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  1. In this case you are quoting a literal Russian Psyop outlet. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    7 points
  2. "Ghost guns" are another fabricated and irrational scare tactic term akin to "assault rifles" for those who are hoplophobic. Serial numbers don't stop the illegal use of a firearm any more than a VIN stops someone from stealing a car. The right to keep and bear arms is an alienable one, not "granted" by any government. And, as we all can attest to, anything the government gets its nose into is more likely to get fucked up that fixed!!
    5 points
  3. Oddly, they didn't win despite a huge ramp to their industrial base and the employment of millions of rounds of artillery, airstrike and even chemical weapons. It's almost like an adversary employing asymmetric tactics (Stinger), blunted their advantage, bled them until they packed up and went home. Who would have thought...
    3 points
  4. Live updated Frontline Map Institute for the study of war - Great site founded by retired General Jack Keene - They have a VERY good interactive map as well. BBC has a good site as well (they leverage the Institute for War's maps with their own reporting and analysis). A bit gruesome at times but Reddit/combat hosts new videos of the conflict everyday. Three themes emerged in the video: 1. Early on the Javelin stopped the Russians cold, now they don't attempt large maneuver actions unless they absolutely pummel an area pre-strike with artillery. 2. Ukraine has been very effective at combined arms. Even through they don't have Air Superiority, they have used drones to coordinate fires in both TICs and interdiction. 3. Small drones have changed warfare. Hundreds of videos of drones dropping grenades AND being uses in a kamikaze roll to chase down individual soldiers...it is chilling to watch. If someone added AI... They have noted some gains by Russia in recent week which they attribute to the Ukrainians running short of long-range strike weapons and air defense. If the Senate approves the aid package those systems will start to flow on Friday. Also interesting to note the perceptions of those who voted against the aid, they think we are sending Ukraine pallets of cash which in fact $50B will flow into the U.S. Industrial Base creating jobs in 30 states.
    3 points
  5. It goes way beyond Plastic. A society without soaps… most medications… superior lubricants to machine parts… fertilizers growing 8 billion people in food. The sheer stupidity of somebody that thinks human existence can exist at this scale without petroleum is just unaware of anything petroleum is used as a precursor or provides the bulk chemical make up of. They just think a barrel of oil = gasoline = bad stuff for global warming. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    3 points
  6. That sign would be lit on fire as soon as it was unfolded. The queers would be killed (except for the Morrissey looking dude) and the women (along with the Morrissey looking dude) raped. Edit.
    2 points
  7. Kind of like a “well regulated clock”…clearly the government needs to regulate our clocks.
    2 points
  8. Why stop there? You also need and have to pay for a license to operate that car on the road, the car must be registered (gotta pay for that), and in some states you have to pay a yearly property tax on your car. Ohhhh you are required to have insurance for your car and a targeted gas tax to operate it. Of course I am being facetious but it does show the slippery slope the anti-gunners will use if you give them an inch. Also - owning and operating a car is not in the Constitution..."Shall not be infringed"
    2 points
  9. That guy is advancing Russian propaganda now openly admitted in a site full of professional military officers from various points of perspective to all call him out on his stupidity. He is a Shill, and yet he continues to do it. Sorry but not sorry whatever he did in whatever life before he pretty much flushed to become that old crazy Vet on your street screaming about whatever “liberal conspiracy” or other noise. And you’re feigning ignorance or woefully uninformed to think we (like every other nation on Earth) aren’t engaged or maintaining Psyops and other methods to advance agendas. There is an entire discipline in JSOC called “Psyops.” Why do you think we do all these partner force exchanges or exercises if “make them align our way” wasn’t part of it? This kind of theory shouldn’t surprise you. Do you want to be the honest guy at the poker table when you know everybody else is cheating? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  10. Lol. Hungry Like the Wolf is the best Duran Duran song. Excellent choice kind sir!
    2 points
  11. And I think people don't realize how natural the anti-human instinct is. You ever met someone who boils issues down to "humans just suck" or "humans are a cancer on the Earth?" My wife was like that way back. Never actually acted in a way that indicated she believed it, deeply compassionate and attached to her friends and family, but if you mentioned the environment, boom, humans are the worst and we probably need fewer of them. That impulse, I think, is just part of being a species with a hyper-advanced intellect and self-consciousness/awareness as a primary characteristic. Similar to how racism is a natural but "toxic" manifestation of tribalism. Keeps you alive in the jungle, but less compatible with advanced society. These impulses must be overcome with reason and wisdom. Instead the environmental movement has given in to them absolutely.
