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tac airlifter

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  1. Good question. No way Biden wrote that resignation letter, and his voice call in today sounded off. Utterly bizarre. I think interesting news is headed for us.
  2. lol, we readjusted the timeline to Monday so I'll be sending you a bottle 🇺🇸 double or nothing on who the replacement will be? Just kidding, I would not make that bet; I have no idea. Chaos. curious to see Democrats articulate how Biden can be too old & retarded to run again while still allowing him to remain POTUS now.
  3. Want to bet a bottle? I'll take any chance to gamble 🥰
  4. Would be a smart tactic to let JD pick up the attack role while Trump softens & focuses on uniting. TBD. Momentum seems to favor the R ticket; I'm curious to see developments with the D ticket between now & their Aug convention.
  5. Not a huge Walsh fan, but he knocked this one out of the park. Worth 21 minutes of your time, but his logic solidifies at 11:20 if you want to skip forward. Basically, it's not possible for Democrats to reconcile Trump being an "existential threat to democracy" with the post-assassination platitudes of "all political violence must always be condemned."
  6. I thought the same thing, unless you're a trained sniper with the right equipment headshots are inadvisable. speaking of head shots, the shooter is looking good here. Appears to be an entry wound above left eye and exit behind right ear. Well done to USSS team who shacked this one.
  7. Yep, that happened. I can't see the date on my tiny screen but I remember it as being maybe 16 years ago? it's funny to remember blues Monday; what a waste of time and effort that did not accomplish its objective of professionalizing the force, but certainly unified the troops in contempt for senior leadership. Having now retired and looking back I'm amazed at how seemingly smart people can climb the ranks to become senior officers and just do and say and think the dumbest possible shit.
  8. I saw that testimony. Dude should have been fired on the spot and banned from any future government job and run out of town chased by an angry mob. Instead he's laughing about this video while you continue to pay his salary. This exemplifies Trump's enduring appeal to voters. There really is a deep state of unaccountable bureaucrats & it's infuriating. We have no mechanism to deal with these people so a dude who will fire them at any cost becomes very attractive despite his many glaring flaws; his candidacy becomes more attractive as these bureaucrats use lawfare attempting to prevent him from running. The left can't grasp DJTs appeal because they aren't angered by testimony like this, they don't get why many of us don't like him but will absolutely support him. He is our only tool to crush asshole tyrants like this dude.
  9. This is worth 2 minutes of your time. POTUS has Parkinson’s according to this expert (BTW, are we still “trusting the experts? lol). Maybe Fauci (who thinks Biden is fit to remain POTUS for another term) can get 51 doctors to sign a letter stating as much.
  10. Even if those guys had armed overwatch, there was a political calculation to not arm the overwatch on that AO at that time. If US troops or citizens are on the ground with ISR overhead, that ISR should ALWAYS be armed. How many times do we have to learn the same lesson? A deliberate decision to take hellfires off an MQ9 or other assets when that aircraft is headed to support a ground team is criminal command malfeasance in my opinion. If a politician orders it, GOs should resign in protest but the ugly truth is that many GOs issue those restrictions without ever asking to launch aircraft armed.
  11. Good things POTUS level emergencies only occur between 1000-2000 M-F 😂 Clown world bro
  12. No, as I said, pure speculation from me. But I’m right, lol!
  13. There's an entire industry behind that answer, and I'm speculating (but I'm right, lol). The technology of what is possible for such items can fit through legal loopholes. "Just a bug" doesn't do it credit, but every weird idea and tech we used during GWOT has been improved and incorporated into FBI arsenal. Does it make sense they were searching his wife's underwear drawer, or does it make more sense they tore his place apart looking for documents (whose location was known) as pretense for leaving monitoring devices? Consider what the FBI has already done to Trump: spied on his campaign (and lied about it), colluded with the Clinton campaign to promote the fake Russian dossier, entrapped and ruined his close advisors (Flynn among others), etc. And that was before he fired Comey and they stepped it up. Yes, my statement is unsupported speculation but logical and fits the pattern.
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