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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/08/2020 in Posts

  1. In the same boat as y’all. Maybe we all got interviews and they just haven’t sent them out yet... 😉
    2 points
  2. Interference and the “Trump is a Russian agent” narrative are very different. It is dishonest to link the two. You’ll no doubt be horrified to learn that a lot of nations interfere in our electoral and law-making processes. There are entire organizations dedicated to this, they’re called PACs. A lot of former lawmakers make a good living putting foreign interests above American ones. This is nothing new. Despicable and should be illegal, but nothing new. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  3. At least a Master's degree in hookers and blow. Literally.
    2 points
  4. It’s been all downhill from here.
    2 points
  5. If you don’t think we’re at war with Iran and their (former) leader of the Quds Force then you’re completely naive. That was a fantastic move to me. And I know I’m as jaded as they come, but IDGAF about what Trump says about how he feels about the troops. I don’t care if he doesn’t understand the deep inner psyche of military members and why we joined. Keep modernizing the force, stop cupping China’s nuts, empower the leaders in the military, and make our “allies” do their part.
    2 points
  6. Dear god. This guy really could shoot someone on the street in broad daylight and his supporters would claim fake news. The Atlantic article is completely in character with things he’s said publicly and has been confirmed by multiple sources. Anonymous sources make major contributions to stories all the time.
    2 points
  7. You guys have any experience with this training? At my org (group level), we went around the room and, if you were white, you basically had to admit how you have been privileged and how you have internal biases. Super not awkward and fake, let me tell you. And this wasn’t optional. Literally every person had to talk. If you were black, you had to go around and tell the room about your experiences being oppressed based on your skin color. One of the TSgts didn’t know what to say and started rambling about how she’s never had a bad experience or felt scared until the last week when a rent a cop pulled her over on base for speeding. She went on to say that the cop was super nice and did nothing wrong, but that she felt like she should be scared so she was. We are creating victims and people with victim complexes. It also amplifies any sort of racial divide that existed before. The whole training takes away from the fact that there really are race bias problems out there, and that is what we should be focusing on.
    2 points
  8. Shit, I cant remember names worth a fuck. I must have early onset dementia in my mid 30's.
    1 point
  9. Did you not realize this is the internet?
    1 point
  10. Didn’t know we had neurologists on this forum? We already have a ton of political scientists, attorneys, and national security experts.
    1 point
  11. Is your last name near the bottom of the alphabet? Lol...
    1 point
  12. Now that someone has brought up, Hunter was not only a customer but the “President” of that business and many more - super qualified or not whatever. Poor Biden lost the good one which really sucks.
    1 point
  13. Sad. Not my line, but I thought it pretty funny and true: Joe has entered screen saver mode again...
    1 point
  14. If you’re a journalist, don’t editorialize your opinion in the news reporting. There’s an Op-Ed section for this specific distinction.
    1 point
  15. The journalistic track record using the last 3 years isn't a good one. How many stories based on "anonymous" sources turned out to be a total fabrication? News networks and journalists banged the RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA drum for how many years interviewing how many sources (Schiff, Clapper, Brennan come to mind) and were told "We have proof" and, yet, no interest in finding out why they were lied to, and more importantly, why they lied to the American people over and over again. Oddly enough, they didn't lie to Congress but not a wisp of interest as to why. Journalists have not done themselves any favors over the last couple years so it's hard to put much stock in their reportage.
    1 point
  16. He better be wearing this shirt at the board.
    1 point
  17. Nope, there is always a need for punks in the squadron. Who else is going to fill the fridge, make popcorn and brew the coffee?
    1 point
  18. In the opinion of his peers, which to me and many others, means nothing. You are quick the throw cable news under the bus but don't realize most people are already talking past that. What critical thinking are you performing when analyzing an article like Goldberg's? Did you ask what Goldberg has to gain from it? What does his publisher have to gain? What exactly is he saying, and more importantly, what exactly did he leave out? I think by now everyone knows I have an extraordinary low opinion of ALL journalist. (Really, I think they are among the lowest people in society.) I'm sure a lot of journalism out there is fine. But i trust it so much as I trust a Jeppeson approach plate without an approach plate review on a foreign airfield. Edit: In case anyone ask, no, I didn't catch my wife sleeping with a journalist. I just genuinely find them despicable people.
