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Biff_T last won the day on May 13

Biff_T had the most liked content!

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Orange County, CA
  • Interests
    USAF: 1998-2018
    2A753, Q1A071, Q11H3C

    ATP: ERJ-170, ERJ-190

    A few other fixed wing and helos.

    A Space Shuttle to Uranus.

    Does Space A still Exist?

    Trollin' for skank in HB

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Gray Beard

Gray Beard (4/4)



  1. This is not a good tune for those loyal to the crown.
  2. Phil Collins, otherwise known as the Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan. David Bowie had a black wife. For a long time. They were still together when he died. Brown Sugar, by the Rolling Stones, is about heroin. The person who wrote this article is retarded. Fuck the person who decided Sgt Peralta wasnt the right kind of dead when he was destroyed by a grenade. Fuck them to death. If you (said non combatant) ever reads this, PM me. Im serious.
  3. https://www.cnn.com/2024/07/23/science/cocaine-sharks-brazil-scli-intl-scn/index.html
  4. Biff_T

    Jeremiah Weed

    JW is not that bad. Im just a mouth breathing helo dude but I had a few good times with JW, only with 11Fs. Never drank it in a helo sqd bar.
  5. Hahahahah The crazy libs had their "shot" to destory democracy already. Give Trump a break...JFC
  6. https://www.autoevolution.com/news/jolly-green-ii-helicopter-disturbs-atlantic-ocean-peace-as-it-pulls-a-human-out-237371.html This thing is a sexy beast! The CSAR dudes got a nice new ride! Hell yeah
  7. They are trying to erase the Irish from the historic annals of Disney. McGrowl, I think his family came from Galway.
  8. San Antonio for baby fighter pilot school. Not a bad gig. Nevermind, Don't change your orders.
  9. Ths irony is that there are 100s of people still doing "time" because of her.
  10. Dont let the door hit you. Oh yeah, I think Biden was the first American President to admit showering with his daughter....when she was a tween. One more thing President Biden, the economy is shit.
  11. Especially the dudes, keep an eye out for the eagle drivers, they'll touch you where you pee. Try to change your orders to KEND. That is all.
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