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Lawman last won the day on September 2

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About Lawman

  • Birthday May 7

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    The classy part of the South.

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Gray Beard

Gray Beard (4/4)



  1. For 3.5+ years the “CEO” has been an active puppet and nobody has yet to explain who has been actually running the company during that time. But those same asshats have now explained who the new CEO needs to be. Yeah sure let’s jump on that boat like it’s any form of decision by the populous. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  2. Danger here (and a big reason why we put guests in the front) is the controls can be decoupled from the mechanical tubes into an emergency fly-by-wire system in the case of a fight for the controls. You also can’t start the engines in the front. The system is calibrated so that the back seater rolls their controls out first, but it’s not exactly something you can test outside of the torque settings of the mechanical roller decoupler. So even if he just froze up in the front it’s possible to take the aircraft mechanically away. I’m not aware of any instance though where that has saved an aircraft. Even still, this is absolutely on the IP unless something insanely malicious occurred. I thought my opinion of the Utah Guard’s AH unit couldn’t get much worse, but somehow here we are… Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. This is not abnormal except for the part where he crashed attempting a landing. We routinely fly Brigade O6 commanders and GOs and even conduct gunnery with them. This was a failure on the part of the LtCol for trying to prove something and more the W5 being dumb enough to not call it off. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Put that shit on Trade-A-Plane just to spite him. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. It was over the weekend. So dead from something “quiet” like a stroke say end of work Friday, found Monday when everybody returned to work. That’s very plausible in a no social friendships/connections society we’ve morphed into. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. #bemywingmananytime Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. I’ll go one deeper there… Is our military industry overly aligned with a cross oceanic theory underlying every system we buy left over from two world wars fought abroad. We’ve never really produced a modern domestically tuned weapon system. Our military is entirely away game oriented, sometimes to a negative when that away game is too focused on a particular theatre (ie look at INDOPACOMs grip on everything right now). Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  8. Of course he thinks that, he’s a first year grad student (with a shit haircut). Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. I think it’s more likely they don’t feel their efforts are public enough to ensure the next Star/assignment of choice over one of the other important people. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. It seems leadership and money people confuse the concepts of size/line of effort and don’t understand the criticality of effort or the phases of conflict it exists in. It’s like the Gulf War I example, conventional fixed wing aviation was undoubtedly the first main line of effort on night 1 of the war. But without AFSOF, a handful of stealth aircraft and Army attack, that line of effort would have waiting indefinitely for that window to open. That doesn’t even mention what was being done by SOF to shape the battlefield for the air war started so all that ass could get to where it was needed. Those big metal shapes at specific Nav points didn’t emplace themselves, SOF did it. Everybody wants to go see the rock concert, but nobody wants to acknowledge the bus drivers and crew that get the band on stage. They may not be the one making the music, but it’s pretty damn important to the concert happening. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  11. But that’s part of the problem with this bill…. Long term stabilization and the wider DOD mission is not in its self “war.” The number of engineering assets that reside in the guard which are specifically critical to any post reconstructive get things back in order mission would prevent this from ever being possible. We still have guard units supporting missions in places like Kosovo and it’s been decades since that was active combat. Similarly the entire concept of out of support missions becomes this grey area that would be impossible to satisfy everybody on. “Hey doc you’re mobilizing to go augment the hospital in Spain/Germany/etc because we are deploying that units personnel to combat.” Or look at all the support personnel sitting in logistics hubs and theatre SSAs because while we conduct the war in a particular COCOM we have requirements outside it which also funnel through there. How does that count or not when the combat is clearly in _____ and all these people on orders are not physically in the combat zone. How many echelons removed does one have to be from active combat to now deploy abroad, because you’re taking that decision away from commanders to decide. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. I know you live in this weird world where the term, “total return on investment,” doesn’t exist, but yes in this case your original statement wasn’t in need of clarification it was a bold faced misstatement of truth. You implied we simply gifted them weapons (in this case F16s) like allowing a person to simply walk in and out of Costco with a full cart and not pay. That is in no way representative of what is going on with these aid bills and it’s damn sure not an accurate depiction of a bunch of allied air and ground forces paying premium dollar totals to accelerate replacement of the systems they are donating to the Ukrainians. To say nothing of the investment in our own industrial capacity when most would agree this rollercoaster will get worse before it gets better. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. Well for one, we didn’t give them F-16s… The Vipers they have are from Denmark. And yes the Danish are buying F-35s under FMS contracts (which lowers the fly way cost for us), so it’s not just a bunch of rich industrialists winning here. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. One evacuated to Baghdad for a femoral injury. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. Think of how much better prepared we will be for the denied PNT environment… Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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