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Today in hypocrisy...

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7 hours ago, Pooter said:

It's like you guys just discovered that district attorneys are politically connected people with allegiances and enemies..

Welcome to politics.. and reality. Sorry your guy was stupid enough to pay off a pornstar with campaign funds in state that hates his guts. Maybe do it in the backwoods of Alabama next time.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, I want Trump to go away.  Sleeping with a porn star while married but BEFORE you are President, is morally wrong but obviously is not a crime.  Just like Clinton having sex in the Oval Office or the long series of trysts Kennedy had WHILE President (including a movie star, a spy and a girl very closely connected to the MOB).  Abhorrent non-Presidential behavior, but not a crime (Clinton was brought on charges for lying about it).

In your words you said he paid her off with "campaign funds", that is simply not true.  The allegation in the indictment is business fraud because he re-categorized business funds and changed the accounting entries.  As has been pointed out by BOTH sides, this is only a crime where there an intent to defraud (use those books to raise or borrow money), AND if that was true it is a misdemeanor with a two year statue of limitations.  Please look beyond the narrative at the facts, that is what DA should do but as you point out they have political allegiances and they use their position to shape, influence and ultimately charge.


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1 hour ago, tac airlifter said:

There’s a third possibility: don’t play the game with each other at all (national divorce).

11 hours ago, ClearedHot said:

Who said Civil War...

It’s funny how in one breath you guys say “we aren’t advocating civil war” and then you advocate what is effectively civil war.

Remember, there are more democrats in Texas than there are Republicans in most states. Vice versa for Republicans in California. Anyone who calls for state secession or a national divorce is either blindingly ignorant or willfully malicious, and you are the opposite of a patriot. Also, it’s rich coming from ”the party of Lincoln.”

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11 hours ago, ClearedHot said:

Awesome! Agreed, let's do it!

1.   Arrest Hillary immediately and charge her with mishandling national security secrets.

2.  Arrest Hillary a second time and charge her with election interference through fraud for the dossier.

2.  Arrest Hunter immediately and charge him with a federal gun crime for illegally obtaining a gun.

3.  Appoint a special prosecutor to investigate payments from China to the Biden family.

4.  Appoint a special prosecutor to investigate payment from Ukraine to the Biden family, including 10% for the big guy.



Sure, let’s do those things. You don’t realize WE DON’T CARE about protecting people like this, that’s you guys with your false equivalencies.

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10 minutes ago, Negatory said:

Sure, let’s do those things. You don’t realize WE DON’T CARE about protecting people like this, that’s you guys with your false equivalencies.

“You guys,” dude just knock that shit off. Probably 99% of us all agree assholes who break the law (especially politicians wielding power) should go down. We all need to stop this “you guys” shit, and yeah, I’m just as guilty as the rest of you. However, knocking that off also includes not being obtuse and ignoring blatant facts, whether those facts are “friendly” to your preferred party/candidates or not. As I read various statements made about this trump situation, it’s very clear nobody wants the guy protected, they just want the law universally applied, and correctly; that factually has not occurred. That’s the issue, not guys wanting Trump to get away with things. Though I think we all agree on applying the law universally, the specific problem here is some purposely stick there fingers in the ears and scream “la la la la la” when the lopsided application of law is highlighted.

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3 minutes ago, Negatory said:

Oh would it read better if it said “the right” instead of “you guys?” Because it reads exactly the same.

No. It doesn't. As I try to convince my overwhelmingly conservative captains, "the right" and "the left" include the political, academic, and activist classes, who are wildly at odds with "you guys," who generally agree on far more as Democrats and Republicans than the narrative would have us believe.

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1 hour ago, Negatory said:

It’s funny how in one breath you guys say “we aren’t advocating civil war” and then you advocate what is effectively civil war.

You implied I said something I didn’t say; I am not advocating for national divorce.  However it is arrogant of Americans to think we are invulnerable to civil strife.  It is certainly a logical possibility.  

You may have had a strong marriage for several years.  You can do things to end that relationship, chief among them is telling her you’ll always cheat and she should too.  

There is a strong perception that “rule of law” applies to some not others.  You may disagree with that perception, but ignoring it is folly.

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Osama Bin Laden is laughin in his grave.   Did he win with 9/11?   We seemed to get along better as Americans before 9/11 and now we're arguing about sending an ex president to jail because he banged a porn star and our current president reminds me of a Leslie Nielsen character.  It's finally here, we've turned into the movie Idiocracy.   America, It's got what plants crave.  

