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COVID-19 (Aka China Virus)


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We had a dude who said no to the jab and was sent home with like 6 rides remaining in the B-Course.  So now, instead of having 4-ship flight lead, he's headed back to start the B-Course over again...what was the cost to the AF on that boneheaded move to not let him finish?  One of the more gratifying things I did as a SQ/CC, was sign the paperwork to wash his UIF clean and send him back to training.  

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  • 3 weeks later...

The truth is slowly coming out and it appears the Chinese no longer give  a F@ck if they are blamed.

Covid: Top Chinese scientist says don’t rule out lab leak

Michael Shellenberger is now reporting with 100% certainty that COVID patient zero was a scientist at the Wuhan Lab. HE has also written articles about Facebook censorship, especially during the Pandemic.  He is a former Democrat who ran as an independent for Governor of California, he wrote the book San Fransicko: Why Progressives run Cities, and is an Op Ed contributor to the National Post. 

Now that many are acknowledging what most assumed to be true all along, what do we do?  Do we give China a pass?  How do we hold them accountable?  What about Fauci?

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3 hours ago, ClearedHot said:

The truth is slowly coming out and it appears the Chinese no longer give  a F@ck if they are blamed.

Covid: Top Chinese scientist says don’t rule out lab leak

Michael Shellenberger is now reporting with 100% certainty that COVID patient zero was a scientist at the Wuhan Lab. HE has also written articles about Facebook censorship, especially during the Pandemic.  He is a former Democrat who ran as an independent for Governor of California, he wrote the book San Fransicko: Why Progressives run Cities, and is an Op Ed contributor to the National Post. 

Now that many are acknowledging what most assumed to be true all along, what do we do?  Do we give China a pass?  How do we hold them accountable?  What about Fauci?

Fauci should be prosecuted and imprisoned. 

Shellenberger's book is a solid read. 

I don't know about China - Their actions, and our contributions (likely) led to a miserable two years and an unknown numbers of lives lost. 

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6 hours ago, ClearedHot said:

Now that many are acknowledging what most assumed to be true all along, what do we do?  Do we give China a pass?  How do we hold them accountable?  What about Fauci?

Dude, excellent questions.  

I don't think we can begin moves towards international accountability until we resolve it domestically.  And that's purely pragmatic; without cohesive domestic unity we'd be unable to prosecute any international strategy.

I am ready to forgive a lot of people provided they apologize for their egregious anti-American and anti-freedom behavior.  Many people, even those on this board, were simply dumb, fearful and overly trusting of authority.  They should be ashamed, but they should not be punished so long as they recognize and apologize for their errors.  

However, for the top tier of decision makers there absolutely must be ruthless accountability.  Fauci, Collins and many media/political personalities need to be confronted and dealt with to solidify internal unity required to seek holding China itself accountable.  

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1 hour ago, tac airlifter said:

Dude, excellent questions.  

I don't think we can begin moves towards international accountability until we resolve it domestically.  And that's purely pragmatic; without cohesive domestic unity we'd be unable to prosecute any international strategy.

I am ready to forgive a lot of people provided they apologize for their egregious anti-American and anti-freedom behavior.  Many people, even those on this board, were simply dumb, fearful and overly trusting of authority.  They should be ashamed, but they should not be punished so long as they recognize and apologize for their errors.  

However, for the top tier of decision makers there absolutely must be ruthless accountability.  Fauci, Collins and many media/political personalities need to be confronted and dealt with to solidify internal unity required to seek holding China itself accountable.  

You're absolutely in la-la land if you think there will be ANY accountability.  They won't even admit they were wrong.  

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Keyboard warriors with near zero accountability on an internet forum don’t have the balls to admit they were wrong, and even continue to double down on being right…There’s no way political animals with money/power on the line are going to take any kind of responsibility. 

