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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/28/2022 in Posts

  1. Lol See thalidomide, see Tuskegee experiments, see all the recalled drugs in our nations history. I am the only person who has my best interest in mind. I’m not saying that we shall throw the baby out with the bath water (the FDA and CDC do some good work), but these covid drugs seem much more on the side of thalidomide, than penicillin or Tylenol. I’ve never seen such targeted adds for the use of Tylenol in children, but for covid they are literally paying children to get vaccinated ( see “kids deserve a shot” website ). State gov agencies have raffled off scholarships, lottery tickets and much more in the name of “public safety”. Doesn’t that smell weird to you? If the medicine was so good shouldn’t you have to pay for it? Oh wait, as a taxpayer we already paid for it via a juicy contract to the tune of 2 billion, and to add insult to injury we paid for all the coercive incentive programs for people to take it. If something seems too good to be true, it usually is.
    5 points
  2. That’s quite the conundrum you present. You either blindly trust that Big Pharma has 100% public interest as their motive, or divorce yourself completely from their products. I don’t know if you’ve read or watched, but the Hulu series Dopesick (and book of same name), illustrated how corrupt the FDA and Pharma can be. But that fact that within one year, the “vaccine” has made them record breaking profits, and the messaging now is three shots + booster. I’m not the smartest man in the world, but something doesn’t pass the smell test. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network mobile app
    5 points
  3. I might have missed it, but don't think I've seen this one here yet.
    4 points
  4. No, the Trump admin did sanction Russia for the pipeline in 2017 and was heavily condemned by the EU for doing so. Further completion was also a major factor in Trump's decision to pull 10K troops out of Germany. (Along with failing to uphold NATO spending and other issues, but NS2 was definitely a key point). Biden immediately reversed that decision before it was implemented and wanted to go for a softer diplomatic approach. Putin was smart enough to realize you don't need to control all of Europe, just Germany. They have the largest population/most money in Europe and the rest of Europe happily submits to their leadership.
    4 points
  5. Kept the Keystone pipeline and never have supported Nord Stream 2 in current form.
    3 points
  6. Can they alternate whose on top? 😎
    2 points
  7. Yes, RINOs is what this country needs.... 🤢
    2 points
  8. RIP Blackwolf 01. 2 years ago today.
    2 points
  9. At a minimum, it’ll be 3 years before anything close to this happens.
    2 points
  10. So in summary Uncle Joe has: 1. Screwed the Afghanistan Withdraw. 2. Torched the stock market (all gains since the election now erased). 3. Brought inflation home to America. 4. Failed to stop the virus as promised. 5. Opened the door for Russia to invade Ukraine. 6. Allowed China to rage in the South Pacific and now launch large force packages at Taiwan. 7. Tried bring us all back together by destroying the filibuster. He sure has re-established America on the world stage. Yes Trump is an ass, a horrible person, but this was worth all your hate? Simply unreal.
    2 points
  11. For once I agree with you in that this would be the smartest course of action for the Dems. But I'm going to disagree that they are smart enough to execute this plan. And while I think there are some interesting potential Republican prospects, I have my doubts that that party can get out from under the Trump/populist faction. I guess I'm kind of pessimistic at the moment. I expect at least another four years of dumpster fire whether its Trump 2.0 or Biden gridlocked with an uncooperative (to say the least) Republican congress.
    1 point
  12. No it wouldn't. Just ask the white supremacist VA Lt Gov Winsome Sears, just one example.
    1 point
  13. @pawnman He probably hasn’t seen the Kentucky study, eh?
    1 point
  14. Trump has a better chance of being Speaker if the GOP flips the House than Harris being nominated to the SCOTUS.
    1 point
  15. Biden will announce that he's not going to run for reelection. That way the Democrats can run a legitimate primary, because they recognize if Kamala is the presumptive candidate, they're done. I expect the entire democratic machine to come out and work against her, just like the Republican machine will work against Trump if he decides to try again. Neither side is interested in running a deeply unpopular candidate right now. My fear is that the Republicans will run Ron DeSantis, who I like a great deal, but he has no hook. Just a boring white guy, and that's not gonna be enough. If he runs as Nikki Haley's vice president, that could do the trick. At least then he'll have name recognition after her second term. I think the Democrats are just as unsure as we are about who they're going to run. The war between the progressive wing and the liberal Wing has only gotten worse since 2020.
    1 point
  16. I'm guessing that you're obese because you've been following the old food pyramid most of your life which recommends 11 servings of carbohydrates a day...
    1 point
  17. Imperfect as the system may be, I believe I'd much rather depend on a taxpayer funded organization subject to oversight by duly elected officials to determine the safety of food and drugs I put in my body vs some yahoo trying to fund his next Lamborghini with youtube clicks.
    1 point
  18. I have bad memories from my MFS in college…. Got knocked out for color vision under the old standards. Fingered crossed I can pass for a third time under the current standards. Maybe this visit to Wright-Pat is redemption!