    2 points
  12. If you actually start looking at original founding members of things like the Sierra club, there is a deeply inhuman meritocracy of human survival they are advocating for silently. John Muir was an advocate for white ascendency and soft extermination of lesser peoples. People that read things like Population bomb and think it is a sound science from a place of money and power don’t want there to be 8 billion people on the Planet. These were champions of Eugenics, which at its time was a widely regarded pseudo scientific thought and now through revision its something we normally just associate with the Nazis. That doesn’t make that the sole platform of the eco movement. There are utopian-futurists in that movement who want to see us ascend technologically (people that think of things like mass scale tidal power generation), there are opportunistic parasites (people funneling trillions of future investments to the cause so they can be a ground floor owner in that investment). There are the dogmatic zealots (think green-peace/morons like Greta) who see this like an extreme religious crusade. There isn’t just 1 monolithic ecological identify. But what I’ve found is most of them want no discussion of the trade off to anything they are presenting as the sole and only problem. They want to just do arithmetic in a game that is regulated by calculus/physics. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  13. Well....we've responded to you for many years. 🥃
    2 points
  14. Until the moment one is convicted of a crime (and therefore legal to own firearms up to that point), an individual should be able to own whatever they want, including homemade firearms. That also means the NFA is a significant violation of the constitution and should be fully repealed. Any additional roadblocks to ownership/use such as firearms/ammo specific taxes, insurance requirements, banning of whatever, etc. are unconstitutional. I support restrictions for felons and I’m fine with background checks for purchased firearms (without any arbitrary waiting period), but anything beyond that is unconstitutional and illogical. The anti-gun crowd doesn’t give a fuck about safety or “saving lives,” they care about disarming the public to gain control of the plebes, pure and simple. Your average suburban dipshit who’s anti-gun just doesn’t realize they are simple pawns in said goal, despite whatever hollow, altruistic goals they claim to personally have.
    1 point
  15. 0% if they're filed off as they often are once they enter the underworld. I looked for a stat about how many guns used in crime have altered/removed SNs, but I couldn't find anything. A decent number of guns are already untraceable because they have altered SNs. https://www.atf.gov/firearms/docs/report/nfcta-volume-ii-part-iii-crime-guns-recovered-and-traced-us/download Between 2017-2021, 48,601 guns couldn't be traced to a buyer because their SN was altered. 25,904 crime-linked guns traced back to a .gov owner! Opposition to un-serialized firearms is not about crime prevention - it's simply about placing obstacles and red tape between citizens and legal firearms and creating the groundwork for a future confiscation database.
    1 point
  16. Oh agreed. I just find it fun to see how “see no evil” the people claiming to be concerned act when you point out the Eugenics origins or others from their favorite causes. It’s like my earlier example, we can absolutely abandon petroleum… it’s just gonna cost us several billion people and a quality of life they hope to find themselves on the other side of the fence on. Good news though, we can all get behind a real renewable oil source… whale oil. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  17. Something something liberty and safety.
    1 point
  18. If you are trying to compare “mass mainstream profit driven media” to state funded controlled media as equal in their dangerousness or level of deliberate subversion you aren’t making an accurate comparison. That’s like saying driving above the posted speed limit and drunk driving are both risky behaviors and their for equal in danger value to those that do them. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    1 point
  19. This made me wonder if we also have any Psyop outlets. If so, what would they be?
    1 point
  20. We have a named operation obligating us to provide Missile Defense for Israel; there is no such legal obligation for Ukraine.
