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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/23/2023 in Posts

  1. I’ve never seen or met a Nazi in my entire life. I don’t know any blood and soil radical nationalists. If I’m around bigots, they don’t say anything out loud. I’ve also never met a white supremacist. I have known countless people who completely stood behind BLM from the very start. They gave them money and marched in the streets. I’ve known people who’ve bought into the hands up don’t shoot scam and went with the bashing of cops. I watched 6 or 7 trans kids walk the stage at my youngest daughters HS graduation. I watched the vast majority of our society fall for the Covid lockdown power grabs. It sure seems to me that the radical left is actually and tangibly destroying our society while we chase some invisible boogey man on the right… Im not talking about AOC or MTG. I’m talking about in my community.
    10 points
  2. Checkmate! Send the man his bottle.
    3 points
  3. And I’ve seen it in the military. I’ve had a sitting squadron commander shame her squadron for not wanting to read White Fragility, I’ve seen 1206s and strat lists get kicked back because “too many white men.” The sitting head of DEI in the DOD is an open racist who still has a job. I really wanted to believe that these were isolated incidents and that my fellow conservatives are propping these up as boogeymem, heck I wish that was the case…but it is sadly not.
    3 points
  4. Look folks, if all the good apples leave the service, where will we be when China invades Taiwan? I applaud those sticking around who will insert themselves “into the breach” with me as front-line O-6s in WestPac as we beat back communist aggression for the next decade. Absolutely it’s “Service Before Self.” We will have a lot of good men and women making the ultimate sacrifice soon. Man-up and step into the breach.
    3 points
  5. Good to have you back Chang! *Salute!* Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network mobile app
    2 points
  6. It could have made it all the way to splashdown and they would call it a failure despite that being the intention all along. Tribes man. Tribes.
    2 points
  7. I always liked simulators because i didn’t have to worry about dieing. I think sims have their place, but there's no simulation for having your ass strapped in for real.
    1 point
  8. Come on babe, I've got my mom's minvan and a secret spot where no one will bother us. Trust me....
    1 point
  9. The left can’t even define what a woman is, so how can they be expected to vote in favor of protecting women’s sports. What the House should really do is put a bill ending Title IX and see how the left votes…they won’t know what to do at that point.
    1 point
  10. If they really need me, they can call up the retired reserve. I've got my kit cleaned and stored in easy reach. We kept the wolf on his side of the fence during my 20 years. Someone else's turn now. For the present, I've put an end of the USAF stepping into MY breach. He said "step into the breach." That can't be masturbation...can it?
    1 point
  11. You mean like the airline captain including his fighter hours and number of traps in his announcements? I bet you could even find a USAF Vet hat to wear.
    1 point
  12. My experience with USERRA on a non-GS/fed, non-airline basis, wasn't particularly positive. Basically, on the ARC pilot side of things the job was built for airlines. Sure, people make other professions work, but I found it the exception rather than the rule. The reason is that even though you'll never be able to prove it in a court of law, if you're a single point of failure in a private employer office and you incur the above average amount of absence from work required to remain qualified as a military pilot, your promotions and outright employability will suffer compared to peers. The smaller the employment circle, the worse the dynamic gets. In my case, I attempted to pursue a college professorship route, as a non-airline-minded AFRC pilot. The demands of the employer were not compatible with the level of participation required to remain CMR and remain halfway decent at my pilot job. So I had come to a fork on the road, did the math and realized that the college job paid/benefits effing peanuts compares to diving full time into the trougher/de-facto full timer thing. So I decided to dispense with the whole trying to fit the square peg through the round hole and turned down the job offer. In that unit however, we had plenty of non-airline types (mostly the navs). Doctors (one no shit went through med school while a TR, big personal favor on the part of the unit of course, but hey we don't talk about fight club), Lockmart desk engineers (commuter to the unit), even a pastor ffs. And of course, the statistical majority were airline pilots for the obvious reasons. GS folks share similar flex as airline guys, at least as far as the lack of pushback, relative to non-airline private jobs, not saying they don't experience some. Work from home brings a different calculus, but doesn't fundamentally change the allowances of USERRA. Not sure how promotability would be affected vis a vis a traditional job where your physical absence would be noticed. Remember that the traditional TR gig for non-pilots was based on the old "one weekend a month, 2 weeks a year". That's the extent most employers understand the commitment of a Reservist to mean. Pilots are not in that category, so it quickly becomes intractable for small non-redundant-workforce employers, like said college job offer was for me. Personally, I would not get hired prior to UPT. That's gonna sour things from the jump, even if it's legal. I always told myself, would I want to work for someone I have to sue in order to work for them in the first place? To each their own and all that jazz, the juice wasn't worth the squeeze for me when I was faced with the question 14 years ago. Good luck.
    1 point
  13. No, what makes me feel f'in old is a 2d Lt I sponsored onto active duty when I was a captain is now a Lt Gen... 😮 Luckily, I look 10-15 years younger than I am!
