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nunya last won the day on August 3 2022

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Community Answers

  1. nunya

    Gun Talk

    Dude said "Liberty." Do they make Cabela's branded safes? edit: Yep. https://www.libertysafe.com/pages/cabelas
  2. I'll give another piece of advice you didn't ask for. Keep working on whatever demons you've wrestled or are wrestling that led you down the HIMS and neuropsychiatrist path. Counselors, ministers, therapy, whatever. Flight training, especially mil flight training, and military life can bring out the best and worst in people. If you're starting from less-than-100%, it may not end well for you and the collateral damage may affect those around you, too. It's very unlikely that your problems are unique or insurmountable. Others likely have blazed the path ahead of you. It sounds like you need to be especially aware of the challenges ahead for you in mil aviation and the mil lifestyle. Good luck man.
  3. NavyFed doesn't do insurance, do they? They refer to Liberty Mutual.
  4. That concern sounds more like a compromised login concern, which is more than valid. I don't think that correlates to a compromised debit card concern.
  5. I'm with LR - I don't share that concern. I've got 6 retirement accounts, 4 cash accounts (2 with active debit cards), 3 youth accounts (1 with an active debit card), 2 credit cards, an HSA, a DAF, and a partridge in a pear tree. I'm as positive as I can be without knowing Fidelity's inner workings that fraudulent access to one card won't compromise the other accounts. One of my cash accounts and one of my credit cards are explicitly for overseas/travel use just for that fraud firewall.
  6. ☝️ And use SPAXX for your cash reserves. Auto liquidation without any attention on your part and it pays 4.2% right now.
  7. The first 15 seconds alone of that are, as the kids say, cringe. Know your fucking people, eh?
  8. I had a <4 yr PC commitment and I didn't sign anything like a 4 year accession commitment when I went AD -> ANG.
  9. A misinformed recruiter? Say it ain't so! https://static.e-publishing.af.mil/production/1/af_a1/publication/dafi36-3211/dafi36-3211.pdf Palace Chase is only triple if you count the overlap. It's written as double in the regs. Palace Front has no contract date. Ask the recruiter to show you the contract date paragraph for Palace Front. edit: It sounds like the recruiter might be confused about initial enlistment contracts vs prior service. Either way, ask for a reg reference.
  10. Sounds fancy.
  11. Seems anecdotal. SEC is 10-5 against non-conference this year. No other conference has a non-conference record even close. Four ACC v SEC games coming up in a week. SEC probably goes 3-1, making them 13-6 for the year against non-conference. I think that's convincing enough to underweight their conference losses when picking playoff teams.
  12. nunya

    Gun Talk

    I tried the same concept, but with a CMMG Banshee - also a roller delayed blowback. The recoil was much more uncomfortable than I expected. It just wasn't fun to shoot. (It was also totally unreliable suppressed, but that's immaterial since you didn't ask about the Banshee.) I instead went with a 9" BCM 300BO pistol and a suppressor shooting 190gr subsonics and I'm mucho happier. The ballistics are effectively identical to 45 ACP at get-the-f-out-of-my-house ranges and it shoots oh so sweet. I also added a Superlative adjustable gas block that only made it that much sweeter with subs. I love my 45 handguns. I'm waiting on a G30.5 right now. But for a rifle/pcc/subgun platform in this power category, 300BO is my hands down choice.
  13. nunya

    Gun Talk

    Surprised you still check your America Online email!
  14. Federalism died a long time ago. Maybe it can be restored but I doubt it.
  15. I do enjoy the lack of basic proofreading from the world's greatest air force.
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