Edited by Biff_T
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There is no actual evidence that Orange man did the deed with this attention whore.  Many famous/wealthy people use "hush" money to silence noisy claims of wrong doing - some of it real, and some not.

I hope Stormy (not her real name, lol) can make enough money to pay for the security she will need for the next ten or twenty years.

Please remember folks, this is all about the drama and emotion to get you to watch - and it's working.

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17 hours ago, nsplayr said:

This is false. If you commit crimes, no matter who you are, you should face appropriate justice. Jaywalking, come the F on.

Any of the other stuff I’ve talked about recently, yea, if you do crimes you should face the justice system regardless of who you are or who you vote for.

If you think the law has been applied unevenly in the past, you are right! I agree with you! So let’s apply it correctly now.

Everything that Trump had done had been known for years, why was the time chosen now to prosecute him?

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Everything that Trump had done had been known for years, why was the time chosen now to prosecute him?

Gets him back in the media, strengthens his base, and makes it more difficult for anyone else to get an R majority in primary that isn’t Trump.
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9 hours ago, ClearedHot said:

In your words you said he paid her off with "campaign funds", that is simply not true.  The allegation in the indictment is business fraud because he re-categorized business funds and changed the accounting entries.  As has been pointed out by BOTH sides, this is only a crime where there an intent to defraud (use those books to raise or borrow money), AND if that was true it is a misdemeanor with a two year statue of limitations.  Please look beyond the narrative at the facts, that is what DA should do but as you point out they have political allegiances and they use their position to shape, influence and ultimately charge.


Oh so I guess he was just "recategorizing" the business expenditures for sh!ts and grins on the specific dates that just so happen to correspond with payoffs his lawyer made to the pornstar he banged. Silly me! Just a simple book keeping snafu. I just hate it when I have a business and I make 35 book-keeping errors that perfectly coincide in amounts and dates with payoffs I'm being accused of. 

Or.. "business fraud" is the legalese umbrella under which you would charge this exact behavior.  The only reasonable defense here for it not to be a felony is that trump was making these payments to conceal the affair from his wife. Because as we all know trump is a yuuuge marriage guy. 

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5 hours ago, Pooter said:

Oh so I guess he was just "recategorizing" the business expenditures for sh!ts and grins on the specific dates that just so happen to correspond with payoffs his lawyer made to the pornstar he banged. Silly me! Just a simple book keeping snafu. I just hate it when I have a business and I make 35 book-keeping errors that perfectly coincide in amounts and dates with payoffs I'm being accused of. 

Or.. "business fraud" is the legalese umbrella under which you would charge this exact behavior.  The only reasonable defense here for it not to be a felony is that trump was making these payments to conceal the affair from his wife. Because as we all know trump is a yuuuge marriage guy. 

I don't think you understand the law....it is ONLY a crime (and a misdemeanor at that), if he then used those "altered" books to raise or borrow money.  That two year clock ran out YEARS ago.  Now I know you are a rah rah hang the Orange Man guy but if you want to connect it to the election that is a federal statue, something the NY DA can't prosecute and something the DOJ already looked at and elected to pass on.  By the way to make it a felony it has to be in an effort to hide another crime.  Lets say somehow this lunacy is a felony, that clock is five years and again it ran out a long time ago.  This is nothing but the democratic hate machine generating drama.

You guys are creating a martyr.  Prior to this there was a chance he was going to lose in the primaries...now the base will harden in response and he will win the nomination.  Even the talking heads at CNN have admitted it...let it go...let him fade to oblivion.

Even the New York Times agrees...


Screen Shot 2023-04-05 at 9.59.03 PM.png

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If there are crimes committed by Dems (or anyone) within the jurisdiction of a DA or AG that represents you, by all means, write to them and encourage them to apply the law and bring charges! If they don’t or won’t for political reasons, work to vote them out at the next opportunity.
What should NOT happen is direct political retribution, or different justice applied on different places based solely on party (or race, or gender, or whatever).
Equal justice under the law for everyone is the goal that we have yet to achieve - work to get there rather than explicitly calling for the opposite like some have done here. 

Either this is about “everybody being under penalty of the same legal system” or it isn’t.