    1 point
  19. There is no such thing as unbiased journalism. Never has been. The whole idea is a fallacy. That’s why it’s important to read a variety of sources. And when I say read, I mean read almost exclusively as cable news networks are universally garbage. Jeffrey Goldberg is certainly biased. But he is also an accomplished and well respected journalist and his stories have merit. It’s reasonable to believe the timing of his story is meant to have maximum impact on the election. So what? Doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. I’ll choose to believe his report, which has been verified by other, independent outlets over the pathological liar in the White House. Journalism may have its flaws, but the bigger flaw is the lack of critical thinking ability on the part of the average American. Like it or not, the free press is a critical part of a free and open society.
    1 point
  20. I’m sure these guys truly believe in the cause and want to make a difference; it has nothing to do with toeing the line with the diversity & inclusion narrative of the brass at the top. Not at all. Curious to see how rapidly these talks dissipate when Trump’s memo makes its way down.
    1 point
  21. I think your biggest fallacy here though with journalist is most people don't believe they are professional or have integrity. American opinion of journal media is at an all time low. Also, I don't want a story. I want information. Let me make conjectures about what that information means. Your story is just opinionated rubbish that needs to stay between a journalist and their friends.
    1 point
  22. Cougar Baron: It’s the Baron you like but thoroughly upgraded, with fresher paint and new, larger, firmer glass cockpit and a strong desire to go out for a spin. Also comes with a drinking habit, divorce, 2 grown kids and a carton of Newport’s.
    1 point
  23. Just so there are no spoilers for those who haven't watched the race yet, let me just say: THAT was interesting and fun to watch.
    1 point
  24. No, I haven’t. While I do know people who have talked like this, they aren’t what I’d consider stand up guys. You simply sound like someone who disguises misogyny with “Locker room” talk. I apologize if I mislabeled you, but your statement would lead one to believe it isn’t a stretch. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    1 point
  25. Wokeness training is cancelled. Signed - POTUS. https://www.whitehouse.gov/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/M-20-34.pdf
    1 point
  26. Confident? Confident in what? That this guy will continue be incompetent if he’s re-elected? Let’s talk about that wall. As of the beginning of August, about 275 miles of wall had been built. Only 30 or so miles of new wall had been built where there were no existing barriers. Exact numbers may vary but I think you’ll agree that Trump has failed to come anywhere near achieving his vision of a big, beautiful wall spanning the length of the southern border. And no, Mexico has not paid for an inch of it. In fact, the military construction budget was pilfered to do it because, like with repealing the ACA, congress knows that a good talking point does not equal good government policy. If you want to call that a promise fulfilled, knock yourself out. The bigger, more tragic picture here is for all the talk about his stupid wall, there has been no meaningful discussion about real, effective, immigration reform. Want to curb illegal immigration? Maybe talk to the farmers and growers whose business model doesn’t work without cheap migrant labor. Back to repealing the ACA: N730 is exactly correct above. Republicans held both houses of Congress and the executive. They could have absolutely gotten that done, but in the decade since ACA was passed, conservatives have been wholely unable to come up with anything better. I would agree that the ACA has serious flaws. Republicans has their chance to fix it and abjectly failed. Trump could only offer the weak excuse: “who knew healthcare was so complicated?”. How about bringing law and order back to the apocalyptic cityscapes Trump so bleakly described in his inaugural speech? He’s been president for nearly four years. The streets that were actually bleak are bleaker and law and order is, in fact breaking down in places where it was previously peaceful. Trumps response has been to fan the flames and encourage his supporters to instigate further unrest. I do not believe for a second that The current or future Trump administration will make our streets remotely safer. The chaos he insists will be the result of a Biden administration is happening now, under his watch. What ever happened to infrastructure? Wasn’t that one of his “promises”? In four years his administration has been unable to get past initial talks with congress regarding an infrastructure bill, the one policy promise of this administration that had robust bipartisan support. The Democrats were willing to help him and he still couldn’t get it done. How about that Iran nuclear deal? Yeah, we pulled out of an imperfect agreement. Has that spurred any meaningful progress with the Iranian government. Is America safer because of it or has the region become even more unstable? Hint: it’s not the former. While we’re on the subject of foreign policy does anyone know what Trump got for spending the first year of his presidency fondling Kim Jong Un’s balls? Doesn’t seem like much has changed in Lil’ Kim’s people’s paradise. So let’s talk about something that’s one of Donnie’s strengths: The economy. It’s true that Wall Street seemed to love the man and his get out of the way policies. In fact, my own 401k swelled as