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Finally done in Afghanistan?


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Watch them blame the crew...instead of the insane pressure to wag the dog and hit something to distract.  I HIGHLY doubt this is crew error...more likely someone speeding in the PED chain because they were getting pressure form above.

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Unsat for execution but is he wrong?

I can only imagine how fast your marriage ends when you do what he did…

“Honey I know you’ve put up with the moves, the single parent birthdays and holidays, packing the house alone because I needed to do the school enroute, the loss of money and self respect because you took your degree and flushed any hope of ever using it, and countless times of reminding our kids that Daddy wants to be here and they are the most important thing even if I can’t be….

And I just want you to know I pissed all that away and have no retirement plan because I wanted to make a bold public statement on social media.

Love you sweetie…. What do you mean you’re leaving and never want to see me again?

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2 hours ago, FLEA said:

DoD just took responsibility for striking civilians in Afghanistan. 


On 8/29/2021 at 11:07 PM, Waingro said:

For 19+ years the Taliban have claimed civilian casualties for virtually every strike. Interesting to see that their propaganda arm now has Americans doing it for them. 

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5 hours ago, Lawman said:

I can only imagine how fast your marriage ends when you do what he did…

“Honey I know you’ve put up with the moves, the single parent birthdays and holidays, packing the house alone because I needed to do the school enroute, the loss of money and self respect because you took your degree and flushed any hope of ever using it, and countless times of reminding our kids that Daddy wants to be here and they are the most important thing even if I can’t be….

And I just want you to know I pissed all that away and have no retirement plan because I wanted to make a bold public statement on social media.

Love you sweetie…. What do you mean you’re leaving and never want to see me again?

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

Woah, it's almost as if the man's principles revolve around something more important than inflated retirement dollars and a gold-digging female (assuming your scenario is what actually happened).

Edited by dogfish78
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I know a bit about this and I’ll just say that we need to stop taking target correlation for granted in the DoD. Even with all the technology in the world, there’s a reason you start the 12 step CAS process back over if you don’t pass step 8 (correlation).

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5 hours ago, BrightNeptune said:

Can only blame the crew for so much.

I picture the scenario as:

Scaneagle run by whoever/HUMINT/random dude that hates another dude passes information up the chain.
Crew on station hears "confirmed VBIED at grids xxxxxxyyyyyy, white 4-door sedan, in courtyard, call contact."
"say when ready gameplan/9-line" "AGM-114, center mass" "cleared hot cleared hot cleared hot"

Blame the FSO, the colonel behind him, the general above him, and everyone else above them.

The biggest problem is that the people at the top LIED about secondary explosions to make themselves look better. Knowingly lying like that should meet some consequences. I do not trust these people.

I've shot a view VBIEDs myself. Usually the secondary is near instantaneous to the primary. Furthermore, the secondary leaves no doubt the vehicle was laden with explosives. An 8 pax van laden with explosive material makes an enormous plume compared to a tiny hellfire. I remember one clearly; we shot in a garage and when the IR camera readjusted we realized it had disintegrated half of the multistory building it was parked under. So I was skeptical from the beginning the way leadership described it. 

I'm also concerned for the crew. Even if the AF doesn't come after them, living with the knowledge you just murdered a good person and his 7 children would be hard to live with. Especially if it's a newer Lt and SrA. 

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14 hours ago, FLEA said:


I'm also concerned for the crew. Even if the AF doesn't come after them, living with the knowledge you just murdered a good person and his 7 children would be hard to live with. Especially if it's a newer Lt and SrA. 

I hope not. They did the best with what they had and the outcome isn’t their fault. 

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7 hours ago, Danger41 said:

I hope not. They did the best with what they had and the outcome isn’t their fault. 

Until the top takes responsibility and takes it off the crews hands, this is probable... and even then.

How some of these CCs/Gens are still in charge is beyond me.  I've seen Sq/CCs fired for waaaaayyyy less.  Navy COs that hit another ship, fired.  But these guys??!!!?!!

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Guest LumberjackAxe

Any update on what’s happening to that crew (the C17 with people hanging on)? Anytime OSI is involved I fear for aircrew

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2 hours ago, ClearedHot said:

DoD quietly released the Lt Col Scheller is now incarcerated in the Brig for violating a gag order.  His hearing is Thursday.