    1 point
  21. We're all better informed by listening to Duran Duran than to reading straight-from-the-source Russian propaganda like The Duran. Agree with helping Ukraine, disagree with doing that, that's all fine; that particular source of "information" is incredibly bad. It's unmitigated BS and propaganda designed to entice Westerners to support pro-Russian policies. Side note: IDK how some of you guys even watch 2+ hour long video podcasts where it's just 2-4 blurry guys babbling on and S-ing each other's intellectual D-s the whole time. It's literally the most mind-numbing thing I've ever encountered. Here's a recommendation for what to spend your time with tonight:
    1 point
  22. Technically speaking @BashiChuni is correct on point one. It's not possible to re-blunt something that is already as blunt as it can be. They (Russia) are more than two years into this mess after having had 8 years of pre-combat battlefield shaping operations. Two years! For an operation that would have taken us a long weekend. Russia is most certainly blunt.
    1 point
  23. The lines have shifted several times. You seem to only recognize one direction. The initial thrust of the invasion stopped, followed by counter-attacks by both sides...doesn't sound like the one-sided war you seem to be describing.
    1 point
  24. This. I paid a ton in taxes this year, so I guess I'm doing my part. LOL Ahh the hypocrisy. Taylor Swift and her private jet. HAD to be there to watch her boyfriend throw his tantrum in person instead of watching it on TV. What would have happened if any of us had done that to our boss? Not to mention all the electricity used for her Era's tour. Generated most if not all by fossil fuels. I wonder how many in the Go Green crowd would give up everything in their life that contains plastic (think cellphone). A big problem as I see it is the lack of true scientific literacy in Congress. Laws of thermodynamics/physics don't care what is written in a law.
    1 point
  25. That’s quite the saga about a STS CC getting relieved and some GS civilians running amok with gym equipment and TDY’s and such. The STS CC aired all the dirty laundry about the whole thing and it was pretty unbelievable. Total lack of conflict resolution/leadership to get these people in line. Also, fear of the Union of the GS people. But her multiple exec tours and nonner roles look great on the bio so that’s what counts.
    1 point
  26. I would say that I'm Ukraine War continuation skeptical but not opposed exactly, they passed the "funding" bill but as a skeptic I would be less skeptical, cynical and maybe supportive if they passed a funding vehicle (bureacracy speak phrase for tax increase or creation) to pay for this appropriation https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2024/04/20/betrayal-complete-mike-johnson-passes-61-billion-ukraine-aid-violates-hastert-rule-again/ Like climate change preening / virtue signalling... if the activist / big mouth / holier than thou person advocating for a low energy life style actually lived that way themselves I'd take them seriously, but as they are not actually for paying for it but thru debt issuance, continued funding seems less than honorable Follow up: So as I know there are CODEL staffers lurking on this thread /s… the IRS says there were 161 million income tax filings, divide that into 60 billion, that’s about $373 per filer, propose an amendment or stand alone bill to 2023 income tax filings and collect the money, not holding breath but that would go long way to burnishing your credentials and supposed commitment to the LIO and love of it
    1 point
  27. Very distant relative. I remember hearing the story a long time ago as a kid. Randomly a couple days ago I called and thought to get clarity from another family member and found this. After my own service it takes on a whole new meaning. We had a great discussion how in 1949 when 12 O'clock High came out no one wanted to see or discuss the movie because the feelings were still so raw in the family. Only child. Yesterday I noticed today would have been his 100th birthday. Lt. Dunn and Crew Marshall Clyde Dunn was born on April 20, 1924, in Wichita County, Texas. He was the son of Clyde Stanley Dunn and Merle Sheldon Dunn. He was a graduate of the Electra High School and was a member of the band. He was attending Texas A & M when he enlisted in the Army Air Force. Marshall entered the service in February 1943 and had been overseas in October 1944. He served in the 850th Bomber Squadron, 490th Bomber Group, Heavy, as a First Lieutenant and Pilot on the B-17G #43-38699 during World War II. He was Killed in Action on February 6, 1945, when his airplane was involved in a mid-air collision with B-17G #43-38167 over France. That day, his crew took off from airfield station 134 in Eye, England, for a strategic mission to Chemnitz, Germany. Upon reaching 17,000 feet, his plane collided with B-17G #43-38167 piloted by Lt Schoenfield and crashed near Mittersheim. This resulted in the death of seven members of his crew; 3 survived and recovered. Sgt Johnston, who jumped around 3000 feet, indicated that the survivors were transferred to Nancy, then to Vittel, returned to Nancy, then Paris by rail, and finally returned to the UK in C-47 on February 11, 1945. 1Lt Dunn is now buried in the Fort Sam Houston National Cemetery, San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas, USA. Airmen who perished on B-17G #43-38699: Dunn, Marshall C ~ 1st Lt, Pilot Philley, Jack O ~ 2nd Lt, Co-Pilot Baland, Helmer O ~ 2nd Lt, Navigator Horton, Fred H ~ S/Sgt, Ball Turret Gunner Mayhew, Donald R ~ S/Sgt, Radio Operator, NY McKinney, Clarence H ~ T/Sgt, Mechanic Mulvihill, Edward J ~ S/Sgt, Bombardier The survivors were SSgt Dean R. Smith, SSgt George A. Naifeh, and SSgt Osvil F. Johnston.