a result of his economic policies. But, prosperity under Trump came in large part due to a tax cut that was extremely generous to big business, but is set to expire on average Joe’s like you and me. The real elephant in the room for those who would call themselves conservatives is that Trump is nothing of the sort when it comes to economic policy. So, at best he gets mixed reviews in this area. In fact, the only promise I can think of that the man unequivocally upheld was the promise to stack the Supreme Court with conservatives. I have to admit, the Republicans have played masterful politics here, basically stealing a nomination from the outgoing administration and putting a candidate in the White House with timing that got them another nomination and likely one more if they can hold the executive. If you’re a Republican, this is legitimate means to celebrate. But let’s face it: Any Republican candidate would have done just fine here. A Rubio, a Cruz, or a Bush would have absolutely put acceptable justices on the court. I fully expect a flurry of excuses from his supporters. Some may even have some validity buried in them somewhere. But one of his signature campaign phrases was “I alone can fix it”. He hasn’t. And all of this incompetence doesn’t even take into account the administration’s pathetic response to Covid-19, which I believe is a dead horse that I’ve already beaten in these forums. So if the ends justify the means for you; if another Supreme Court justice is worth the civil unrest, the decline of science and reason in our country, the abysmal global reputation we are fermenting, the further destabilization of troubled regions around the world, the jaded and cynical worldview one must accept to come to the conclusion that a man with no morals should be the leader of the free world.....if all of those things are worth it to you, then by all means vote to re-elect Donald Trump President of the United States for four more years.
    1 point
  27. I did. Apparently he says it was a sarcastic remark meant to highlight the problems with voting by mail. The article clearly states the administration’s position. However, this is from the same man who has encouraged Republicans to vote in Democratic primaries with the intent of creating havoc and insisted he was joking when he suggested injecting disinfectant into the human body when clearly he was serious. His suggestion that his supporters show up at polling places to ensure their mail in vote was counted completely negates the idea of voting by mail as a method of mitigating virus spread and further shows that the man is only motivated by the preservation of his own inflated ego.
    1 point
  28. No, units aren't that short sighted. There's normally a lull towards the end of the calendar year. It's possible some units have said it's not worth the trouble to hire during COVID, but I'd be surprised if that was the case. Most units have 1, maybe 2 guys a year coming back to the unit from the training pipeline. When someone is hired, the guy won't be flying in the unit for what is almost always a minimum of 3 years. Meanwhile, guys past their 10 year mark can call it quits with a MUCH shorter lead time. So do you really think they'd stop hiring people that they won't see for 3+ years because some guys are getting furloughed now? And don't quote me on this, but I think the seasoning time comes out of a separate pot of money. I'm pretty sure guys on their seasoning orders aren't taking up AGR spots that could be going to more senior guys. Sent from my SM-N975U using Baseops Network mobile app
    1 point
  29. The liberal media is getting this entirely wrong, as usual. The mayor of SF, when asked if Pelosi violated the city health order: "So look, Nancy Pelosi has done so much for this city and even this country and in the midst of this pandemic and all the stuff that’s happening amidst this election, she is in Washington D.C. fighting against a tyrant every single day," Breed said. "We need to be focused on the issues and the fact that over 180,000 people have died in this country and we have a president that continues to divide us." YGBSM. Can democrats just have some integrity and condemn that she did the exact opposite of what they've been saying? Why doesn't she just admit guilt and apologize? Why is the political system so broken in this country? What choice is there for a rational voter when it's just Republicans and Democrats? Every day further convinces me that constitutional amendments are in order: ranked choice voting and term limits for people in congress.
    1 point
  30. We are literally de-evolving intellectually as a species. The entire point of The Enlightenment was the idea that humans could use logic and reason to transcend what had previously been tribal barriers to knowledge and understanding of other humans. That the human experience was common to all humans, and that personal experience (e.g. "my truth") could be understood and empathized with by other humans. People are now being taught from a young age -- not just through formal education, but through social cues and other informal learning, and in a wide variety of social and cultural groups -- that one's identity group is the most important characteristic of their existence, which is the diametric opposite concept. This is a road that has a bad end for human civilization.
    1 point
  31. Uh... it was executed to perfection... well beyond the DLO. Even the Russian judge gave it an "Excellent". (BTW, isn't "Fair" a 1?) In any case, I know these things. I was a FAIP... and I saw the video. So I got that going for me.
    1 point
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