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  1. Past hour
  2. The tripe above to distract you form the continued and consistent lawfare being waged by the left. Let's review: 1. The Biden DOJ #3 left to join the NY Attorney General's office (unheard of), and ended up giving the opening argument against trump. The rest of the trail I won't even get into...even MSNBC admits it will be overturned, but the DNC got the "convicted felon" sound bite they wanted for the election. 2. Today in the Hunter Biden trial the FBI presented the laptop as VERIFIED evidence meaning it WAS Hunter's laptop. Still waiting for a single one of the former Intelligence Officials to apologize and admit they were wrong....or for the big tech firms that suppressed the story to admit they were wrong....or the media...I know, it will never happen, just a wave of the hand. 3. The Attorney General testified today and defended all of his actions including trying to hold back the actual tapes of the Biden interview even though the transcripts are out. The official DOJ reason...the tapes could be used to make deep fakes. WTF? 50+ years of making political speeches, there is enough out there to make deep fakes...they are not even needed they way this demented idiot speaks these days. 4. Today Biden took executive action on the border...after claiming for years there was nothing he could do and he didn't have the power...oh and after reversing Trump's border order on day one in office. Anyone want to address testimony from Mayorkas saying our border is secure...nothing to see here. I would invite you all to read this idiotic executive order...it is a complete farce. Republicans are NOT perfect...but for F's sake Democrats are insane.
  3. My understanding isn't that the jets are running out of landings, it's that the airframes are timing out. So while I agree with you to a certain extent, the trap rate is built into the design and it's not been a limiting factor (that I'm aware of).
  4. Today
  5. https://www.yahoo.com/news/bombshell-report-reveals-team-trump-141058553.html
  6. https://appropriations.house.gov/news/press-releases/committee-releases-fy25-defense-appropriations-bill “Preventing the early retirement of three ships and retaining the U-2 and certain F-15s, rejecting the Biden Administration’s naval and air force divestment plans.” A long way to go to reverse the U-2 divestment. But a start. Only 16 months to go and we've parked about 25% of the fleet.
  7. BFM this

    Jeremiah Weed

    Wife: sends me lake cabins "oooh look, I almost think we can afford it" Me: oh hey, a fighter pilot W: wait, what? how could you tell that? Me: amongst other nondescript military memorabilia, a bottle of JW on the shelf W: ...
  8. Hovering is God like. Can't blame a fast mover for wanting to pull into a 50' hover and yell ropes, ropes, ropes (sts). Besides, everyone is doing it at KIKR.
  9. At least that'll be less wasteful than the Afghan C-130 crews we trained.
  10. Missed the date but 4 mths ago sold patio furniture to a former TUS ANG F-16 instructor and said they were underway with the Ukraine students making the transition. First Ukrainian Pilots Graduate US F-16 Training (airandspaceforces.com)
  11. Yeah I know that. I was replying to the guy that said he hasn't heard of anybody getting a B-1 from T-1 or T-38 in the last year. He also said the air force isn't giving any to new pilots and didn't specify base/upt program.
  12. This. We cannot tax our way out of this mess. Our current debt is approaching $267,000 per taxpayer. Or about 30% more than last year's GDP. You'd have to have a 100% federal tax rate on absolutely everything, not just those who currently pay taxes, for an entire year and we still would be in debt. To say it another way, the entire US population would have to give all their income for an entire year to the Feds. And state, county, and local governments would have to also work for free for the year. And that would still only pay off 69% of our debt.
  13. raimius

    Gun Talk

    With them...probably a Q1 with a few commendables. They still post on the anniversary of Waco painting themselves as heroes...
  14. Yesterday
  15. That article is over a year old... Fake news.
  16. does anyone with half a brain really think F-16s are gonna make a dent in this war?
  17. Check out the latest drop night at CAB. It was a large group (about 30 pilots). I wasn't there but from what I've heard: B-1 (x1) F-22 (x1) F-35 (x1) F-16 (x2)
  18. Swizzle

