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Boomer6 last won the day on September 6

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  1. The word on the street is the bobs spent a significant amount of time discussing all the things mentioned in this email at a recent Bobathon. Apparently its a priority for the big Bob, and said wg/cc is obviously planning to be somebody. No word yet on what we're doing about China..
  2. In some old school systems you can do this by overflying a point with a known lat/lon (VOR/airfield etc.), setting said lat/lon, and updating the INS when over the point. Essentially telling the INS, "here's our location, now do math.." It's not something that you're gonna fly an RNAV from, but it'd be a lot better than having your pos be over BFE when you're on final at ATL.
  3. This fits here,watch until the end: https://www.instagram.com/reel/DAGg9QWtcDR/?igsh=YWV3a3JreW1mbnh4
  4. We'd need actual leaders in leadership positions.
  5. The Marines have been doing ACE for ~250 years and we're over here in an O-6 circle jerk trying to get approval for hot re-arming in a hot pit area.
  6. If you didn't read the book that was referenced then your take makes sense. It describes specific AFGAN SOF members and interpreters that saved american lives that the US granted SIVs to, groups of young women, as well as US citizens. Yes, I think we have/had an obligation to help those specific individuals. They were abandoned by their government and their MIL leadership, and by all accounts resisted to their utmost. How we porked away not prioritizing their evacuation first, or only their evacuation is mind boggling. I definitely agree the knee pad wearers deciding who was allowed on our jets went full retard.
  7. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/navy-leader-demoted-after-conspired-chiefs-run-illegal-wifi-network-warship-prompted-secur Not a commander, but still. Seems like a light punishment. Navy has gone soft since keel hauling was outlawed.
  8. Unfortunately, this is the kind of rumor you get when the bobs start, what some would call, bold facing lying to students. They're being told they'll do one assignment and then go to fighters. At one base they're also being told they may get sent to IFF before their heavy B-Course. Idk if the bobs are afraid they're going to have a revolt when this next -38 drop happens, or if they actually believe the BS they're telling studs. Flt/CCs gave their studs the drop sheet for the one this week (all 3 regular upt bases) and let them decide amongst themselves who was going where. The good news is there are no UAVs in the drop.
  9. Yes. Although now they get wings post T-6's...
  10. The last time your team was relevent the Motorola razr was the new hotness, The Rock had hair, ppl actually wrote in cursive, and BQZip's mom had a body count below triple digits.
  11. Are you asking why they tried a second cable engagement on a RWY that had another cable available w/ calm winds. Or why they chose to fly ~30 miles away to Lemoore instead of 140 miles with minimum fuel and a hydraulic problem?
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