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  1. This Pentagon leadership is trash Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network mobile app
    9 points
  2. Damn, that statement of opinion was rough. Sounds like some heads will be rolling at Ellsworth soon. I especially liked the part where he illustrated that the MIP was overweight and that was why he got hurt in the ejection. Woof. After reading that report, this really makes me mad. They went and did a stand-off weapon sortie and I’m sure they did awesome. Then they went home and screwed up an ILS and wrecked an airplane. Even if you want to scoff all things non-tactical, that’s a W for the enemy because that asset is gone. Screwing up the monkey skills is bad enough but omitting several flight manual and v3 procedures for poor visibility is unsat. It’s also not uncommon in other communities. The cold weather correction one is interesting too. That one is confusing to alot of folks. It wouldn’t have made much of a difference on this (20 feet), but still interesting that 8 dudes didn’t think about it with -5°c. Im very interested to see the SIB on this one. Tons of good info for all levels and roles to get out of this one. Thank God the crew is okay and that the egress folks did their job well.
    7 points
  3. Joe Biden stepping down because his judgment and cognitive ability are impaired, while instantly endorsing Kamala Harris for POTUS tells you everything you need to know about Harris.
    6 points
  4. Powerful picture for sure. I don’t really see the equivalency though. We can have a discussion on what Trump really said around January 6th and why your fellow American citizens were so angry with the way the government/media/social media, etc handled themselves leading up to that election. The irony is that these people have largely been proven right in their concerns over the 2020 election. They’ve been proven right based on where we are right now. Look around. It was all a sham. Biden was unfit then and he’s unfit now. The Democratic Party is collapsing under the weight of its own making. I was specifically referencing these sick and elderly politicians holding on to power up until the moment they die. They won’t let go. And I’m honestly wondering just how sick the President really is.
    6 points
  5. Who's job is it to fix Venezuela if not the Venezuelans? Zero asylum for adults males and childless females.
    5 points
  6. They aren’t the only ones… It’s insane the number of military aircraft with dual keyed GPS/INS that somehow we didn’t find the money to get approved in the national airspace. We also deliberately leave Copter RNAV points out of DAFIF so even if we were approach certified the points aren’t contained in the non corruptible database. “Oh cool we can enroute RNAV in VMC… thanks I was pretty much doing that anyway it’s called flying.” Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    4 points
  7. Recommend reading Operation Pineapple Express by Lt Col Scott Mann (ret.). First hand account of a group led by prior Green Berets to get former Afghan SOF/Interpreters and their families out prior to the U.S. exit. Libby has it for free on audiobook. Eye opening to say the least for someone that isn't familiar with what went down.
    4 points
  8. Previous AFGSC commander tried the same, because (direct quote) "we get made fun of a lot in joint environments" over stuff like that....ok, so? I make fun of Marines for eating crayons and Navy guys for living on a boat for eight months straight. Why do we have to conform to them? Same idea with why we just changed ever Vice Wing/CC's title to "Deputy"....so we can "align better with the joint force"...sorry, what? It's that hard to understand Vice Wing Commander vs Deputy Wing Commander?
    4 points
  9. Nancy Mace R-SC had the line of the inquiry so far...."Director Cheatle, you are full of SHIT!"
    4 points
  10. Biden statement overnight. Most presidential I’ve seen him in years. MOV_9019.mov
    4 points
  11. Have any of these people seen Navy flyer’s Thursday flight suits? Or the Friday ones with embroidery? FFS.
    3 points
  12. If the polls still showed a close race between Biden and Trump they would still be lying to us and telling us Biden’s doing fine. It was only when the polls showed Biden was losing big, did they take him down.
    3 points
  13. Clayton found me! Really cool to see him after so many years. Old Crow made it in today. Somehow, they got her fixed up. I'm part of the A-37 "Warbirds in Review" at 1000 , but with the rain it may be indoor and televised. SHFP: Mark's flown the -86. We shall see.
    3 points
  14. Who and where is the current president?
    3 points
  15. Definitely disagree with your refugee policy. I, myself, would like to fully enact Sir Ali G's policy:
    3 points
  16. Especially the dudes, keep an eye out for the eagle drivers, they'll touch you where you pee. Try to change your orders to KEND. That is all.
    3 points
  17. Make friends with someone with a boat.
    3 points
  18. Interesting song choice for you Tom Clancy fans. Remember the plot?
    3 points
  19. Well shit the author is a nav. Hadn’t considered that.
    2 points
  20. Our leaders need to grow a pair because their army counterparts are not special.
    2 points
  21. Big win for Rarebreed and their FRTs (triggers)!
    2 points
  22. This is actually a root cause for a lot of our problems. Our leaders are chastised by Army generals for thinking that pilots are special (because theirs aren’t). Kills bonuses and morale.
    2 points
  23. The hateful democrats are right back at it. Senator Chuck Shumer and Hakeen Jefferies just gave a press conference celebrating Kamala as the new Nominee and of course BOTH had to call Trump a "THREAT" to democracy.
    2 points
  24. I honestly get it. It’s the same concept as squadron Friday patches, color tee shirts, squadron ball caps, etc. People (myself included) love that shit. I genuinely don’t understand the aversion to allowing squadron pride. Current AFSOC CC turned off squadron Friday shirts when he was 1 SOW CC in the name of not trying to stand out in SOCOM. Not sure how Green Berets, PJ/CCT unique headgear, etc fit into that or if it’s just an anti “fighter culture” thing for flying units but it’s a bummer.