    Gun Talk

    So Q- because they evaluate themselves? Heard somewhere, forget where, a new litigation TTP being used is hiring DA's with outspoken targets, then pursuing federal crimes in state courts under state rules. Think AR has it in them? How are their state rules?
  19. raimius

    Gun Talk

    The ATF had a warrant to look for evidence, but they chose to break down the dude's door at 6AM with a SWAT team loaded for bear. They CHOSE to pick a fight when their authority was to go rummage around the guy's records. It won't be ruled criminal negligence leading to homicide, but it should be....
  20. I wonder what the nature of those offenses were on that list. I find it shameful that collegiate athletes would engage in underage drinking, marijuana consumption, premarital coitus, hooliganism, theft of Christmas lawn ornaments, fighting, speeding, truancy, and other various malfeasance. If only they’d have kept their noses clean they could have gone to OTS and become below average pilots like this one guy I know. Hypothetically speaking, of course.
  21. busdriver

    Gun Talk

    Presumption of innocence does not mean anyone is brain washed into thinking the dirt bag Crip is actually a saint. It means the burden of proof is on the state. The standard in court (beyond reasonable doubt) is high because the risk to liberty is high. Police officers act on a much lower standard (probable cause), because the presumption is a much lower risk to liberty. When making arrests the police are not acting on a presumption of guilt, they are acting on probable cause to believe that a crime occurred. If a crime occurred, then there is another party whose rights/liberty were violated, whether that party is an actual accuser or the public at large. Yes, the actual cops think the dude they're grabbing is a complete shit-head. But that is completely different than their authority/place within the common law tradition. It may seem like semantics, but this is very important within the context of how the law is supposed to work.
  22. Lawman

    Gun Talk

    There is a flaw in your logical format. The duty of a peace officer executing a warrant isn’t to determine guilt/innocence of individuals encountered in the conduct of their duty, it’s the preservation of civil order (ie non violence or destruction/chaos) and protection to bystanders at large and themselves in the execution of a legitimate action by the state. Somebody found on the premises being searched isn’t deemed a bystander at large, they are going to be detained which is within lawful permissions and cleared primarily on two protected grounds, preservation of evidence and officer safety, but with a load of case law behind them. The burden of right to detain/question/apprehend and hold within process limitations is met already by issuance of the warrant. Thats not on the officers following protocol, that’s on the state and the judge in demonstrating the burden to take that step across what is the status quo of respect to constitutional privacy. It’s a grey area our more vehemently libertarian minded refuse to acknowledge. That’s why they have to go to a judge to execute a proactive action like a search/arrest warrant vs a reactive situation like a situation of exigent circumstances or a simple response to dispatch call. People can scream “guilty until proven innocent,” but reality is there are stages every citizen goes through between innocent to guilty, an example being pre trial custody. The entire concept of bail is built on that being constitutionally permissible. Same is true of assumption of connection to crimes by being present in a location that has met the burden of a warrant. This guy isn’t the poor bastard that responded to noise in the night and the door kickers got the address wrong, this dude is living in a house knowing or ignoring his actions as a felon and expecting to be treated the same as the guy that isn’t doing that. Sorry not sorry, no different than running human trafficking out of your basement, you are actively engaged in crime, so the idea he could have innocently thought it was anybody but law enforcement is a made up argument. Look I can’t stand the ATF, because they are redundant and clown shoe in their professionalism compared to other agency’s, but using this shooting as evidence of the police state is a bad hill to die on. This wasn’t invented charges, or victimless crimes, and if this dude had been slinging Coke/meth/etc and killed by the DEA it wouldn’t have been a blip on the Glocktalk/NRA/USSA forum type circles or generate any action in Congress. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  23. The best college football teams have a good percentage of the starters with a rap sheet. If a team isn't having to bail a few players out each season, they likely aren't winning either. Not an endorsement, just a fact.
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