Hunter Biden isn’t “political retribution” should some next admin (because it sure as hell won’t be this one) chose to act on demonstrated public crime. He cannot legally own a firearm… yet he bought one… that’s a felony. We don’t need a 3 year special council investigation to establish that any more than we can’t prove him in possession of narcotics when he’s literally been photographed with a crack pipe. So felony firearms violations…it’s a Federal crime violated so yes it is in fact evidence that the executive branch does not intent to apply justice evenly and is carrying out action entirely based off political alignments.

You can’t claim some sort of legal justice seeking narrative going after a political opponent and then suddenly act like anybody connected to the opposite side being prosecuted for demonstrated crimes is “retribution.”

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In yet ANOTHER example of the system being weaponized against the GOP.  This time the Air Force helped and the Deputy Chief of Staff for Manpower doesn't know if a single person was fired. 


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On 4/4/2023 at 10:28 PM, Pooter said:

It's just one big tit-for-tat game. It's never been fair. And it never will be.  So you have two COAs:

1) continue complaining about the game not being fair

2) cut your losses, play smarter, and avoid hitching your wagon to orange clowns who make unforced political errors like it's a bodily function. 

So, what do you do?  Better have a sweet GS or contract job lined up  (not difficult)

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3 hours ago, ClearedHot said:

I don't think you understand the law....it is ONLY a crime (and a misdemeanor at that), if he then used those "altered" books to raise or borrow money.  That two year clock ran out YEARS ago.  Now I know you are a rah rah hang the Orange Man guy but if you want to connect it to the election that is a federal statue, something the NY DA can't prosecute and something the DOJ already looked at and elected to pass on.  By the way to make it a felony it has to be in an effort to hide another crime.  Lets say somehow this lunacy is a felony, that clock is five years and again it ran out a long time ago.  This is nothing but the democratic hate machine generating drama.

You guys are creating a martyr.  Prior to this there was a chance he was going to lose in the primaries...now the base will harden in response and he will win the nomination.  Even the talking heads at CNN have admitted it...let it go...let him fade to oblivion.

Even the New York Times agrees...


Screen Shot 2023-04-05 at 9.59.03 PM.png

So.... TDIL that in New York law the statute of limitations pauses every time someone leaves the state or their whereabouts are unobtainable. Basically it says the state has to have 5 years of opportunity to bring the person into custody. All of the charges are dated in CY17 after the inauguration. Trump did maintain a residence in NY and so likely could overcome a 2 year statute. But unlikely he could overcome 5. This case, from what I've been told by some lawyer types, hinges heavily on the state being able to prove an underlying crime, which they haven't said what that was yet. (It's not in the indictment) 

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7 hours ago, Pooter said:

Oh so I guess he was just "recategorizing" the business expenditures for sh!ts and grins on the specific dates that just so happen to correspond with payoffs his lawyer made to the pornstar he banged. Silly me! Just a simple book keeping snafu. I just hate it when I have a business and I make 35 book-keeping errors that perfectly coincide in amounts and dates with payoffs I'm being accused of. 

Or.. "business fraud" is the legalese umbrella under which you would charge this exact behavior.  The only reasonable defense here for it not to be a felony is that trump was making these payments to conceal the affair from his wife. Because as we all know trump is a yuuuge marriage guy. 

You should read the actual indictment. It's less than 20 pages and double spaced. He's being charged with fraudulent claiming he paid Cohen 12 installments of $35K in retainer fees when he in fact had no retainer agreement with Cohen and the amount was in fact reimbursement for the NDA agreements. The state hasn't indicated what the underlying crime is yet to make it a felony. Was kind of a silly move actually. Cohen's shell company had legal possession of the NDAs as assets. He should have just sold them as an asset to the Trump Organization for $35K payments. Trump has a lot of opportunity though on election finance. Trump is on record saying his businesses and their brand heavily rely on good will (as in the financial accounting definition) assets which have a volatile connection to his reputation. Gaining the NDAs certainly benefitted him in the election but he just as easy could argue they were to protect his company brands. 

One of the more interesting insights in the indictment was that Trump did indeed pay at least one person for an NDA who had a knowingly false story. Dude walked away with $50K simply because Trump was concerned people wouldn't scrutinize the story enough of it came out. 

My theory is the underlying crime will actually be tax related and not campaign finance related. All of the charges are in 2017. All of the accounting entries were made for a service rendered in 2016. 

