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hindsight2020 last won the day on May 31 2023

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About hindsight2020

  • Birthday 10/18/1981

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  1. Well, it's certainly not hyperbole, nor a conspiracy theory. That is the only language HAF responds to. They have a number. It's a political number, and they won't tell you what it is, but it's the one they find acceptable before at-scale recapitalization of primary and intermediate training is taken seriously. The rest of this exercise is nothing more than your typical morale-crushing regAF practice bleeding/running in place/pick your platitude/ people put up with until they too bail for the airlines. Which is why I no longer get my blood pressure up about all the malfeasance-by-inaction, nor the political double speak. Any time people of my age demo have spoken up about this issue, as members of the enterprise for longer than most regAF folks cycle through this assignment, all you get is tone policed and Luddite accussations. I've said my peace in official channels with nothing more than a scalded ass to show for it. Put it on my tab I guess, but I sleep with a clear conscience, having the displeasure of watching students buried in this line of work (Meat44, Mafia57, one other non-fatal but career-ender) so I don't say any of that flippantly. The AF has accepted atrocious gaps in basic training infrastructure for decades. The T-38 and the T-7 is the most glaring example, but the T-6 GPS is a poster child example as well, especially in the context of COTS solutions. To be clear, the -6s lack of NAS RNAV 1 compliance dates back to 2009, so they've been scoffing at it for a lot longer than this thread intimates. Back to the main thread: The mandate in 2018 was simple, make more brick, but no straw for you. In the 1980s, production was 25%+ higher, supported by a full complement of additional manning, aircraft and bases all over the sunbelt. The 1990s paved way to the biggest reduction in that footprint, and HAF has been demanding more brick ever since, and failing. So instead of heeding the advice of the so called luddites, they double down on the greening of the force by tech-sophistry proxy. I'll digress here for brevity, but will final add that there's a proud history of AETC [nee ATC] taking shaves in order to fund programs deemed higher pecking in ACC/TAC. Today that dynamic persists. Having a primary trainer in 2024 still sport a militarized KLN-90 and not even be civilian RNAV compliant is no technological manifest destiny. It's a solely political decision made with full knowledge of the deficit it creates. People can spare me the apologetics about equivalent training potato in CAF mission sets justifying equipment deficits in primary training. This shit is cheap as dirt in .civ/COTS land. This isn't the Orion capsule, nor any of this shit need PL1 asset EMP hardening specs. Digressing.
  2. That's the part that incenses me about that whole ordeal. The backstory is this female O-5 was fine with the whole TDY fun, while estranged from the husband anyways, husband of the female O found out, and someone now wanted to save face. Hell hath no fury like a female O scorned. Honestly should have punched the real ticket if you're gonna go through the legal trouble, but I'm gonna plead the 1 2 3 fo fif at this juncture and digress. Upon getting pinched by the hubby, she tried to cook the flag-O with a fraud SA allegation. That alone should land HER with a CM. But they lined her up good to testify against him and make an example of his imprudence. Latter which in this day and age honestly, at this level of female military membership, is long overdue for overhaul anyways. Bunch of anachronistic hem and haw of little operational import. I am indeed biased, I hold a false allegation of SA in much lower regard than the regular occurrence of military fraternization (and/or by-proxy adultery) that we're all aware of or privately guilty of, that nobody cares about on the daily, and that civilians don't even consider a crime. People can spare me the pearl clutching about "sexual temperance" in work life; go sell that warrior monk shit to someone else. I have seen it in my own squadron, what false allegations of domestic violence or SA can yield. Absolute waste of govt resources just because some Basic housewife and their like-clockwork mid life crisis didn't get her way on the divorce proceeding she initiated in the first place. Once acquited, zero effective recourse for these members for the pre-judicial harm done onto their lives and careers, as the military punishes you adminstratively while navigating hell through an eventual acquital. Given flag-O is gonna be restricted to RND for the next 60 days, remind me to shake his hand next time I see him getting gas at the Valero while I wait for the BK parolees to bag my nuggets on my next out n back 😄. I'd still take this guy over 'ol instagram scouring, artice 15 handing sourpuss Willie boy any day of the week and twice on sunday. And I digress again.
  3. special rate table supersedes locality pay (to wit, it's inclusive of it). As to the second question, don't know since I stopped looking at ARTs decades ago, but gonna go with probably with 'no'. Congrats on the active retirement, looking forward to locking in that eligibility myself here in 33.5 months (not that I'm counting 😄).