Anyone have any the rest of the story on the gag order?

ETA: Nevermind, found it on his FB, dated 2 days ago. 

“Fear cannot exist in the pursuit of love and truth.  I believe in love.  I believe in America.  I believe in strength.  I believe in honesty.  I believe I am ready to go to jail based on these beliefs.  

First you pulled the chain of retirement.  I broke that chain.  Then you pulled the chain of family stability.  That chain also broke.  All you have left is the threat of Court Martial.  “It’s a felony Stu.  No one wants that.  It will ruin your whole life.”  But you never understood me.  I’m comfortable going back to Cincinnati and working at Applebees again.  Do you want freedom fries with that?   

“Effective immediately upon your receipt below, you are hereby ordered to refrain from posting any and all material, in any form without exception, to any social media.  In this context, the term 'social media' shall be construed very broadly to include any medium by which you may share information with groups of people.  It includes more traditional forms of social media (e.g., Facebook, Youtube, LinkedIn) as well nontraditional methods one might use to circumvent established social media (e.g., mass emails, group text messages, electronic bulleting boards).  You are also prohibited from communicating through third parties or proxies.” What happens when you communicate an order that stipulates you to stop communicating?  Remember… I have only spoken truth.  

Another truth… WE don’t want our children abused in the same failed systems.  The systems remain, despite their repeated failures, because key holding hypocrites have safe haven within the system.  “Why not just get out and say that Stu?  Why not stay quiet and work within the system?”  WE say this to you… if you are making a difference on your current path… why is the Republic in decline?  The Apathetic American convinces himself to apply pressure in other ways only because he can’t see the invisible chains.  The keyholders refuse to take accountability when it is so obvious.  They are unable or unwilling to do what is right.  But WE are not like the Apathetic American.  WE have faith.  WE believe what you stand for can only be defined by what you’re willing to risk. 

They need US scared.  They need US silenced.  They need US divided.  Fear, division, and ignorance facilitates control.  WE the people are not republican/democrat, black/white, straight/gay, christian/atheist, mask/nomask, police/community, wallstreet/mainstreet… so on and so on.  We are Americans.  Adjectives are not required.  Don’t dim your light to walk into their darkness.  Walk into their darkness and light shit up.  

President Trump.  I was told by everyone to kiss the ring because of your following and power.  I refuse.  While I respect your foreign policy positions, I hate how you divided the country.  I don’t need or want your help.  You do not have the ability to pull US together.  You may even win the next election.  But your generation’s time is running out.  Tell your son to stop tweeting about me.  Your whole family knows nothing about US or our sacrifices.  I could never work with you.  I’d rather sit in jail and be released with a dishonorable than make compromises in my beliefs.  

President Obama.  Great at speeches… obviously weak in any intestinal fortitude.  President Bush Jr.  great at speeches… obviously ignorant in thinking he could import democracy.  President Clinton.  Great at bringing Congress together… obviously morally bankrupt.  This includes his wife.       

General Mattis.  The warrior monk.  We all know you became a monk because you are gay. To be clear, my generation don’t care about sexuality.  We are better than that.  But our generation does care about honesty.  You brought to my Infantry Officer Course 1-06 what can only be described as a female prop.  It was uncomfortable for all of us.  As soon as you left, we all knew you were a liar.   We were young, but not stupid.  Back then Don’t Ask Don’t Tell was still a policy.  We understood why you lied.  But as the policy was rescinded, and we continued to hear the rumors, it bothered us that you kept up the lie.  You weren’t a monk.  You were dishonest.  And for all your talk about the 5-3-5 and counter-insurgency… can we go back and review the record?  The academics loved you.  You talked about reading books all the time.  The only problem… you didn’t win any wars.  Maybe you should have read different books.  

