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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/02/2023 in Posts

  1. I noticed nobody was fired for letting a Chinese spy balloon examine those sites…
    3 points
  2. It’s just Bashi’s alternate troll account.
    2 points
  3. It’s nothing compared to the total loss of earnings they’ll experience if they delay getting out. Need at least $100k to be in the ballpark. Now for those who are going to stay in anyways, fuck yeah you should grab that money.
    2 points
  4. Any piece of equipment that is used for weapons handling has to be explicitly inspected and certified for nuclear support. LRS is responsible for a ton of vehicles and equipment.
    2 points
  5. https://www.cnn.com/2023/03/01/us/black-families-home-school-reaj/index.html This lady didn't even marry a black dude and she's complaining about there not being enough black teachers at her son's school. She moved to a white neighborhood and complained about there not being enough black teachers? Is this bitch serious?
    2 points
  6. Look into brokerage link. We have an incredible 401k, and it allows you to contribute beyond the ~21k individual limit. In five years I've been able to max it out 4 times, and then with brokerage link you can invest it into *anything.*
    1 point
  7. It's about time. Men have spent thousands of years being told how hard it is to be a woman. Now we've only been doing it for a few years and we're already winning awards. Truly inspirational!
    1 point
  8. Just men taking over another aspect of society.
    1 point
  9. Hersey's used a transgender activist to promote international women's day! WTF?!?
    1 point
  10. @TheNewGazmo What these two dudes above said. If you want some solid, no-nonsense advise that's written in a form even a pilot can read quickly, read "The Simple Path to Wealth" by J.L. Collins. He discusses all this stuff in there.
    1 point
  11. Hahaha, I just came here to post that!
    1 point
  12. I only break out my IDGAF waiver when it’s a .80/320 one leg home on day 4.
    1 point
  13. The ANG will offer the tiered approach, and is shooting for $50k/yr for one of the higher commitment periods (maybe 4+ years?) That is not approved yet to my knowledge. So checks in the mail. Probably will come out within the next 60 days.
    1 point
  14. Again, if you pinned on in 2019 you already have TIG for O-5 for grey zone accrual considerations. active duty service in that grade is not required.
    1 point
  15. Word on the street is sexual discrimination was alleged by a previous DO, who apparently recorded a feedback session on their phone as evidence.
    1 point
  16. If your goal is to own broadly diversified stocks in your TSP, then yea, that’ll probably work. Are you going to rebalance to maintain those proportions? What do your other investments look like? Do you really have informed opinions on the right mix of stocks you could or should or would like to own (large cap / small cap / international) as represented by these three funds? Without knowing all the answers to the above, I would recommend pursuing one of the following strategies: 1. Simplicity: lifecycle fund closest to your estimated retirement date (actual retirement, eg age 65), then never think about it again. TSP will smartly adjust your allocation between the funds and slowly dial in more lower-risk assets into the mix as you age. 2. Optimization: consider your whole portfolio, rebalance, take advantage of TSP’s unique qualities (eg the G fund). Determine your portfolio-wide desired asset allocation (X% stocks, X% bonds, X% cash-equivalent) and adjust your TSP in concert with your other accounts. Rebalance every 6-9 months to maintain your desired allocation and adjust your desired allocation appropriately with age and changes in your risk tolerance. I currently do #2 because I enjoy investing and life optimization / scheming in general. Many people do not enjoy that at all however! #1 is a totally defensible choice IMHO…TSP is very low cost and an L fund chosen well will do about 69% of the work for you, automatically, for free. My perhaps different take on asset allocation: most folks who will receive a mil pension can afford to invest their other retirement savings much more aggressively, because you are backstopped by a life-long, inflation adjusted annuity backed by the most stable payer in the world. If you consult with a CFP, have them run an asset allocation for you with your expected pension and I bet they will let you know you can do much more swinging for the fences (allocating more toward stocks and possible alternatives) rather than the “normal” stock/bond allocations that adjust with age that are recommended for typical people who won’t ever enjoy a pension at all. Example: I’m late 30s and at about 90% stocks, 10% other, but I plan on staying in that zone likely into my late 50s or beyond, because my plan is an active duty O5 pension that would provide a tremendous cushion if stocks take a massive dump right as I’m “retiring.” Lots of upside, and my downside risk is covered because with my pension I’ll never be hungry or homeless or really lacking anything necessary.
    1 point
  17. Bit of useless trivia, the door gunner was originally casted as the drill Sgt , but the Gunny became a legend for his performance.
    1 point
  18. DoD acting like an abusive husband. “I know I hurt you, but I promise I won’t do it again…I’ve changed!”
    1 point
  19. Get your shave on. Midnight approaches.
    1 point
  20. 8 days a month!?!? How do they even have enough pay days for something like that? Are they forcing them to only log 1 pay card/day...if so, bail asap. I guess they don't understand the "part-time" idea behind the Guard/Reserve. I wouldn't even work in a fighter squadron that required 8 days a month. My squadron (fighters) only requires 4 days/month, but most guys do 5 or so. Most of my heavy brethren are only required to work 2 days/month. I'd recommend he try to get hired at a unit that is actually part-timer friendly, or look at an AOC or IMA gig.
    1 point
  21. Democrats upended our entire society, enabled the FBI to suppress free speech via tech companies thereby preventing actual doctors from informing the public of treatment options, went full totalitarian on forced injections and punished children who now suffer record heart attacks... without anything positive to show for it, do I have that right? I guess they did bludgeon Trump with their fake death counters to help get the China crony Biden "elected," and apparently C19 inadvertently escaped a Chinese bio weapons lab which Fauci helped fund. I'm sure some idiot will jump on here pointing out there's no proof Wuhan institute of virology was a bioweapons lab, because they naively believe the PLA have altruistic motives for tinkering with infectious diseases. There is no reconciliation without accountability. Fauci should be in prison along with several state governors. Will be interesting to see if we are capable of government accountability anymore.
    1 point
  22. We're so fucked when another one of these with actual consequences comes around. They have blown ANY shred of credibility away.
    1 point
  23. I guess they figured he already cheated death once. No need to tempt fate with an Osprey ride! (Kidding…kind of).
    1 point
  24. Funny you should post that. Years ago, I'm at Carlos Murphys West in Tucson for a 4th of July soiree. I'm with another A-10 dude and somehow we end up taking to this liberal couple. When they find out we are Hawg drivers, the liberal chick says, "How can you gun down women and children." Well, if ever a softball question was tossed my way, that was it. Just like the movie quote, I replied "It's easy, you just don't lead them as much." The shocked looks on their faces was absolutely priceless. We also ended up drinking with a midget wrestler who was the regional distributor for Coors but that's another story.
    1 point
  25. The truth is slowly coming out....and it is getting uglier by the minute.
    1 point
  26. $50K is a lot of money, young peeps. I recommend you sign early.
    -2 points
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