    2 points
  25. Biden has no upcoming public events. His signature does not match any previous signatures. His meeting with Netanyahu has been cancelled while the Israeli PM's plane in the air on the way to DC. It's a little strange. To anyone, especially our enemies, it would appear that there hasn't been a time in recent memory where America has been more vulnerable. If we make it through the next few months relatively unscathed, it will be a miracle... akin to dodging a bullet.
    2 points
  26. Recently had an unexpected, significant surgery. The day I got home my girlfriend's old man (RF-4 guy) pulled out this ancient bottle of weed and said 'looks like you could use some of this.' We took a shot, I was already high as a kite, immediately went to sleep. Good times.
    2 points
  27. From dementia to the key holder of the extreme left wing...gotta love Democrats.
    2 points
  28. Dont let the door hit you. Oh yeah, I think Biden was the first American President to admit showering with his daughter....when she was a tween. One more thing President Biden, the economy is shit.
    2 points
  29. I’ll be attending Wed-Fri…totally stoked, been on my bucket list forever!
    2 points
  30. Why? Let them have their morale, doesn’t bother me as long as they don’t suck at their jobs
    2 points
  31. I'll arrive in the A-37 Sunday afternoon. It departs Thursday morning early.
    2 points
  32. @M2 I wish, but no, the OP on the Amn/NCO/SNCO FB page clearly makes a way better / more salient argument than I did. But maybe this poster is a lurker here? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  33. I love my Citizen watches, especially the Eco-Drives with auto updating. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network mobile app
    1 point
  34. I tried, Biff: denied, "cleared straight in". 👎 It was a zoo getting in. But fun!!
    1 point
  35. Yup, just like Europe they skip countries where benefits / jobs are scarce I’m all for states / countries / cities / individuals voluntarily funding asylum seekers if they want with said asylum seekers given geographically restricted temporary visas with states / counties / cities not interested in that being able to bar / arrest / remove said asylum seekers if they leave the confines of their visa but we would have to still have federalism in practice to have that and we’ve been foolishly centralizing political power since the 30’s Just as we have LOAC but we still apply violence to achieve national security objectives we should apply force to prevent / remove illegal aliens but not have some mercy on some people truly in need of asylum I’m for coming up with a plan as this problem of people fleeing poverty / dysfunction is only likely to get worse and it’s NOT our sole responsibility amongst the wealthy and developed nations to absorb millions upon millions of people, we can take some but not nearly as many as the Left / Globalists imply we should We either figure out how to get to something sustainable and realistic or as the situation gets worse we will get someone who will take matters further than we want Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  36. Reminds me of the cold war days with the USSR when the various leaders disappeared from sight and Pravda said they were in good health to they are taking a break to they have a minor illness to they have a major illness to they are dead. Gorbachev was the first to walk away vs being carried out in a box. Democrats have always admired communists and long for the good old days.
    1 point
  37. Propagation has been depressing considering we are at the peak of the solar cycle. Maybe next time. There is no beacon to show when the frequency is open. Maybe listen for WWV on 10 and 15 mHz. I doubt there is any propagation into CONUS if you don't hear those. Satphones are fine. We are a backup. A number of our patches are from people who are unable to get their satphones to work. for whatever reason. It helps that we still support Morale calls and requests for scores, etc., especially during games like the Superbowl. It is a thrill for our operators when Air Force One calls in, on a fairly regular basis, to radio check. Thank you for trying and we appreciate all of your dedication and work. We understand being away from family and enjoy being able to do morale calls. Calls to young adults are the best. Hope we can assist you in the future.
    1 point
  38. The same as the role of the HH-60, MV-22, C-130, C-17, roro ships, landing craft, infantry fighting vehicles and every other platform or logistics entity that we have to deliver sustained combat power: Complete the mission that the pointy stealth aircraft allowed to happen. In the air force specifically OCA, DCA, and SEAD assets capable of existing in a high threat environment are the zambonis of warfare: They exist to create the environment for the real politics by other means to start occurring. You can't win the war them alone, but you can't win the war without them. Measuring every asset by it's ability to survive in a high threat environment is a false premise.
    1 point
  39. Wife: sends me lake cabins "oooh look, I almost think we can afford it" Me: oh hey, a fighter pilot W: wait, what? how could you tell that? Me: amongst other nondescript military memorabilia, a bottle of JW on the shelf W: ...
    1 point
  40. You think that's bad? https://www.dvidshub.net/image/4742523/hurlburt-field-retires-ac-130-gunship "AC-130U Spooky gunship tail number A0253 retires at Hurlburt Field, Florida, Sept. 11, 2018. On Oct. 22, 1997, Spooky A0253 and another AC-130U established the C-130 record for longest sustained flight with a 36 hour, nonstop 8,000-mile flight from Hurlburt Field to Taegu Air Base, Republic of Korea. (U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Dennis Spain)."
    1 point
  41. Wasn't really sure where to put this but on 21 April 2024 LtCol (ret) Sam Galloway flew West. Sam was the Navigator on the lead aircraft of the Operation Eagle Claw (Desert One) mission. Post AF he trained almost every MC-130H front ender that went through the FTU at Kirtland until he fully retired in 2011. Sam was a phenomenal instructor and also a genuinely fantastic human being, he'll be missed. Galloway, Sam | Gathering of Eagles Foundation (goefoundation.org)
    1 point
  42. They just announced their -46 version. However, not all of the watch works due to multiple FCIFs.
    1 point
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