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Here’s an article regarding the two Tennessee legislators that were expelled from the state House of Representstives:


This quote from the Tennessee Democratic party, “Their expulsion sets a dangerous new precedent for political retribution,”

Then the Tennessee Democratic party chair called their removal a “direct political attack on the party.”

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1 hour ago, SurelySerious said:

Weren’t these two the ones yelling with a bullhorn during session?

Yes.  Weirdly enough it took almost 10 minutes of google searching to find out that Reps. Justin Jones and Rep. Justin Pearson used a megaphone because, after stating their opinion in the assembled state congress, they didn't like the response they got from both republicans and democrats of all races, so they used a megaphone to shout down their opponents and excite and and embolden protestors.  CNN claims it was a "rally" (because rallies happen in congressional chambers...obviously) when in fact it was an assembled session of congress.  It was almost like google didn't want me to get the raw facts...weird.

This wasn't the first time they disrupted sessions, and obviously the state leaders were tired of their childish behavior.  They are 27 and 28 years old and, according to google, haven't done anything with their lives outside of politics.  But google and CNN say they were ejected because of their race and the fact they were supporting gun control...not because they were acting like petulant children and refusing to let the state legislative body proceed with it's business.

The 60 year old lady with them wasn't expelled, but she says that's because she's white.

Seriously, these are people responsible for leading a state.  Apparently Jones isn't new to the megaphone.  If people don't like what you say, yell louder until they respond the way you want them to, right? 

They are nothing but entitled bullies.

Tennessee State Representative Justin Jones of Nashville speaks into a megaphone during a rally against gun violence on Thursday, March 30, 2023, in Nashville, Tenn. With him are Representatives Gloria Johnson of Knoxville and Justin Pearson of Memphis The action came in the wake of the Covenant School shooting that killed six people earlier in the week.

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1 hour ago, FourFans said:

Yes.  Weirdly enough it took almost 10 minutes of google searching to find out that Reps. Justin Jones and Rep. Justin Pearson used a megaphone because, after stating their opinion in the assembled state congress, they didn't like the response they got from both republicans and democrats of all races, so they used a megaphone to shout down their opponents and excite and and embolden protestors.  CNN claims it was a "rally" (because rallies happen in congressional chambers...obviously) when in fact it was an assembled session of congress.  It was almost like google didn't want me to get the raw facts...weird.

This wasn't the first time they disrupted sessions, and obviously the state leaders were tired of their childish behavior.  They are 27 and 28 years old and, according to google, haven't done anything with their lives outside of politics.  But google and CNN say they were ejected because of their race and the fact they were supporting gun control...not because they were acting like petulant children and refusing to let the state legislative body proceed with it's business.

The 60 year old lady with them wasn't expelled, but she says that's because she's white.

Seriously, these are people responsible for leading a state.  Apparently Jones isn't new to the megaphone.  If people don't like what you say, yell louder until they respond the way you want them to, right? 

They are nothing but entitled bullies.

Tennessee State Representative Justin Jones of Nashville speaks into a megaphone during a rally against gun violence on Thursday, March 30, 2023, in Nashville, Tenn. With him are Representatives Gloria Johnson of Knoxville and Justin Pearson of Memphis The action came in the wake of the Covenant School shooting that killed six people earlier in the week.

I'm confused.... so are we allowed to protest in the halls of convening legislative bodies or are we not? Which one is it? 

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45 minutes ago, FLEA said:

I'm confused.... so are we allowed to protest in the halls of convening legislative bodies or are we not? Which one is it? 

Perhaps I didn't use enough sarcasm.  Protests should not occur in those chambers.  That's just naked intimidation.  Moreover, the elected leaders shouldn't be actively leading those protests.  It wasn't ok on Jan 6th and it's still not ok.  Acting like a thug has no place in our civics.

As for if it's actually allowed?  I have no idea what the law says about that.

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21 minutes ago, FourFans said:

Perhaps I didn't use enough sarcasm.  Protests should not occur in those chambers.  That's just naked intimidation.  Moreover, the elected leaders shouldn't be actively leading those protests.  It wasn't ok on Jan 6th and it's still not ok.  Acting like a thug has no place in our civics.

As for if it's actually allowed?  I have no idea what the law says about that.

Sorry I wasn't retorting you. Perhaps I wasn't using enough sarcasm, lol. 

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