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  1. This. Rhetoric has consequences.
    10 points
  2. Familiar face in there
    10 points
  3. This Pentagon leadership is trash Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network mobile app
    9 points
  4. ...and that's how I found out ClearedHot digs pegging...
    9 points
  5. It warms my heart to see CH teaching Huggy how to use the internet.
    9 points
  6. Must be the hazardous duty pay they provide. All of those near CFITs, control tower strikes, plus departures from NOTAM’d runways and all…
    9 points
  7. An update concerning MARSRADIO. An unclassified HF communications backup is reserved for active DoD and Federal Agencies. The net is still very active guarding its frequencies for calls. In the first half of this year, there were just under 2000 requests for phone patches, METAR/TAF weather, message, radio, and SELCAL checks. Additionally, there have been a few requests for updated Avian Hazard information. We were excited about the possibility of improvement in our global coverage with the peak of the solar cycle. Unfortunately, there has been a huge number of strong solar storms that reduce coverage. Some requests have been heard from the Western Pacific, Europe, and the Middle East. A REACH aircraft was 5 x 5 sitting on the tarmac in Iraq just the other day. The net can still make CONUS, international and DSN telephone calls. We are attempting to set up remote sites in the western Pacific and Alaska. This is a long and difficult process for a volunteer group with no DoD budget, but it is consistent with the volunteer’s desire to do as much as possible for communications backup. Those interested in using the phone patch service should take the opportunity to register patch information ahead of time. A “phone code” service was initiated for morale calls so personal information would not be disclosed over the air. Phone codes have also been issued for Official patches. Visit hfmars.us for the registration form. Keep your information private. Provide the operator with your phone code. They will enter the code and have their computer form populated with all the required information to make the call including alternate numbers. The net is known for using 13.927 mHz as a calling frequency. Keep 7.6335 mHz in mind for an alternate calling frequency, especially with solar conditions. Some MARSRADIO stations also maintain a guard on 4.457 mHz and 11.407 mHz. No answer on 13? Call on 7 due to the propagation being different. MARSRSADIO can be contacted through marsradioglobal.us/contact. To the active members on here, we hope that you have a safe flight and do not need us. We are there if you do.
    8 points
  8. Just move to Russia, dude.
    8 points
  9. Damn, that statement of opinion was rough. Sounds like some heads will be rolling at Ellsworth soon. I especially liked the part where he illustrated that the MIP was overweight and that was why he got hurt in the ejection. Woof. After reading that report, this really makes me mad. They went and did a stand-off weapon sortie and I’m sure they did awesome. Then they went home and screwed up an ILS and wrecked an airplane. Even if you want to scoff all things non-tactical, that’s a W for the enemy because that asset is gone. Screwing up the monkey skills is bad enough but omitting several flight manual and v3 procedures for poor visibility is unsat. It’s also not uncommon in other communities. The cold weather correction one is interesting too. That one is confusing to alot of folks. It wouldn’t have made much of a difference on this (20 feet), but still interesting that 8 dudes didn’t think about it with -5°c. Im very interested to see the SIB on this one. Tons of good info for all levels and roles to get out of this one. Thank God the crew is okay and that the egress folks did their job well.
    7 points
  10. Maybe 50 of them should get together and sign a letter. It worked before.
    7 points
  11. Mmm Yes, the transition to full on boomer mode is nearly complete.
    7 points
  12. Joe Biden stepping down because his judgment and cognitive ability are impaired, while instantly endorsing Kamala Harris for POTUS tells you everything you need to know about Harris.
    6 points
  13. Powerful picture for sure. I don’t really see the equivalency though. We can have a discussion on what Trump really said around January 6th and why your fellow American citizens were so angry with the way the government/media/social media, etc handled themselves leading up to that election. The irony is that these people have largely been proven right in their concerns over the 2020 election. They’ve been proven right based on where we are right now. Look around. It was all a sham. Biden was unfit then and he’s unfit now. The Democratic Party is collapsing under the weight of its own making. I was specifically referencing these sick and elderly politicians holding on to power up until the moment they die. They won’t let go. And I’m honestly wondering just how sick the President really is.
    6 points
  14. The silence from the Biden defenders on this forum is deafening. OH WAIT! I forgot they decided to be the 'bigger men' as soon as facts started proving them empirically wrong.
