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dream big

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dream big last won the day on June 15

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Gray Beard

Gray Beard (4/4)



  1. Our leaders need to grow a pair because their army counterparts are not special.
  2. They’ve been attacking us and making a mockery of us for years now, just below the threshold of armed conflict, because they know we are currently a bunch of giant pussies who won’t do anything about it. Houthis, IAMGs, Russian EA attacks in Eastern Europe, list goes on.
  3. Would love to see him resign in protest. SACEUR has made similar comments about our failure in Ukraine and deterring Russia in smaller groups. Can’t wait till this incompetent affirmative action administration gets dismantled in January.
  4. Why? Let them have their morale, doesn’t bother me as long as they don’t suck at their jobs
  5. Don’t sleep with your instructors, don’t joke about doing drugs, don’t do stupid shit in San Anton, that should cover it. Enjoy UPT!!
  6. JD Vance announced as Trump’s VP. Former marine. Should be a nice change from the cackling hoe.
  7. They’ll just spin it as him being old and that we are being mean for making fun of his age, and that Biden has had a long successful career who saved democracy from the clenches of Trump’s teeth and only recently is he slipping due to old age. When in reality, anyone who has been paying attention would see Biden had always been a bumbling halfwit his whole career. Sometimes bumbling halfwits are useful, they’ll do what their handlers tell them and obey the party line.
  8. A few, I also know of a sitting OG/CC that asked not to be promoted to 0-6. Air Force will do what Air Force wants she does not give a F about you. Try it if you want out, worse that happens is that they don’t consider it.
  9. The devil they know, and they know Biden since he’s been in politics longer than Biff has been alive. Kamala was supposed to be the new face and “future of the party,” and now Dems are realizing she’s as popular as cancer. They are uncomfortable with any potential for surprises with a new candidate. Plus, Biden did beat Trump in 2020. Finally, the Dems don’t take kindly to those who step out of the party line. Kyrsten Sinema and Tulsi come to mind.
  10. Back to what’s wrong in the AF: current ACC commander, if I’m not mistaken he’s the same cat back in 2013 when he was the 9th AETF commander in Afghanistan where he was complaining that the squadron’s floors were too dusty (in Kandahar, where poop and dust flies).
  11. Services? When I was in the LPA (simpler times, man I miss it) we funded our own burgers and condiments. Good quality meat, even added bacon. We were always ahead of budget so it was an every Friday thing. Screw Services!
  12. https://www.acc.af.mil/News/Article-Display/Article/3809385/aim-high-acc-implements-new-inspection-requirements-at-all-wings/ This should get interesting, I haven’t done an open ranks inspection since I was a cadet. I wonder if other MAJCOMs will follow suite?
  13. Certain staffs where that’s the norm, and you don’t get to fly. Factor that in to your decision to stay AD.
  14. Yes 100%. You want to have a big spectacle anytime you have the “first all female cockpit, flyover, etc”? Time to put your money where your mouth is feminists. I’m all about equality. Same PT standards while we are at it!
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