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Lord Ratner

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Lord Ratner last won the day on July 15

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Gray Beard

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  1. Imagine for one second *wanting* to be like the Army or Marines. Yikes.
  2. Obviously Biden hasn't been fit to serve, but he didn't say he was dropping out for health reasons. That was very tactical and obvious. Nobody on the Democratic side, and hopefully the Republican side, wants him to drop out because no one wants President Harris. No part of that would be good for this country, and she is not going to be an improvement over the Obama staffers that have been running the White House for 4 years now. Yeah, the will of the people has been subverted, but we can go another few months and get an elected president with the capacity to fulfill the duties of the office. The last thing we need is President Harris with only 4 months to perform as many executive actions as possible to justify her presidency and position as the incumbent.
  3. What? Maduro goes when he is killed. The Venezuelans should get on it. I get what you're saying, but if they don't get rid of him, he will be replaced by another "not going anywhere" dictator. Kinda how he replaced Chavez...
  4. Who's job is it to fix Venezuela if not the Venezuelans? Zero asylum for adults males and childless females.
  5. The real power move would have been "that's what your Dad says."
  6. AA won't now either. They got spooked by some guy who is threatening to sue and even doing an embry riddle study for evidence, so they standardized everything against beards to cover their bases
  7. Seriously, my five o'clock shadow looks like 5 days of growth for some of these children we are hiring 😂
  8. Found the guy who can't grow a beard 😂🤣
  9. I have a theory that the people who are against beards are the same people who can't grow a good looking beard. I'm happy to be proven wrong if someone wants to post a selfie, but anecdotally it's been a pretty consistent coincidence. I also find it hilarious when people argue that beards don't look professional. The period of time where professionals were clean shaven is quite minimal compared to the period of time where the baddest motherfuckers on the planet all have beards. And in fact, even in this era the real badasses still have beards. Of course there are a subset of men who are not blessed with follicle dominance, yet still insist on foisting their inferior peach fuzz lady-beards on society. But I suspect the involuntary celibacy associated with such shameful, demeaning displays of facial inadequacy will purge them from the gene pool fast enough.
  10. I've flown with a couple. He is not popular.
  11. No one thought DEI would get a president killed. If Trump hadn't turned his head, that's exactly where we'd be. You already get the B team when you're a former president. The number of women in charge of organizations that are massively skewed towards male participation, including the military, is statistical proof that we are selecting weaker leaders to promote a progressive vision of the world. We all knew this already, but now we're at the point in the story where the consequences start to manifest. Shapiro had a great point on this. Why are all the agents immediately around Trump smaller than him?
  12. There are a lot of people on the fence. They don't like the man, but they don't like what's happening around them more. This will be the final straw for many. Elon Musk is a good example. I expect more famous people to suddenly find their courage after this.
  13. That guy looks... Challenged. I hope nobody is expecting some sort of clear-cut ideology from this dude. The people crazy enough to do something like this, the same type of people who usually have some sort of manifesto, are rarely as political as they are just outright crazy. But this might be the best thing I could have ever happened to Trump. That's absolutely the photograph of the century, so far.
  14. This. Rhetoric has consequences.
  15. What's remarkable is that a judge who's sole job is to interpret and apply the Constitution would not be familiar with the state constitutions that preceded the US Constitution. While Virginia is the most likely "original source" for the second amendment, the other states had versions that explicitly codified self-defense as a function of the right to bear arms.
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