General Petraeus.  The counter-insurgency genius.  We all know you went to Yale.  We all know that you walked around the wars without PPE.  But what if you used that education to offer insight on the ineffective nature of counter insurgency?   You led Iraq and Afghanistan because you were such an influential leader.  However, history demonstrated you didn’t have the insight of George Bush Sr. who knew when to pull out of a military campaign once the objectives were achieved.  History somehow forgot George Bush Sr.’s genius.  If you were half as smart as him, you would have recommended an efficient withdraw much sooner than the long wars you promoted.  But that would have marginalized the theory of your genius.  And without your celebrity… there are no adulterous escapades.  

General Flynn.  You gave interviews about me.  Pretending to understand me.  You are the same as the rest.  You were caught in a lie.  My generation is sick of your lies.  We are not the same.  Stop speaking my name as if you understand me.  You could never understand US.  

PHDs teaching at military academies.  Bill Lind just wrote an article about my moral courage titled The View from Olympus: The Scheller Affair and Moral Courage.  Let me be clear Mr. Lind, despite your contributions to the Marine Corps, you could never understand me.  And my contempt for the academics who have attached themselves to the military machine runs deep.  I will never relate to a person who refused to fight in the arena, yet feels entitled enough to offer opinions as if the lions should listen.  Critics.  Mr. Lind… General Berger’s opinion matters more than yours, despite your condescending opinion towards him.  Please let all the PHDs in the military education system know the same.  And tell General Gray to get off the MCU stage.  He had his turn.  Maneuver Warfare is outdated.  It’s not attrition vs. maneuver.  It’s decentralization vs. synchronization.  And the critical question of where that balance occurs is the question you failed to address in the current version of MCDP 1.  Marines all think decentralization should occur at the lowest levels despite a deeper understanding of how to maximize combat power.  But I’m sure your generation of deep thinkers knew that… 

To General Alford adjudicating my legal situation.  When I briefed you in July you said, “We have an entire generation of LtCols who don’t know how to make decisions.  They feel the need to ask permission.”  Ask Tom and Sung, they were there.  My generation is sick of being bullied.  Maybe my generation knows a little bit more than you think.  We’ve watched you play politics for 20 years.  You thought we were too stupid to learn?  

General Donovan, thanks for finishing my fitrep multiple months late as soon as I hit the news.  Is it safe to assume you processed the report when I hit the news so that you didn’t look bad?  It’s about your optics, it’s never been about US.  But if your angry about me speaking the truth, send your Regimental Commander to come find me again.  You could have him repeat, “If you interrupt me again, I’m going to fillet you.  I will cut you in half.”  “I’m going to work you like a slave.  I’m going to work you like a dog. I’m going to work your dick into the dirt.”  Ask Lobo… he was there for some of it.  

Task and Purpose, despite your factually incorrect article about my legal right to prefer charges on General McKenzie (which still has been denied by the same people trying to hold me accountable… even after the news of the drone strike), you don’t understand me.  I do plan to bring the whole system down.  Yes, Task and Purpose, I am brave enough to say it again.  What say you now?  

What happens when all you do is speak truth and no one wants to hear it.  But they can probably stop listening because… I’m crazy… right?  

Col Emmel please have the MPs waiting for me at 0800 on Monday.  I’m ready for jail.    


He has a post from 1 day ago then all’s quiet.

Edited by TinkRBell
ETA info from Scheller’s FB
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2 hours ago, TinkRBell said:

Anyone have any the rest of the story on the gag order?

ETA: Nevermind, found it on his FB, dated 2 days ago. 

Dang.  Reminds me of the Mark Twain quote: "If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything."

Lt. Col. Scheller is doing nothing but speaking the truth.  And it seems that military leadership is scared of him, because he's the most serious threat: An intelligent, motivated individual with nothing to lose.

Also, at the risk of a tangent, I guess Mattis is gay.  Not surprising, that makes a hell of a lot more sense than all the "Warrior Monk" nonsense.  

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22 minutes ago, raimius said:

Ordering someone to cease all social media and group communication sounds exceedingly broad and potentially illegal.

I don't  think you can order someone not to post college football scores on Facebook from their home.

Even if your first statement is true (I guarantee the first thing Scheuller's CC did before issuing that order is consult with a JAG), that won't be what causes him issues under the UCMJ.


Specifically see pages 17-18 and then reference Scheuller's last FB statement.  If you strip away the emotion and politics from this he's making it really easy for the prosecutor on his courts martial.

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