down on the greening of the force by tech-sophistry proxy. I'll digress here for brevity, but will final add that there's a proud history of AETC [nee ATC] taking shaves in order to fund programs deemed higher pecking in ACC/TAC. Today that dynamic persists. Having a primary trainer in 2024 still sport a militarized KLN-90 and not even be civilian RNAV compliant is no technological manifest destiny. It's a solely political decision made with full knowledge of the deficit it creates. People can spare me the apologetics about equivalent training potato in CAF mission sets justifying equipment deficits in primary training. This shit is cheap as dirt in .civ/COTS land. This isn't the Orion capsule, nor any of this shit need PL1 asset EMP hardening specs. Digressing.  
    • If only you weren’t so right… You gotta fight or post on BO . net… like the US Navy “reevaluation” of their basic SWO training programs after two ship collisions, it will take something probably to convince the Bobs Funny how I was thinking about this jumpseating home yesterday, the crew was young but sharp, on descent they trapped an error on approach, I think the FO had been flying the CRJ for a year he said and the CA I think for 4 years, now would in a situation with a dude with only the equivalent of T-6 only been able to back up his CA and trap the error?  Maybe but methinks chance favors the prepared or well trained Anyway, to hell with T-6 only direct to FTU…  
    • She got a dead cat lady bounce, but she is still WAY behind in the electoral college math.  
    • https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-56516332 Straight from the right wing outlet, BBC, in 2021.  These people are absolute clowns.  If you believe polls, Harris seems to have closed the gap Biden had to Trump in many battleground states. Simply from being presumptively nominated. 
    • That dude isn't going to do/say anything contrary to what his boss says and jeopardize his next assignment/rank. There's plenty of actual studies/data that the AF has commissioned and then blatently ignored. I don't think a bunch of dudes brainstorming common sense ideas on the internet is going to help. Maybe if a C-17 crewed by two T-6 direct to Altus dudes crashes into an LGBTQ+ parade during a flyover they'll 're-evaluate' the training program.
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