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Biff_T last won the day on May 13

Biff_T had the most liked content!

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Orange County, CA
  • Interests
    USAF: 1998-2018
    2A753, Q1A071, Q11H3C

    ATP: ERJ-170, ERJ-190

    A few other fixed wing and helos.

    A Space Shuttle to Uranus.

    Does Space A still Exist?

    Trollin' for skank in HB

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Gray Beard

Gray Beard (4/4)



  1. That was a hard one sts. The two former Irish players scored against us. Declan Rice and Jack Grealish have a special place in hell. Lol
  2. Ireland vs England in 16 minutes. Fuck England!
  3. Biff_T


    A song about mental illness. Some of us may understand this.
  4. https://www.airandspaceforces.com/air-force-a-10-pilot-retire/ Brrrrrt....7,500 hours in a hog . JFC Get this dude a beer.
  5. My favorite video is the Taliban Blackhawk crashing. They had that beast flying for a few months until Allah pulled it into the dirt.
  6. How can I get that job? Imagine the parties you'd get invited to.
  7. Fart cans are a must. Gotta get that Honda Fit 3 extra hp.
  8. The plus is that there will be a lot of Russian women for us westerners to enjoy. In all seriousness, what a waste of human lives. War for nothing but a few hundred square miles of territory. At least the weapons manufacturers are getting richer.
  9. Russia and this war are good for the old checking account. Not mine, of course, but some old dudes' in control of the war machine.
  10. Reminds me of Milton and that red stapler.
  11. For reference: https://theaviationist.com/2024/09/02/utah-ng-apache-crash/ This seemed funny to me so I'm going to type it out. Was that Utah ANG O-6 a CC somewhere? If so, he literally dropped like a fly...
  12. The USAF's newest multi engine trainer! All that sweet muti engine time to yourself. Edit: Imagine an elephant walk with this behemoth. 40 Colombian Cri Cris taxing out for the big one (sts).
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