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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/07/2020 in Posts

  1. If you don’t think we’re at war with Iran and their (former) leader of the Quds Force then you’re completely naive. That was a fantastic move to me. And I know I’m as jaded as they come, but IDGAF about what Trump says about how he feels about the troops. I don’t care if he doesn’t understand the deep inner psyche of military members and why we joined. Keep modernizing the force, stop cupping China’s nuts, empower the leaders in the military, and make our “allies” do their part.
    5 points
  2. I wish it wasn't so simple. But it is.
    4 points
  3. Americans can't differentiate entertainment from journalism. Also Trump calls anything that isn't state-sponsored propaganda lies, even stuff that is entirely backed up by fact, corroborating evidence, or in some cases even video/photographic evidence. It was literally the firs thing his administration did when he marched Spicer out to complain about crowd sizes, when the truth was evident. You all follow him into the indefensible positions and just attack the source and not the content or facts. Once your base believes your blatant lies, you can then call anything into question. The right want to rail against anonymous sources, while Trump himself is one of the more renowned anonymous sources. He loves to talk to the press, and has been doing it for years and you think he suddenly stops when he gets into the oval office? He loves Haberman and is probably the source for a lot of her "a senior official" stories. It's his thing...he floats ideas out there anonymously...when they flop with his base he calls them lies. What would you do as a reporter when Trump, Kelly, Mattis, Kushner, Pompeo, Barr etc. call you up and give you a story scoop but then tell you to not quote them, but use them as an anonymous source? Literally every one of them do it, because they all have their PFA within the administration and are jockeying for power, and use the press to move the ball behind the scenes. It's an integral part of the process, and yes it is up to the journalist to sift through the drivel, but in the end if the journalist wasn't there they have to rely on their sources and how reputable they are. How do you think journalistic integrity could be fixed in the eyes of the right and there be actual critical reporting of their actions and policy and still be viewed positively? It's entirely not possible...the right is to the point that even Fox News is seen as being too left.
    2 points
  4. I think your biggest fallacy here though with journalist is most people don't believe they are professional or have integrity. American opinion of journal media is at an all time low. Also, I don't want a story. I want information. Let me make conjectures about what that information means. Your story is just opinionated rubbish that needs to stay between a journalist and their friends.
    2 points
  5. Say what you will, but this race reminded me why Hamilton is who he is. Accepting a 30ish second penalty and dead last and still being able to move himself back into 7th position was impressive and dare I say, fun to watch. I think it speaks to his skill that he was able to overcome 10 places while Bottas pretty much stayed in the same spot after the red flag penalty was imposed. I thoroughly enjoyed the “shakeup” in this race and hope to see more unexpected outcomes as McLaren starts contending.
    2 points
  6. Check out the AFSOC Commander page for a couple dozen videos from Slyfe about diversity and some really awkward "real talks." AFSOC has gone full corporate.
    2 points
  7. If you’re a journalist, don’t editorialize your opinion in the news reporting. There’s an Op-Ed section for this specific distinction.
    1 point
  8. The journalistic track record using the last 3 years isn't a good one. How many stories based on "anonymous" sources turned out to be a total fabrication? News networks and journalists banged the RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA drum for how many years interviewing how many sources (Schiff, Clapper, Brennan come to mind) and were told "We have proof" and, yet, no interest in finding out why they were lied to, and more importantly, why they lied to the American people over and over again. Oddly enough, they didn't lie to Congress but not a wisp of interest as to why. Journalists have not done themselves any favors over the last couple years so it's hard to put much stock in their reportage.
    1 point
  9. It’s been all downhill from here.
    1 point
  10. In the opinion of his peers, which to me and many others, means nothing. You are quick the throw cable news under the bus but don't realize most people are already talking past that. What critical thinking are you performing when analyzing an article like Goldberg's? Did you ask what Goldberg has to gain from it? What does his publisher have to gain? What exactly is he saying, and more importantly, what exactly did he leave out? I think by now everyone knows I have an extraordinary low opinion of ALL journalist. (Really, I think they are among the lowest people in society.) I'm sure a lot of journalism out there is fine. But i trust it so much as I trust a Jeppeson approach plate without an approach plate review on a foreign airfield. Edit: In case anyone ask, no, I didn't catch my wife sleeping with a journalist. I just genuinely find them despicable people.
