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uhhello last won the day on June 10

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  1. Jesus. That one is rough. Getting called out as a fatty and two MX dudes popping hot. But hey, they have done a bunch of deployments recently.....
  2. Who and where is the current president?
  3. https://x.com/sentdefender/status/1814467462512914769 Several hours before last night’s Houthi Drone Attack on the City of Tel Aviv in Central Israel; the Commander of U.S. Central Command, General Michael E. Kurilla, who had just wrapped-up a Trip to Israel where he met with Israeli Intelligence and Military Officials, had Penned a Letter to Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin in which he states the Campaign against the Houthis in Yemen has been a clear Failure, due to an Unwillingness by Officials to Commit to the Operation because of Escalation Fears. General Kurilla further stated in the Letter that if this is allowed to continue, American Servicemembers will Die.
  4. New rumour is he drops out of race this weekend. Open DNC delegate selection of Harris and possibly three others. Harris will NOT be endorsed by Biden.......Going to be a interesting weekend. If he's president till inauguration it's going to get sporty.
  5. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13647349/California-school-punished-girl-black-lives-matter-drawing.html
  6. Former Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and President Joe Biden reportedly had an Intense Phone Call recently which involved Pelosi flatly telling Biden that if he continues to seek a Second Presidential Term, it could Damage the Democratic Party’s Attempt to Retake the House in November and even make them Lose the Senate, with her further telling Biden that Polls show he cannot Win against Former President Donald Trump. Biden is said to have then gotten Defensive, stating he has seen Polls which indicate he can Win, with Pelosi asking a Biden Advisor to get on the Call and show her those Polls.
  7. Hillary Clinton was seen open mouth kissing him the day prior
  8. Apparently the shooters building was the staging area for response team 🙂 Counter sniper wasn't sure if it was 'one of ours'. This investigation is going to be sporty.
  9. It's mind boggling to hear lots of talk for more 'gun free' zones. That def would have stopped this.
  10. Sounds like deputy was able to get on roof, shooter turned to face him, deputy fell to ground, shooter started shooting, overwatch took him down. Some reporting that shooter engaged overwatch first, thats why there was the flinch by the overwatch. Overall, everyone got SUPER LUCKY. Minus the fan in the crowd.
  11. Exactly how I envision it going down
  12. How does it translate to votes though? The people who are fired up about it were already voting for him. Maybe it boosts turnout a bit.
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