    1 point
  14. All you people talking about pinning on O-6...you guys are F'in old.
    1 point
  15. I’m retiring right at O-6 pin on. I also was never interested in the airlines, although I’m doing it now. Turns out it’s better & more interesting than expected, and way better than what I was doing post SQ command. I have zero regrets. There was only one job I wanted as an O-6, which I actually landed, but after taking a genuine assessment of the impacts to my family it exceeded their tolerance threshold. Also it wouldn’t have been as fun in my 40’s as it would have been in my 30’s. I know that’s vague, sorry, but hope it helps.
    1 point
  16. I also never had any desire to be an airline pilot. But when it came time to retire, I realized I had a skill set that the airlines wanted to pay pretty decent money to utilize. And it ain’t just about the money. My life is much happier now without all of the bs while I served. I had a great 29 years but I now realize that life is much better on the outside. I really love my retirement career. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network mobile app
    1 point
  17. I pin on next week. In the 2022 YG, they promoted 307 LAF-A’s, still the largest AFSC group… and I know a solid bakers dozen 11X’s personally that are walking or have walked away right as they pinned on or just prior. And I don’t know that many people! As has been said, stay or go, make the choice for YOU. I chose to stay because my wife is still in (ANG), we’ve got young kids who are flexible, my folks are in good health, and there’s command opportunity and the chance to maybe fly again - and I have no desire to be an airline pilot. But I tell you, I’ve never in my time thought about being done as much as I have in the last two years. Don’t make a snap decision, but be ready for anything. And if you stay, you’ll be surprised at the opportunity/responsibility thrown your way. 24 years (post group command) is the real cliff in old guy retention… So long as you make the right choice for you and your family, you can’t go wrong. Chuck
    1 point
  18. I don’t disagree that ppl on the right need to stand up against bigotry and radicals. I don’t think anyone that regularly posts on here disagrees with this either, and I also don’t think the vast majority of conservatives disagree. However, I don’t see large sections of the right having rallies and pushing for legislation calling for segregation or for women to wear chastity belts until they’re married. Those ideas are just as ludicrous and anti-American as what more and more liberal pundits seem to be championing. What I do see is the mind numbing rot that is DEI infecting young minds across academia. If you want to argue that the majority of democrats aren’t leftists then you may be correct, that’s not something easy to prove or disprove. Regardless, the loudest voices are carrying the party and the academic institutions are pushing DEI harder than a Baptist minister pushing the collection plate at a revival. Interact with some young college students (probably not at liberty university) and bring up DEI and we can compare notes. Both sides have issues. Obviously. The over correction by the left is going to cause some serious upheaval or a break in society in the coming years, and that’s not shit worrying to me.
    1 point
  19. NS listed at least one in his last post … Chuck Schumer is a complete leftist douchebag! add Nancy P and a few other influential leftist leading his non-radicalized, non commie, doesn’t care about DEI party
    1 point
  20. In the top right of your browser, just hit incognito mode. It prevents your computer from story cookies and other files that mine data off your browser and send it back to the merchant site. More importantly, also prevents your wife from finding out you were surfing porn because you forgot to clear your history.
    1 point
  21. This angle is freaking wild. They definitely lost engines from this.
    1 point
  22. The "intelligence community" has about as much credibility left as the post-COVID NIH. They weren't pressured into anything, they willingly signed up for it. Look at the country the Democrats have made: our institutions are illegitimate, the government limits free speech, crime is through the roof, borders are a mess, China is stronger and belligerent... nothing is better now than 2019, everything is worse. Vote them all out.
    1 point
  23. like showing vax cards to enter businesses, work, or school? hmmm
    1 point
  24. I recommend sticking around. At O-6, you can make changes to better the organization in tangible ways for the future. Follow your core value of “Service Before Self” and you can never go wrong.
    1 point
  25. Nope. Waters great on this side of the pool friend. Pay is also. Im happier, my family is happier, my son is in a 100X better school than we ever could have had AD. Go find the life you always owed yourself and your family. You deserve it and congrats on the retirement.
    1 point
  26. Oh the DoD isn’t afraid to to burn a $100 bill without blinking…they just do it due to waste, bad management, etc.
    1 point
  27. You lost me when you said FDR was more liberal than Biden. At least his government spending was based around putting people to work on public projects.
    1 point
  28. It’s the definition of making it equitable for everyone. This absolutely fits the sexist and racist goals of DEI. 100%
    1 point
  29. He wasn't, other than being one of the funniest people to have lived. Humanity has gotten consistently better for the overwhelming majority of our existence. There have been notable retreats (fall of the Roman empire), but in the modern world (last 500 years or so) you would have always wanted to live in the time you existed over living 50 or 100 years earlier. We focus on the negative because it is an asset to survival, especially in the harsher world of the past. But the "humans suck" arguments have always been at odds with the reality that if humans (and religious humans who constitute the vast majority of humans who have lived) really sucked, the world would not keep getting better.
    1 point
  30. Of note, President Biden literally shares a bank account with his crackhead son. The corruption of the Biden crime family is better documented than any of the accusations thrown at Trump. It is plain as day to anyone with eyes exactly why he is soft on China.
    1 point
  31. To be the nerd here but women’s wrestling is actually getting pretty popular and starting to show up at traditional powerhouse wrestling schools like Iowa. Also, the best interview from an American gold medalist was from Tamara Mensah-Stock. Awesome stuff.
    1 point
  32. The non radical democrats vote against women’s sports.
    0 points
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