    1 point
  19. This Big Pharma argument is so disingenuous. If you refuse to trust pharmaceutical companies, the CDC, and the FDA, fine. I have no problem with that. Just be intellectually honest and stop shopping at the grocery store. Stop taking your Tylenol, your Prilosec, and your Viagra. Go grow your own vegetables, raise your own meat, and stop taking all medications. To do anything otherwise means you implicitly trust the system in place and are talking out of your ass.
    1 point
  20. Believe what you want on the other points, but this is not true. DJIA close 3 Nov 2020 (election day): 27,480 DJIA close 20 Jan 2021 (inauguration day): 31,188 DJIA close 26 Jan 2022 (today): 34,168 S&P 500 close 3 Nov 2020: 3,369 S&P 500 close 20 Jan 2021: 3,851 S&P 500 close 26 Jan 2022: 4,349 Stocks have indeed taken a dip off all-time highs in the last 3 weeks but...🤷‍♂️
    1 point
  21. How convenient you forgot this gem from 2012. "The 1980s, they're now calling to ask for their foreign policy back," Obama said, seeking to paint Romney as out of touch on a key foreign policy issue. Russia annexed Crimea less than two years after this comment.
    1 point
  22. 1. Have you actually seen the results of those trials or are we still waiting 75 years for the data to be released? 2. VAERS makes you more confident? Just because I’m dumb and I need help from young people with the Internet, could you please reassure me about the safety of these vaccines by comparing the number of C19 adverse reaction reports to vaccines of the past? I’m sure the numbers are extremely low and this vaccine tests favorably so if you could help me out with that I’d really appreciate it. 3. You trust the CDC, I assume because their guidance has been so consistent throughout this pandemic.except…. 4. The CDC is recommending masks but the UK (what I believe is part of your vaunted international community) just abolished mask mandates. The entities you report as trustworthy are in conflict with each other, which means you hold conflicting ideas simultaneously. “Double think” is the official parlance for the phenomenon you are experiencing. By the way Africa doesn’t give a fuck about the vaccine and seems to be doing about as well as anyone. 5. of note on those billions of “safe and effective” doses: in less than a year the definition of “effective” changed from preventing acquisition of Covid to maybe, hopefully lessening the symptoms of Covid (although even that claim is an article of faith) and doing nothing to stop the spread. Whatever your current definition of “safe,” be prepared for that to change. look I get it man, you are a believer. More power to you for being honest about your total indoctrination. However, the official narrative is crumbling whether you see it or not, so I wrote the above for those other people who might be lurkers wondering if the anecdotes they’ve seen are isolated incidents. To them I would say, believe your own experiences. This lie is falling apart, don’t give into the pressure of calling false things real and real things false. We all went along with the “experts” 1-2 years ago partly because we had to and partly because our default setting was trust the experts. But suddenly gathering in crowds was OK as long as you were protesting for BLM but not OK to attend church. Then the lab leak conspiracy grew into the most likely origin, and the people who seemed surprised by Covid and certain the origins were natural turned out to have illegally funded experimentation in a communist Chinese military hospital. Then you got the vaccine, and got Covid afterwards like I did and wondered what the hell? Then you saw healthy young people getting heart attacks and thought that seems weird but you were assured it had nothing to do with anything and is totally anomalous. Then we took our masks off for a few months then we put them back on and it made zero difference in terms of the trajectory of the virus. Now they are telling you to get a booster or a second booster and plan to get boosters forever and plan to wear masks forever and you probably don’t like this world of vaccine passports and stewardesses shouting at you and do not see how the actions we have taken have made things better but everything is quantifiably worse. When you speak up or mention it people shout you down, call you a Trumper or a science denier and you feel like something about this entire thing just isn’t right. If this is you, don’t worry bro, the tide is turning.
    1 point
  23. I think they’ve got a good track record of being open and honest about the side effects of a drug which they’ve made billions off. I mean OxyContin “non-addictive” release was along time ago in 1996, I’m sure Big Pharma has changed since then…
    1 point
  24. “The experimental vaccines are safe and effective” is an extraordinary claim that you accepted at face value. It’s so insane that your default is to believe big pharma. We’ll see how well that ages.
    1 point
  25. @nsplayr, no these questions should be asked where the public can bear witness. If there are sources that were involved then perhaps they should be revealed. There are no "methods" that could be divulged from answering those questions. No? You don't think that everything that happens is a power play by someone? I'm sorry to tell you, but you are incredibly naive.
    1 point
  26. I don't give them the benefit of the doubt. They've overstepped bounds and done "shady stuff" too many times for me to trust them based on the FBI name. Additionally...if the FBI had folks in the crowd trying to get the crowd to storm the capitol, who will not face any charges...doesn't that diminish any rhetoric about trying president Trump for encouraging the crowd to storm the capitol? After all...he was the head of the executive branch. If we think people acting on his behalf were in bounds to exhort that sort of action, why would it be out of bounds if the president did it?
    1 point
  27. This probably could also go in “What’s wrong with the Air Force”.
    0 points
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