  4. Apropos of nothing, the gays, grannies and grandes fiasco was a windfall for the offender because of doxxing. Based on the online environment so far, it seems possible this FO could end up laughing all the way to the bank with a similar outcome.
  5. not to mention the scores of UIFs created on aircrews over kerfuffles with leadership over social media posting of aircraft/cockpit et al in the past. The reality on the ground is that outcomes are hardly consistent in this space. Then there's the witch hunts over political lampooning of senior leadership on social media, the doxxing that ensues. The whole thing is a mess.
  6. ...the Operation Warp Speed guy? 😁
  7. Has there been any discussion on legislation to make sub 50%ers offset-exempt for active retirees? That's about the only way I'd even bother with it tbh, given my generally favorable *knock on wood* state of health and unwillingness to malign range of motion potato.
  8. From where I sit, the implication appears to be that a guard baby is presumed to have a higher opportunity cost against airline work income access and progression vis a vis his regAF year group mirror, due to not being saddled with an ADSC while otherwise eligible for 121 shangri-la. That's a reductionist view of guard babies of course, though it is true the statistical majority of them do become airline pilots. I am an AFRC baby, I'm not an airline pilot. At any rate, if I was an 11F, the reasons for not pursuing it would be the schedules. My motivation for being a baby were always homesteading/control/schedules related. I only speak for n=1, but that's one answer from one baby. ymmv teto et al.
  9. Hold on, I need back of the room running start for this one....
  10. Weird, certain locales are even running CGOs doing the DO job, the lack of FGO bodies is that deep. You're either being too picky, or someone who is a somebody, doesn't like you. 😄 /s AETC will get ya mad air under ass, if you're willing. Sure, these well-to-do 121ers will make fun of ya, but pay them no mind. Come join us "scutwork flyers" down here in the salt mines. I got zero staff, zero ragrets for all my troubles in this life.... hell they're even promoting me! Unironically running in tandem with the best of what's left crowd, gets me 5k TT and 3k Talon patch (now that the T-7 is DOA before 2030 anyways) pretty much guaranteed at current book, before I even hit 20 TAFMS. IOW... So my fvcko roomates nicknamed me 'catfish' in undergrad, bfd..... sure as hell wasn't "Picky". More cushin' for the pushin' served me well. Rent was paid and I ate a hearty meal every other month. I'm a self-made man, so sue me. 🤣
  11. Numerically the egalitarian thing (especially for the much larger age 60 to 65 jump kerfuffle) would have been for the age extension to be enforceable on DOHs AFTER the govts' ratification date aka grandfathering. Alternatively, the other fair alternative, if they were arguing in good faith, would have been to implement without fencing, but support the extension of immediate recall rights (with full seniority restoration of course) to those previously mando-retired who were still younger than 65 (minus reasonable training footprint) by the govt's implementation date [December 13 2007]. ...And maddafacking crickets is what you hear when you proffer the latter. Tells me all I need to know about people's so called "sincerely held beliefs" on the age discrimination crusade front. In the end I don't think it's a generationally unique reflex, which is why I prefer a more all-inclusive terminology. I call them Twixers: Because no matter what you ask them, the answer is always Two for me None for you... 😄
  12. Fantastic shot. Reminds me of that [de]motivational poster lol.
  13. I've been in the AETC-flavored side of the TFI unholy alliance for 13 of my 18 years in this so-called career, and I can't say I've ever heard of an unqualified AFRC accessions incurring a UFT ADSC via RegAF switcharoo. I'm not aware of any accessions vehicle that would cover that request. Technically, he'd be stealing an OTS pilot slot in the current fiscal year in doing so, but that's also a hypothetical. What I do know is he has a a 10 year UFT RSC upon completion of wings to AFRC, and AFRC paid for him to go to UPT, not regAF. VLPADs do exist however, as does IMAs who can get activated for years (know of one who rode it for like 5). Both are, definitionally, temporary programs/statuses. They also generally deal with experienced folks in current and qualified status in whatever air force mission there is a shortage of full time manning. So that generally wouldn't help your buddy right now, as a 92T0 cannon fodder.
  14. apropos of nothing, CTP is prob going the way of the neanderthal with the B-21. Be that as it may, all bombers could drop from AMF-potato and the J85 hampered production wouldn't substantively improve.
  15. He meant his buddy was at the 'fuge and needed to complete the viper profile since that's what he got out of enjjpt. Not all assignable airframes have the same centrifuge profile requirement. Yes, A-10s are going away. A portion of Re-cats will naturally flow to 35s, but you'd be surprised the amount of people who don't want anything to do with 5gen potato (will digress on expanding on that for brevity). I know several here who do not want fat amy as a re-cat, but they were getting out anyways so the drawdown is merely a convenient segway.
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