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16 minutes ago, brabus said:

Let it be known, if you were “young” 30 years ago, you’re a geezer. Fuck it, when do I get my AARP discounts!

No $hit!

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14 hours ago, Standby said:

I don’t see any bread stocks in the Pelosi Index…is this an insider trading tip regarding the impending boom in rustic Italian breads?

She gets a heads up from her yeast.  

Yeah, that's gross.



30 minutes ago, brabus said:

Fuck it, when do I get my AARP discounts!

As soon as I get a cold frosty case of diabetes. 



Edited by Biff_T
Spelling bee failure
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19 hours ago, TreeA10 said:

Big difference between "when I was young" geezer tales from 3 decades ago vs 3 years ago and everyone who has been buying groceries knows that difference.  

Not really. The difference is that it's your turn now.


Political incompetence has led to hyperinflationary spikes many times. They are usually brutal then followed by decades of stability. We are not unique. 

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On 6/7/2024 at 10:02 AM, Biff_T said:

The cool thing is he got to suck on Katy Perry's tits!


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12 hours ago, M2 said:




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Listened to an episode of Honestly today going over the NY Trump verdict.  In the discussion was a comparison of the NY prosecutor's zeal and the prosecution of Capone, an alleged murderous mobster convicted of whatever investigators could grasp onto at the time--tax evasion.  

This seems to fall into the same broad metaphorical bucket but at the other end of the spectrum; given what is known via Hunter's laptop and witness statements, the gun charges are token at best; more realistically just a distraction from the reality that no meaningful justice will be pursued.

Move along, people.

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Conveniently, any possible charges for tax issues and foreign lobbying were allowed to expire due to statute of limitations so the potential major embarrassing legal problems are a problem no more.

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8 hours ago, disgruntledemployee said:

Biff ain't the 1st to dibs that, nor will he be the last.

I will have a huge amount of Eskimo brothers.....just like Rucker. 

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I will have a huge amount of Eskimo brothers.....just like Rucker. 

Yeah but this one is bragging rights and not just the consequences of some half way decent girl trading the only currency available for a ticket out of Andalusia/Troy/Dothan.

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7 hours ago, Lawman said:

girl trading the only currency available for a ticket out of Andalusia/Troy/Dothan

I wonder what it’s like to fuck your way out of Dothan, only to move to almost any other Army base and eventually realize almost all of them are shitholes. 

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I wonder what it’s like to your way out of Dothan, only to move to almost any other Army base and eventually realize almost all of them are shitholes. 

I know a girl who was a Dothan native, who became a Ft Riley KS wife, only to become a Dothan girl again after the divorce….

Nobody ever high fives a guy because they knew the same Longhorn waitress. Katie Perry, that might go differently.

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10 hours ago, brabus said:

I wonder what it’s like to fuck your way out of Dothan, only to move to almost any other Army base and eventually realize almost all of them are shitholes. 

The dudes and students in the 23rd are the golden ticket.  Lol.  

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I bet Joe Biden is really Hillary in Drag.  

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Make no mistake, his handlers with have him on the really good stuff (drugs) for the debate.  If I’m Trump, I would let Biden talk as much as possible, but with Trump, that probably won’t happen.

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In other news, here is Schumer trying to show you that he’s just an ordinary guy who knows how to grill hamburgers.  What’s funny is that I’m sure a few of his top advisors looked at this picture before giving the thumbs up that it was good for social media, which means those same people are just as clueless when it comes to operating a grill.  Personally I don’t really care if a politician knows how to do basic grilling or not, I just don’t like them trying to gaslight me that they’re “just like us” when they’re clearly not. 


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2 hours ago, HeloDude said:

In other news, here is Schumer trying to show you that he’s just an ordinary guy who knows how to grill hamburgers.  What’s funny is that I’m sure a few of his top advisors looked at this picture before giving the thumbs up that it was good for social media, which means those same people are just as clueless when it comes to operating a grill.  Personally I don’t really care if a politician knows how to do basic grilling or not, I just don’t like them trying to gaslight me that they’re “just like us” when they’re clearly not. 


His wieners look done though - that's probably what he's smiling about.

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22 hours ago, HeloDude said:

In other news, here is Schumer trying to show you that he’s just an ordinary guy who knows how to grill hamburgers.  What’s funny is that I’m sure a few of his top advisors looked at this picture before giving the thumbs up that it was good for social media, which means those same people are just as clueless when it comes to operating a grill.  Personally I don’t really care if a politician knows how to do basic grilling or not, I just don’t like them trying to gaslight me that they’re “just like us” when they’re clearly not. 


That's some nasty looking wal mart quality beef right there.

And, oh wait, is that a gas grill.

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Schumer has been eviscerated in the press and on social media "He makin an EColi Cheese Burger"...he caved and took the post down.  Democrats, always pretending to be something they are not...normal humans.

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23 hours ago, HeloDude said:

me that they’re “just like us” when they’re clearly not. 


You gents don't slap a few Kraft singles on a greyish diseased looking peice of meat and char them into oblivion?   


Edited by Biff_T
He looks retarded next to a grill
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