    1 point
  11. Indeed. That was a phenomenal performance going from easily first, to dead last due his team missing the call, to roaring back to 7th. He got performance from his car and, due to his really remarkable skill while, as you note, Bottas couldn't seem to get it together with the same car. I also commend Hamilton for accepting the responsibility for the missed call after he checked with the stewards. Bold move to challenge them, but then very classy to admit, "Yep, you're right. Valid call." I was really hoping old man Kimi could make it happen but he got bounced by everybody and their brother very quickly while flogging that Ferrari-lite car. I was then pulling for Sainz to make it to first, but good on Gasly. Gotta be some tension at Red Bull and Albon being nervous. Also, as noted above - Ferrari. LOL.
    1 point
  12. I've had to explain to a few wives that they weren't choosing between living close to their family and not living close. They were choosing between whether their kids got to see dad or the grandparents more. Obviously a simplification, but most do not realize that it's *a lot* more than just the hubby having to leave earlier in the morning to catch their commuter flight.
    1 point
  13. Cougar Baron: It’s the Baron you like but thoroughly upgraded, with fresher paint and new, larger, firmer glass cockpit and a strong desire to go out for a spin. Also comes with a drinking habit, divorce, 2 grown kids and a carton of Newport’s.
    1 point
  14. So to be clear and I can understand: Anonymous sources = good. On-the-record = bad. "Mostly peaceful" riots = good Church services = bad Trump going to Kenosha = bad Biden going to Kenosha = good Unending wars/military commitments = bad Trump reducing military commitments/not getting us into wars = bad
    1 point
  15. Ok, definitely retract my statement about “W” as I can personally attest to his care and compassion for the Troops he sent in harms way. Actually had him on board of one our Air Evac Missions which we dominated for years coming into Andrews AFB from the sandbox, both of them. He routinely had AF1 going into a holding pattern and let us land before he did (to include AE troops unloading during the normal shutdown). One of our crews experienced “W” coming board, shutting the doors (keeping press off) after the CCATT left to visit with our patients prior to movement to Walter Reed. Actually laid on the floor next to a double amputee in his suit. Thanks for making me think about that as I misspoke regarding “W”. Like him or not as President, he did care. Obama always made us hold and rightfully so regulation wise, but no Grace whatsoever. Clinton’s era - worked first tour in D.C. and you could feel the rift. Disliked Sir Bill so much prior to meeting him. Truly impressed with his charisma and he was tough to dislike and hated myself for it -A True Politician. During their last party out of the Whitehouse, they also trashed AF1... Presidential hardware, dish ware, silverware gone, carpet stains (Wine, etc.) excessive damage for the incoming administration shows true colors. (My former Crew Chief gave a fantastic tour and mentioned all the work they had to do) Won’t drag in Biden as he hasn’t had to make decisions involving War with his lone shoulders taking the brunt of it. Not like he can make his own decisions now. So where will leadership come from - Really need to focus on Harris. Biden isn’t President as of yet and we can judge him later if he is and puts flesh at risk. Undeniably Biden has experienced even greater trauma beyond his military son’s death (JAG) due to brain cancer. Even more unfortunate times for Biden during the early years losing his wife and daughter which is tragic. Smacking Qasem Salami down sends a message. That was long overdue... If you have been coddled, are time out centric, have a 12th place trophy and rely on safe spaces you will never understand what getting spanked is really all about. Sometimes you have to show the limit when people or countries are searching for it.
    1 point
  16. My logic is literally thousands of American casualties (603 deaths CAO 2019) are directly linked to Iran. And the primary culprit of those are proxies led by the Quds Force. And Soleimani was the leader of the Quds Force. https://www.militarytimes.com/news/your-military/2019/04/04/iran-killed-more-us-troops-in-iraq-than-previously-known-pentagon-says/ I’m not going point for point with you on the other talking points because I’m not pro-Trump and there’s no point. But the Soleimani one piques my interest whenever that gets brought up as a bad thing.
    1 point
  17. Sounds like they did a nice job bringing it back to the runway safely. Kudos to the controller for not being too intrusive or attempting to fly their jet for them.
    1 point
  18. Here's a list of "NEW" wars/conflicts the US has been involved in since the mid 1970's. President Ford was the last President to not get the US involved in a new war/conflict. POTUS Scorecard for getting the US involved in "NEW" wars/conflicts (I only covered the new war/conflict start dates not the war/conflict end dates). The timeframe covered is from President Ford to President Trump; - President Ford = He got the US involved in "Zero" New Wars/Conflicts during his term in office. President Carter = He got the US involved in "Two" New Wars/Conflicts (One Minor League Conflict and One Doozy with lots of blowback) during his term in office. - President Reagan = He got the US involved in "Seven" New Wars/Conflicts during his term in office. - President HW Bush = He got the US involved in "Five" New Wars/Conflicts during his term in office. - President Clinton = He got the US involved in "Three" New Wars/Conflicts during his term in office. - President GW Bush = He got the US involved in "Five" New Wars/Conflicts during his term in office. - President Obama = He got the US involved in "Seven" New Wars/Conflicts during his term in office. - President Trump = So far he has gotten the US involved in "Zero" New Wars/Conflicts during his term in office.
