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Swizzle last won the day on December 19 2023

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Gray Beard

Gray Beard (4/4)



  1. What was recently cancelled?
  2. https://www.nist.gov/pml/time-and-frequency-division/time-distribution/radio-station-wwv ...the more you know!
  3. ...Biden reportedly told donors: “I have one job, and that’s to beat Donald Trump. I’m absolutely //...// the best //...// it’s time to put Trump in a bullseye.” https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2024/07/13/biden-trump-bullseye-quote/74397121007/ https://www.telegraph.co.uk/us/news/2024/07/14/republicans-blame-biden-trump-assassination-attempt/ Both button rhetoric mashing?: https://www.forbes.com/sites/saradorn/2024/05/31/biden-calls-trumps-rhetoric-reckless-and-dangerous-after-guilty-verdict/
  4. Thought provoking: now what is the equivalent of a Mexican or Chinese restaurant in China if it's nothing but Latinos and Chinese??
  5. Swizzle

    Gun Talk

    One of BOPs own!?!?!?!? // 72-year-old // shooting at the drone // with a 9 mm pistol, the sheriff's office said. ...told police he tried to shoo the drone off and it didn't go away, so he shot at it." bullet hole was found in the Walmart payload! https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2024/07/01/florida-man-shoots-walmart-delivery-drone/74268022007/
  6. ...next few years (i.e. 3), ha!! based upon historical precedent... And not unique... for example AC-130Js drawdown: https://www.c4isrnet.com/battlefield-tech/2022/11/12/pentagon-quietly-downsizes-us-special-operations-fleet-of-gunships/ MC-130J conversions, and growth: https://www.twz.com/retirement-of-mc-130h-speeds-up-mc-130j-low-flying-radar-upgrade
  7. You missed my points - timeframe and outcome of battle/war matter. Man, Moment, Machine or something like that...it take more than just one of the three pieces to make a legend, and negating the others drops huge context...which someone finally brought up - a legacy. That's what right, but this thread is what's wrong. Afghanistan was wrong. Now then. Back to ORI's and failing to field, test and/or develop new military stuff quickly. Why cannot any military leader do that? It's a cluster f* And something about an AFMC Integration Czar: https://www.afmc.af.mil/Home/Strategic-Plan/
  8. So did an entire generation in Afghanistan, and we all know how...I digress
  9. I believe it, guessing he must be an idea driven man. The kind who lacks social skills and so focuses on ideas. So his human connectivity is centered about ideas. The kind of boring conversionalist who only desires to discuss academic ideas with perfect solutions but rarily admitting the irrantional, realist ideas. And, then if your academic ideas aren't good enough he feigns interest or cut-and-runs so as not to go into his weakness - messy, irrational real life. And in the case of the USAF's monumentous agency cost blows a mental gasket. But no doubt that he produces great rational-centric arguments. ...could be wrong however. Back to a pint
  10. BLUF: he has lingering emotional strings attached to Mother Blue and is angry she does dumb things. He attempts pursauesive logic to sway her irrationnal choice to no avail.
  11. 'Steam gauages' didn't stop my Huey time from being some of the BEST EVER flight experiences...ever. Something to be said about flying UNDER the ALS & ILS GS or landing on the postage-stamp HLZ! Saddle up, I'll go again!! Count this seat-meat in! (No Iranian iron however plz) The Osprey, however, is blocking my walk to the Huey! or the/any Herk!
  12. Side note: new AFI 10-217 governing aircrew training signed by recent former AFSOC/CC governs much of this new virtual training. Ironically this new Aircrew Training Devices AFI release overwrote the former AFI topic which was the 'READY program' And yup, Redbirds of 48th FTS @Moody: Favorite article quote, "...maintaining the rate of production the Air Force needs...". So not growing? But maintaining 🤔
  13. Augmented reality CRM, what could be better? Break, break: The first aircrew to hack AMF-S gets accolades. Imagine 'enhancing and modifying' the co-pilots visual appearance for better CRM!? What could go wrong?
  14. https://www.aetc.af.mil/News/Article-Display/Article/3415004/first-class-air-mobility-fundamentals-simulator-course-graduates-at-vance-afb
  15. Yeesh, got issues? Why the personnal attack on him? Cannot you not see the saying's wisdom that rules, this case political boundaries, are nearly ever absolute and context matters? Situations change and decisions adjust, boundaries adjust, and 'rules' revised. Even in matters of great importance like potentially escalatory actions against a nuclear superpower which seem make you blindy lash out against strangers. So, why this wild animalistic behavior? Scared of assertiveness? Like Providing weapons without restrictions because the situation changed.
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