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I want my Covid reparations from Red China.  Maybe we can get the whole country together to demand China pay the world back for the damage they caused.   The cool thing about these reparations, is that the people who committed the crimes are still alive to be punished.  We can break China's economy and shutup all of the Americans who want something for nothing.  Reparations.  Lol

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On 6/14/2023 at 2:49 PM, Boomer6 said:

Keyboard warriors with near zero accountability on an internet forum don’t have the balls to admit they were wrong, and even continue to double down on being right…There’s no way political animals with money/power on the line are going to take any kind of responsibility. 

Alright man, I’m pretty sure you’d consider me one of those “keyboard warriors” & I’m bored so, what the hell, I’ll engage: I was always open to the lab leak idea, just against knee jerk reactions until some sort of investigation had been done. I still doubt we’ll ever see truly definitive evidence, but I will absolutely give it to you that this is one of the most, if not the most, plausible theories going at this point. We can disagree on whether it was a good call or not to wait on declaring definitively that it was a lab leak. What I’m betting we agree on (and I would guess most Americans do) is that China is responsible one way or another and probably should be held accountable in some way. Whether they will or not, well, let’s just say I have my doubts. Conspiracy theories involving Hunter Biden’s laptop and Italian satellites notwithstanding, there are still many, many Western people with big financial interests in China. Elon Musk and Bill Gates have both recently been courting the authorities who run business dealings there. The Germans have recently stated that they have no intention of decoupling with China; it’s too important to their industrial base. As much as I’d like to see the world give the Chinese the middle finger, I don’t think that’s realistically going to happen. You might argue it all comes down to conspiracies, but I’d venture that this is just Occam’s razor at play once again. A billion plus potential consumers is simply too big a market for most nations and businesses to turn their backs on. You may not like it. I certainly don’t. But welcome to the real world. 

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1 hour ago, Prozac said:

billion plus potential consumers is simply too big a market for most nations and businesses to turn their backs on. You may not like it. I certainly don’t. But welcome to the real world. 


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I was more getting at what I see as a drastic overreach of power by federal, state, and local authorities in response to COVID. This includes the shameful way many managers within the DoD handled COVID. Lives were ruined and livelihoods destroyed and those responsible for pushing these policies will never be held accountable. Those on here and DoD wide who pushed for a scorched earth policy against anyone who disagreed are counted amongst those responsible.

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Rogan had RFK on and is now going on the offensive thru twitter against some of the pro-vac 'doctors'.  Hah.  It's getting good.  Up to 250K now for Hotaz to come on JRE and debate RFK.  

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14 hours ago, uhhello said:

Rogan had RFK on and is now going on the offensive thru twitter against some of the pro-vac 'doctors'.  Hah.  It's getting good.  Up to 250K now for Hotaz to come on JRE and debate RFK.  

What don't you like about the above @BashiChuni?  Open debate is good.  Open long form debate is better.  

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On 6/19/2023 at 12:40 AM, dream big said:

Let’s not forget these people still exist and are active members of society; and will espouse similar if not worse sentiment during the next manufactured crisis. Vote accordingly, they sure will. 

Many of these people are military officers and squadron commanders.  I was shocked and disgusted by the majority of my peers during COVID.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Got a late start to watching the Tour De France, but was shocked to see that all the riders and staff for the race are being required to wear masks and apparently the riders are being tested every day and will be kicked out of the race if they pop for COVID.

JFC this idiocy will just not die even when you think it finally has. 

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12 hours ago, kaputt said:

Got a late start to watching the Tour De France, but was shocked to see that all the riders and staff for the race are being required to wear masks and apparently the riders are being tested every day and will be kicked out of the race if they pop for COVID.

JFC this idiocy will just not die even when you think it finally has. 


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 7/2/2023 at 8:29 PM, kaputt said:

Got a late start to watching the Tour De France, but was shocked to see that all the riders and staff for the race are being required to wear masks and apparently the riders are being tested every day and will be kicked out of the race if they pop for COVID.

JFC this idiocy will just not die even when you think it finally has. 

If only they tested that meticulously for steroids, the sport might have a shred of credibility.. maybe even a fan base numbering in the many dozens

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