    6 points
  15. Recent history matters, and UKR has had their territorial sovereignty violated twice in the last decade by the same hostile invading force. That’s a fact. Im not missing all the history of UKR-RUS, and considering my job I’m probably more well-versed on their 30-year history and current ops than most anyone here, but none of that excuses Russia’s current actions. WRT our policy, you’re right. We do not have a good track record nation building. The ME was a fvcking whack-a-mole debacle on a lot of levels, even if some of it was unavoidable. I argue this is different, though. We are supporting a sovereign nation (not trying to build one) against a long-term adversary of the west (not a bunch of radical shitheads). That particulars adversary is the second most prominent member of the SCO and has committed a host of belligerent acts against us and our allies. We are collecting a ton of info for a relatively (good argument to be had here) low cost. There are significant 2/3 order effects - want RUS to have a land bridge to Moldova? This is not AFG 2.0.
    6 points
  16. That guy looks... Challenged. I hope nobody is expecting some sort of clear-cut ideology from this dude. The people crazy enough to do something like this, the same type of people who usually have some sort of manifesto, are rarely as political as they are just outright crazy. But this might be the best thing I could have ever happened to Trump. That's absolutely the photograph of the century, so far.
    6 points
  17. I just called him (616) 956-7600 "So what, I have an opinion!" By the way, he owns the company, be sure to leave a Google review.
    6 points
  18. Even if those guys had armed overwatch, there was a political calculation to not arm the overwatch on that AO at that time. If US troops or citizens are on the ground with ISR overhead, that ISR should ALWAYS be armed. How many times do we have to learn the same lesson? A deliberate decision to take hellfires off an MQ9 or other assets when that aircraft is headed to support a ground team is criminal command malfeasance in my opinion. If a politician orders it, GOs should resign in protest but the ugly truth is that many GOs issue those restrictions without ever asking to launch aircraft armed.
    6 points
  19. As I have been saying for years, the mainstream media continues to violate the most basic journalistic standards and ethics. If you think CNN's Donna Brazile giving Hillary the debate questions in advance was a one off, think again. The Biden campaign drafted questions for the president’s interviews on a pair of Black radio shows Now that they have been caught the station fired the reporter but it is the tip of the iceberg. These clowns are complicit in hiding just had bad that demented meatbag really has become.
    6 points
  20. I don't get it. Could you Hauk Tuah on that for me?
    6 points
  21. wow. that was a disaster from biden. but i think the democrat elite wanted that. it's too obvious that he was that bad. look for biden to get "replaced".
    6 points
  22. Who's job is it to fix Venezuela if not the Venezuelans? Zero asylum for adults males and childless females.
    5 points
  23. so juicy hopefully biden stays in. hell the man could barely climb the baby stairs into AF1 today in vegas.
    5 points
  24. My old guy transition is on the beard thing. Fuck that. These weak, chinless, fat bodies clamoring for it don’t need 7 stray hairs to look more stupid. As I think about it, over half the enlisted in my unit have shaving waivers now anyway. None of the O’s do. I guess those shaving classes while getting our degrees really paid off.
    5 points
  25. Attack dog....wonder if Trump will soften a bit and let JD go after them. JD will RIP the cackling hoe in a debate.
    5 points
  26. No one thought DEI would get a president killed. If Trump hadn't turned his head, that's exactly where we'd be. You already get the B team when you're a former president. The number of women in charge of organizations that are massively skewed towards male participation, including the military, is statistical proof that we are selecting weaker leaders to promote a progressive vision of the world. We all knew this already, but now we're at the point in the story where the consequences start to manifest. Shapiro had a great point on this. Why are all the agents immediately around Trump smaller than him?
    5 points
  27. https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cy68gxw32zno I feel the same way George. Now sit down. Who cares about George Clooney's opinion, really? He's not a real hero, he's a fucking actor.
    5 points
  28. What's remarkable is that a judge who's sole job is to interpret and apply the Constitution would not be familiar with the state constitutions that preceded the US Constitution. While Virginia is the most likely "original source" for the second amendment, the other states had versions that explicitly codified self-defense as a function of the right to bear arms.
