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  1. Past hour
  2. Is the wait what sucks? Or the job itself?
  3. There's sloppy seconds, and then there's this. Last dude must thought, "this is what it's like to screw a bucket of jizz." The big question is, after all that action, does @Biff_T call dibs? BTW, that's 40.8 seconds per dude. https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/onlyfans-bonnie-blue-claims-she-121944402.html 1,057 Men in 12 Hours
  4. Last year commanders were notified the same day the results were published. Who knows. “end of Jan” is so relative. Did they split January into halves? Thus making the 16th the end of January? That would be the best possible outcome. My current job is making this wait unbearable. I instruct and fly (MQ9) twice a week and sit at my desk the rest of the week waiting for news. Good or bad, I don’t care. I just want to know if I need to prep for a move.
  5. The first Helo...wow! Firefighters.mp4
  6. Today
  7. Surprised this hasn’t come up yet in this forum. At what point on the trajectory to CSAF do they castrate you and remove your common sense making you completely out of touch with reality? The music makes it that much worse. BLUF - In ranks inspection(s) coming to multiple bases near you. What about this makes us more agile or lethal for GPC? https://www.acc.af.mil/News/Article-Display/Article/4026100/csaf-gen-allvin-policy-and-standards-update/
  8. "I don't know what to do with my hands!"
  9. Except for the Eagle guys, they clear out all the crew chiefs.
  10. If you carry this attitude in UPT, you'll do fine. Remember, no matter how good you think you are in UPT, it's needs of the Air Force and timing for any MWS you might end up flying. All the missions link up at some point. That's where the magic (or complete failures) happen. You won't regret Helos, just remember that typically you'll be held to picking up fat chicks at the bar. The fighter dudes usually clear out all of the hot ones.
  11. Biff_T


  12. True, but insurance companies can't control federal, state, and city lands which are grossly mismanaged making them not just fire prone, but a ticking time bomb. Every time I walk through the forest near my house I marvel that the big one hasn't hit yet. Hopefully this will be a wake up call for forest management nation-wide. Also, I read that California prohibited insurance companies from dropping policies in areas that were affected by the fire (obviously only affecting future renewals not current policies), which might decrease their leverage for change. How anyone can think it is ok for the government to force commerce that was declined for non-discriminatory and purely reasonable business reasons is absurd. A second order effect of that might be the increase of privatization of fire fighting, which would be a rather funny thing to happen in CA. The rich people and their insurance policies already do it so it might start cropping up in the upper middle class. Net result would be the average families continue to get screwed even worse, which is par for the course in liberal states.
  13. SurelySerious


    Does that person work on randomly expended drop tanks? Eglin might have one.
  14. Skitzo


    Does anyone need an AIM-9L Guitar? Let me know I now have a person. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. I’m going to be honest, I've never interacted with a SWO who wasn’t an idiot/completely clueless. I have interacted with sub guys who were great. My personal number of interactions is not statistically significant, but I know a lot Navy pilots and they support my limited-experience conclusion. Put that butter knife to good use!
  16. Yesterday
  17. I wish I could give more context...soon as my work situation is about to change. I've had to bite my lip in the past and not stab this Black Shoe Navy turd in the throat with my butter knife. He went on and on at a dinner one night trying to tell me how Hellfire Missiles work. In short - he questions why the F-18 as the tanker had to cross the beach. And if they did cross the beach why no modes and codes. He says their system will not physically will not fire if the target had the right modes and codes.
  18. Did you tell him he’s a slack jawed faggot and can go fuck himself? With all due respect of course…
  19. In the end I think insurance companies will be what drives a lot of change going forward. Want insurance in California? Here's what you're (state and individuals) gonna do. Insurance companies are the pseudo regulatory entities of our entire lives. I was laughing with a buddy the other day about how the FAA doesn't regulate aviation, insurance companies do. Florida building codes were substantially updated in the early 2000s for new construction to better resist hurricanes after a run of destructive storms.
  20. I mean how dare they line up to land on the boat they came off. Serves them right for not being Air Force. 😁🫡
  21. WSJ has a good article this morning talking about exactly the infrastructure stuff you mentioned. A utility company was widening a fire road and fire-proofing the electrical lines. They got a $2M fine and a cease and desist order in addition to the rehabilitation they were forced to do because they damaged some plants.
  22. Obviously. If the planes weren't flying, they wouldn't have got got
  23. Dibs
  24. I emailed them a week ago, no updates besides end of Jan and commander notification 3 days prior. However, a lot can change in a week.
  25. Corruption is everywhere in America (especially the legal kind with campaign contributions) so that’s not unique. Probably the same amount as the South and Northeast but California is just better at hiding it because they’re not overt Good Ole Boys. But to the people drawn to politics, money isn’t as influential as power. Ideas and policy are a bureaucrat’s personal power, and challenging the ideas that define their lives and legacy is what makes them dig in like nothing else. In California, the political class is centered on returning the state to what they remember it looking like when they were teenagers. It’s a false vision of a “natural” California that hasn’t existed in 200 years. People have forever changed California from a natural equilibrium into an economic powerhouse and you can never go back. The Central Valley levies changed grasslands, floodplain marshes, and oak forests into tree nut farms and rice paddies; its 10% of American farm output (cool), but the farmers’ unrestricted wells have drained the aquifers so much that the southern valley has sank dozens of feet. The mountain forests were able to grow 200 year old trees because they could self-regulate; lightning strike fires would burn the little stuff and the big trees would survive. But now because even the remote forests have a house every few miles the fires need to be put out immediately. And the compounding problem is those houses are served by 1960s power lines and roads that cause the fires in the first place. Roads and utilities that can’t be improved without permits from a dozen entities because brine shrimp, mice, and smelts might be affected. So there’s no going back to equilibrium naturally, it’ll have to be constantly managed and adapted, which the bureaucracy has not been willing to do. The LA fires pale in comparison to one of the million acre fires that are unfortunately common in the Sierras, but hopefully the day and night visibility for 10M people in LA will cause some movement. The solution is a combination of reservoir building, utility line improvements (including self-contained systems like solar and power walls, why not), brush management in critical areas (you can’t do it everywhere, too big), steel roofs/siding (the majority of legacy mountain buildings are asphalt shingles, really), and more money for air attack planes and pilots. Some smelts and mice might not make it, but at least less will die in fires.
  26. He’s a micromanager so not surprised. Surprised a guy that can barely fit in his uniform was a Green Beret.
  27. Anyone hear anything? Who is brave enough to ask on the portal and/or email???
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