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HuggyU2 last won the day on July 21

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    Sacramento, CA
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Gray Beard

Gray Beard (4/4)



  1. What's wrong with the AF... and with Boeing? They are supposed to be working TOGETHER on the T-7 procurement, not against each other. The AF never put out a requirement for an internal ladder in the signed contract. And how does Boeing get so far into the development without calling the AF and saying "hey, did you want a crew ladder?" They are (or were) the design "experts". They didn't catch this? Now it's too late and the "solution" is they will carry a portable ladder with them. And apparently, it will lean against the side of the jet because the side rails are not capable of hanging a T-38 style ladder there. How is the incompetence that bad on a $30M trainer? Shameful.
  2. I tried, Biff: denied, "cleared straight in". 👎 It was a zoo getting in. But fun!!
  3. Clayton found me! Really cool to see him after so many years. Old Crow made it in today. Somehow, they got her fixed up. I'm part of the A-37 "Warbirds in Review" at 1000 , but with the rain it may be indoor and televised. SHFP: Mark's flown the -86. We shall see.
  4. I'll arrive in the A-37 Sunday afternoon. It departs Thursday morning early.
  5. I like the patch. Around the aircraft, there are often a number of people from MX. Woth the patch,. I'm able to easily tell who is from which specialty. And it sure beats the small badge that many specialties are given. I still cannot tell the difference between any of them.
  6. Can you copy and paste the article? I don't have a subscription.
  7. Actually, the other pilot, Mark Peterson, flew the display. He's a lm excellent display pilot and also flies the P-51 and Alpha Jet displays. And yes, it's a hoot to fly. Sounds like a T-38, not a Tweet.
  8. Unfortunately no, I'm heading back to Sacramento in a couple hours. A-37 should fly around 1055. Yesterday, he flew after the T-33.
  9. I will pick WB FO over NB FO every time.
  10. The A-37 arrives today. I'll arrive late Friday and leave Sunday afternoon. Mark is doing the display flying and is really good at it. We asked Hill to have the plane parked in the public area, and not sequestered off in the Hot Pits. Our goal is for people to see this rare plane up close. I'll be near the jet most of the day. Come by and say hi.
  11. Nice retro hour!! You might actually remember when the phone number to CBPO at most bases was x2276.
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