    5 points
  29. Didn’t Nsplayr talk about how much he thought Biden was doing an awesome job?
    5 points
  30. That's the part that incenses me about that whole ordeal. The backstory is this female O-5 was fine with the whole TDY fun, while estranged from the husband anyways, husband of the female O found out, and someone now wanted to save face. Hell hath no fury like a female O scorned. Honestly should have punched the real ticket if you're gonna go through the legal trouble, but I'm gonna plead the 1 2 3 fo fif at this juncture and digress. Upon getting pinched by the hubby, she tried to cook the flag-O with a fraud SA allegation. That alone should land HER with a CM. But they lined her up good to testify against him and make an example of his imprudence. Latter which in this day and age honestly, at this level of female military membership, is long overdue for overhaul anyways. Bunch of anachronistic hem and haw of little operational import. I am indeed biased, I hold a false allegation of SA in much lower regard than the regular occurrence of military fraternization (and/or by-proxy adultery) that we're all aware of or privately guilty of, that nobody cares about on the daily, and that civilians don't even consider a crime. People can spare me the pearl clutching about "sexual temperance" in work life; go sell that warrior monk shit to someone else. I have seen it in my own squadron, what false allegations of domestic violence or SA can yield. Absolute waste of govt resources just because some Basic housewife and their like-clockwork mid life crisis didn't get her way on the divorce proceeding she initiated in the first place. Once acquited, zero effective recourse for these members for the pre-judicial harm done onto their lives and careers, as the military punishes you adminstratively while navigating hell through an eventual acquital. Given flag-O is gonna be restricted to RND for the next 60 days, remind me to shake his hand next time I see him getting gas at the Valero while I wait for the BK parolees to bag my nuggets on my next out n back 😄. I'd still take this guy over 'ol instagram scouring, artice 15 handing sourpuss Willie boy any day of the week and twice on sunday. And I digress again.
    5 points
  31. @LiquidSky I’ll say it again, the quality of time spent with one’s family is entirely controllable. That also applies to your spouse. I don’t recommend marrying someone who says GFY, I’ll only live in X. Guys who marry that chick will likely not have a great family QOL…but it was a choice they were not forced to make.
    5 points
  32. Lets be completely honest, the blame for the sad display we saw last night lays squarely at the feet of the Biden family, his aides and the DNC for two reasons. First and foremost, F@ck Jill Biden and the aides around Joe. It has been blatantly obvious for some time that Biden has cognitive issues. Falling up stairs, bikes, stages is one thing but the steady decline to a shuffling mumbling stooge has been on full display for sometime. His family and aides are so desperate to retain power they purposely ignored the obvious and sent him out to glitch on a national stage. To think Biden isolated for 10 days to practice for that 90 minutes is staggering. If they had been honest they would have started the process of exiting him stage right two years ago. Second, the DNC hates Trump so much they weaponized the justice system in an attempt to block him from running. It COMPLETELY backfired and in many ways helped him. By keeping him locked up in courts and gag orders they minimized his crazy, hardened his base and gave him a press conference everyday after court where he could further play to his base. The polls prove it, every time they indicted and prosecuted him, his numbers went up. When he ran in 2016 he was appealing as an outsider, in 2024 he is appealing because his is a martyr to everyone who feels cheated and believes the government is out to get them. Had they left it alone, he might have derailed himself, what an utter disaster.
    5 points
  33. Yeah, but you would think holding people to the same standard, I don’t know, meant that we were “uniform” or something. Oh well—I’m the old guy who is retired now.
    5 points
  34. They want my knowledge and experience? Then make the compensation enough that I will be enticed FUPM.
    5 points
  35. I hope that fuck gets an anal search from the FBI…but he’s likely a Biden supporter, so probably not. The Dems/elites are so desperate to maintain power they have paved the way for an assassination attempt on their rival. We’ve already been a banana republic in some ways for a while, but now we’re just cooking along checking more boxes. And half of America is still too stupid to see it/admit it.
    4 points
  36. What a fag. He needs to fly a herk that falls to pieces as his punishment. No parachute either. We (military aviators) trust mx to do their job. As a prior 2A753, I am appalled that a mx dude let this happen to his boys (aircrew). Even if you're a backshop depot dude, your job is important. Don't lie about mx records. Please.
    4 points
  37. The same as the role of the HH-60, MV-22, C-130, C-17, roro ships, landing craft, infantry fighting vehicles and every other platform or logistics entity that we have to deliver sustained combat power: Complete the mission that the pointy stealth aircraft allowed to happen. In the air force specifically OCA, DCA, and SEAD assets capable of existing in a high threat environment are the zambonis of warfare: They exist to create the environment for the real politics by other means to start occurring. You can't win the war them alone, but you can't win the war without them. Measuring every asset by it's ability to survive in a high threat environment is a false premise.
    4 points
  38. They’ll just spin it as him being old and that we are being mean for making fun of his age, and that Biden has had a long successful career who saved democracy from the clenches of Trump’s teeth and only recently is he slipping due to old age. When in reality, anyone who has been paying attention would see Biden had always been a bumbling halfwit his whole career. Sometimes bumbling halfwits are useful, they’ll do what their handlers tell them and obey the party line.
    4 points
  39. https://oversight.house.gov/landing/biden-family-investigation/ Oh, the irony
    4 points
  40. Like Bashi said, this was the plan all along. This was Biden at his absolute BEST. Think of him on a daily basis dealing with shit the president is supposed to be dealing with. They've known he's been cooked for a LONG time. He's been insisting on running and they wouldn't tell him no. Whos next.
    4 points
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