    1 point
  19. Unscientifically determined, but the mini displays approach plates the same size as a real, paper one. I use a RAM mount suctioned to the window. Works great in a 172 if you mount it on the little side window, where it does not block too much of your view. RE: the A20, yeah they’re pricey, but worth it. I can’t fly with anything else now. Periodically, Bose will run deals. I got mine on a $90/month for 10 months, no interest financing.
    1 point
  20. I think your bottom assessment is pretty accurate. People will still vote for him regardless because of policy though and not what he thinks. He's said some crappy things but he has also come a long way at getting us disentangled in the ME, which I think most troops care more about than statements about our nature.
    1 point
  21. YGBSM.... This sounds like someone who needs to be outed. What sq?
    1 point
  22. Atlantic publishes "anonymously sourced" article last night. On the record sources, including infamous John Bolton, say it's false. Well-produced and scripted Democrat attack ads released using the story today, within 8 hours of the release. Same for the anti-Trump veterans letters being distributed citing the piece as evidence. Same outlet, among others, was 24/7 "Russia, Russia, Russia." Color me squint-eyed and a little cynical about another type of collusion. Not to mention, nary a word anywhere about a FOIA lawsuit filed this week against Secret Service for admittedly destroying records regarding Biden feeling up the wife of an agent at a photo op. Agent had to be physically restrained from decking "Fingers." Nothing to see here. Move along...
    1 point
  23. Wokeness training is cancelled. Signed - POTUS. https://www.whitehouse.gov/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/M-20-34.pdf
    1 point
  24. We are literally de-evolving intellectually as a species. The entire point of The Enlightenment was the idea that humans could use logic and reason to transcend what had previously been tribal barriers to knowledge and understanding of other humans. That the human experience was common to all humans, and that personal experience (e.g. "my truth") could be understood and empathized with by other humans. People are now being taught from a young age -- not just through formal education, but through social cues and other informal learning, and in a wide variety of social and cultural groups -- that one's identity group is the most important characteristic of their existence, which is the diametric opposite concept. This is a road that has a bad end for human civilization.
    1 point
  25. We had a Kuwaiti student who washed back so many times, he went back through the same T-38 flight. We had actual grade books back then, and he had Volume I and Volume II. The embassy kept paying, so we kept flying him. He apparently ended up being some kind of Kuwaiti war hero for his efforts in the A-4 when the Iraqis invaded and ran the Kuwaiti Air Force out.
    1 point
  26. Ha haaa he said “feedback”. I think that’s the thing on your OPR where you just pick a random date and put it in the blank while you’re writing it for yourself.... Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network mobile app
    1 point
  27. SocialD and Prozac are sooooo right and said it best = SENIORITY is everything. Everything trickles down from there. Bypassed Captain for several years now, but I eventually will bite. Want the Clams, don’t need the clams as lifestyle is everything at this stage. Everyone is different and will choose a different path accordingly. Several Captains have given me crap within 10 mins of meeting downstairs, but all I say is “Have you ever been #1 anywhere???” Granted, #1 at my base specifically, not most of the others. I would have been 5 from the BOTTOM as a Captain same base with absolutely no control. Most Captains appreciate and understand my position, especially having someone sleep opposite rest periods as I have been dragging around the world with our non-standard operation for quite awhile now. OK, I digressed a bit here. Point is: My Base just closed TODAY! Although having been forewarned a couple of months ago, it was astonishing after about 2 decades of solid contract work when this first started. It was nice driving to work and then back home after a long trip, but these are the up and downs of this business. Boom, lost #1 so do I bid for Captain now - not likely as I am still within the top 3 of a few of our bases. Commuting does blow, but not like others as we are ticketed/put to bed but now I could potentially lose 12-24 hours if not being able to hold a commute Day 1 line. Probably OK though, Seniority is Everything!!! ALL airlines have their ups and downs. Things will recover in due time, perhaps shaped a bit differently but the world is still turning. Flying rubber dog poop out of HKG has been advantageous no doubt. I am worried for a few of my friends based in HKG with Team Purple now. Have tried contacting them and nothing heard for just over a month now. Big Red moved in and things are upside down it seems. Managed to avoid it for awhile. Threats are beyond our basic imagination it seems. Stay frosty.