    1 point
  28. The irony is Im reading all of this while taking a pretty mean Growler.
    1 point
  29. Don't worry, they learn how to read once they hit elementary school.
    1 point
  30. Three years of being played by AD recruiters followed by 3 more years of rushing Guard and Reserve units. Do both until you get the slot.
    1 point
  31. The 114th Fighter Squadron is holding a hiring board in June for the F-35 training pipeline. Please submit applications to the MilRecruiter link below. Due to the number of application packages we have received and the high ops tempo that we currently have, we are putting a hold on squadron visits. We will plan on extending invites to visit the squadron after your application has been received and reviewed. If you are invited, you can plan on attending a visit during the May drill from the 3rd-5th of May. We will attempt to get invites out as soon as possible. I realize this is not ideal for planning purposes but due to TDYs and the mission this is where we are at. app.milrecruiter.com/SquadronPage/613a553d60631a2cee9c520a Feel free to ask any additional questions here. Best of luck! Mighty Mighty
    1 point
  32. Who here said America isn't great? It's a feeble attempt at a strawman argument. We're criticizing those who are leading the country. Why can't you make that distinction? We were forced out of one of two strategic anti-terrorist bases on the African continent while our former host cozies up to Russia. It was errors from senior leadership that lead to an this undesirable outcome. They actually are to blame. Because non of us spent our careers trying to reach a high level position in the DoS, we're not allowed to criticize them? Weren't you an ROTC instructor or something? How were you personally conducting foreign policy? I don't personally hold office, but my mother is state level house representative and my next door neighbor and former employer is a state senator. I am involved in both of their campaigns continuously. Things go fairly smooth in our state, but I do occasionally interact with my US representatives at certain events. I've pleaded with them on certain issues and if I get an honest answer, it's always the same. If you don't compromise your principals and cut deals, you're sidelined. If you think you can show up to DC, be good person, and make the country a better place, you're the most naive person on the face of the planet. Look what happened to @congressman. By all accounts, a fairly decent dude when he was elected, had an emotional breakdown, remained broken, compromised, was used, and was tossed aside. Given that you have a tendency to adopt the official narrative as your personal heartfelt opinion, and gleefully cheerlead things like mask mandates and forced vaccinations, you would likely do very well in DC. Probably better than @congressman. So why haven't you? Because our leadership is doing so well they don't need your help? I expect lectures to us in the threads about migration, inflation, etc, and that we shouldn't complain because everything is awesome and someone somewhere else has it worse.
    1 point
  33. People tend to forget the first portion of the second amendment and proceed directly to "shall not be infringed" For reference: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." Nothing says well regulated like lack of accountability (which is effectively what an untraceable gun is). 'A militia, being necessary to the security of a free State' goes on to indicate that this right to bear arms is not for my own personal liberty, but me contributing to the liberty of my community. With regulated and controlled force if necessary. It implies that we have this right in order to serve and defend something bigger than ourselves, such as a community, city or state. I've yet to encounter law enforcement, military, or paramilitary organization that doesn't place a high emphasis on accountability and training. Karen with her .38 special that she carries loaded but never trains with does not fall into that category. Moreover, it's kinda difficult to rectify untraceable firearms with a well regulated civil defense. Not saying I'm totally against production of your own weapons. I think that's great! But it needs to be done responsibly.
    0 points
  34. The Duran podcast. Highly recommend
    -1 points
  35. Downvote all you want nsplayer. Facts don’t care about your feelings
    -1 points
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