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SurelySerious last won the day on July 4 2022

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    Flying, auto racing, photography, reading, music.

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Gray Beard (4/4)



  1. Well shit the author is a nav. Hadn’t considered that.
  2. Sounds like if they didn’t brief or pay attention to those things on this sortie, than it’s symptoms of the same problem that plays into not reading notams, not mentioning or briefing low vis crm, not using the appropriate callouts, etc.
  3. Have any of these people seen Navy flyer’s Thursday flight suits? Or the Friday ones with embroidery? FFS.
  4. Dean Phillips and Biden were the only pres candidates who got votes from my state, so I don’t know how Democratic Party delegates can go and put their say in at the convention for someone else and claim “democracy” is under some existential attack from other sources than their own organization.
  5. Wait, you started the same thread two times without doing something as simple as searching to see if maybe anyone has ever asked about Laughlin UPT in the last 69 years?
  6. First off, UTFSF https://www.flyingsquadron.com/forums/index.php?/topic/23503-Laughlin-UPT-info/page__view__findpost__p__498463
  7. Ugh, just saw that jackasses’ book in an airport bookstore. Least they could have done is put it with all the Danielle Steel books where it belongs.
  8. A pilot, maybe. Intel? Less likely.
  9. The fact the Lt Col couldn’t make the call is dumb. Make the UOD ABUs or whatever, who cares about a one time exception to an idiotic mandate? A shit unit commander.
  10. News piece is still posted on the website announcing it, leadership page says awaiting confirmation/assumption of command.
  11. This carries about the same weight in my mind as when the BBC writes an article that uses a bunch of reddit quotes as its source of authority.
  12. It has been eye opening to see how much the lack of pilots on staff affects strategic to operational planning and decision making. As a younger dude you think it’s just the guys flying tactically leaving AD and TFI that might lose the war… I scoffed the 13O program when it was started, but some of those dudes are saving AOCs right now since they know the process so well, but it still takes some corporate air force aviation knowledge -if you will- to steer them. We killed that program, though, so now there really are no AD volunteers.
  13. FIFY, although to be fair overall manning at AOCs tends to be 40%. More non pilots than not make up who is there for sure.
  14. Someone forgot mission analysis for their implied tasks.
  15. Pretty sure this should include an affiliation disclosure to the linked website and proof it passed an I’m not a robot test.
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