    1 point
  28. This. When I got hired I happened to have interviews with two carriers at roughly the same time. One pax and one cargo. I chose to go to the cargo operator in part due to lower susceptibility to economic downturns. But if the pax carrier had called a month ahead of the other, I would’ve ended up there and never looked back. Seniority is EVERYTHING at the airlines and even one number can make the difference between a long and prosperous career and misery. The advice that was given to me was: Apply to all of the operators you think you might be happy working for and dance with the first girl that says yes. That’ll always be good advice. It’s a crazy, volatile industry. For some of us, it’s the only thing we could ever imagine doing and worth the potential pain. I wish the best for everyone involved in it and hope the recovery happens soon and puts us all in a stronger position than before. Hang in there guys. Things WILL get better.
    1 point
  29. It’s not segregation or minority-only, it’s integrating more minorities to more accurately reflect national diversity rates. The only downside is that it’ll push a few white dudes back a few classes. Also it’s a standard UPT class (or 2.5 class if at Vance) so if they wash then there’s no second chance.
    1 point
  30. Gen. Mills said the rationale essentially is that UPT is tough and requires the class to work together and that when you’re the one minority in a class full of white guys, it may be somewhat more difficult to reach out for help when you need it when the people you reach out to aren’t like you. He worded it a lot better but that is the gist of the idea. He also admitted that it will naturally negatively affect the diversity of future classes but they are looking to see if there is a measurable effect on washout rates for minority students. I don’t think it’s a bad idea to try FWIW
    1 point
  31. Going to stop you right their. Aerial Delivery, or rather “Air Drop,” cannot be taught to proficiency in a sim. Add in RF threats and other real world factors...forget it. Anyone who advocates for such is asking for numerous mishaps. AMC at large is not fucking airline training. It is no wonder most of the CAF scoffs at us.
    1 point
  32. PTN is experimental. Why hold a wash out against someone when it’s an unproven program?
    1 point
  33. I am not at Vance. UPT 2.5 is at Vance because Vance leadership asked it to be, AGAINST the advice of people close to its development. Banzai is not a Vance term; it’s a PTN term, adopted by every base. I’m not rooting against you, I just think the acceleration over the last 5-6 months is irresponsible. That isn’t on you or any other IP... If you think that syllabus, or this effort, is Vance’s, you should go find someone that knows what they’re talking about. Although, at this point, sometimes I wish it was... The next 6 months are very important here...we might just scrap this whole F’ing thing. Again, Good Luck, ~Bendy
    1 point
  34. That’s the only place that would actually make sense to increase outreach. Stop all this bullshit and simply increase awareness and education on officer/pilot opportunities in areas where there is likely zero of that going on. How many tens of thousands of kids in large cities even know being a pilot in the AF is an option? How many of those kids who even slightly mention the idea are told it’s “impossible” by some civilian who doesn’t know jack shit? The same can be said for a poor, rural area. If these kids are even approached by military recruitment, it’s to enlist, and even the recruiters likely tell them flying is such a long shot they should just get it out of their minds immediately. Someone with actual SA reach out to minorities/women and tell them how very doable it is to become an officer and pilot; we’ll actually see diversity increase the right way.
    1 point
  35. That assumes they will put everyone thru a classic UPT program vice what I think is their intention to put some thru a true advanced trainer phase 3 program and others thru a weak / nothing advanced trainer program There are about 500 T-38s in the inventory now including companion trainers but they ordered only 351 T-7s but with options for more. If they said divest the 170ish T-1 to buy more T-7s to return to UPT then sure but as we see the AF doesn’t believe if your going to a heavy you need robust military mission specific and multi engine training. They wanna phone it in and create a second tier of pilots, and the heavy aircraft GOs are just rolling over and taking it... But I’m not cynical not one bit and yes you do need an advanced training program if you are going to heavies Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  36. Dreaming here.... My vote for a companion trainer would be a tail dragger (ideally a Husky). Certified Day/night VFR/IFR. Airmanship-wise - anybody with any TW time on here can tell you the importance of using your feet for BAC! Still able to enter into your nearest Class B on IFR clearance and on VFR RTB hit a few grass strips to practice STOL. Again, dreaming here...
    1 point
  37. So it's not full segregation, they're just robbing the diversity from the surrounding classes to make one super diverse class.. Sounds like this is going to accomplish a lot
    1 point
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