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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/02/2018 in Posts

  1. The intent is that they’ll make up for the lost training at the FTUs. Can’t speak for the fighter side but on the MAF guys, the FTUs are running at max capacity and min manning. They will definitely not get their lost UPT training at the FTUs. Then they’ll show up to the units and be our problem. They will continue to be burdened with nonner duties because commanders can’t seem to follow CSAF guidance. They’ll waste time on being equipment custodian, security manager, Christmas party planner, unit piss test POC or whatever. They’ll have no one to set them straight and teach them how to be pilots because all of our experience is running for the airlines, if they aren’t shackled up at the wing exec or DS office. We are so f*c&ed.
    4 points
  2. From what I recall it was a unisex Deid trailer style "bathroom" IVO the hooch where the deployed unit did their roll calls. It was during/after a members only unit social event, and Wilkerson noticed a line had started forming up to use the pisser because someone had locked themselves in the stall for quite a while and wasn't answering when people were knocking. He knocked and went to check WTH was going on, and it was two female dependents (who weren't even supposed to be there) who had locked themselves in to gossip and look at their Instagram. He then apologized. NBD. At the trial, the prosecution never entered the incident into evidence. They just asked multiple of Wilkerson's character witnesses, on cross-examination, if they had heard of the incident... to try to get it into the jury's heads by implication that Wilkerson was a creepo.
    2 points
  3. I was there, it was not even remotely what the prosecutor made it out to be. The accuser was also well known to have lied in court previously and was a veteran of making shit up to get back at other dudes in the past. Maybe it happened, maybe it didn't, but the fact remains you had a questionable accuser and it was merely his word vs. hers. Frankly, it's bullshit to send someone to prison based on that weak of a case, and that's why Gen Franklin did what he did.
    2 points
  4. Another great post because it chrystalzes the differences between us. I just don’t believe the link you posted about 3.2 million eligible voters unable to obtain appropriate ID. I’ve never in my life met someone in the US without ID required to vote, and my wife and I have worked with old and economically disadvantaged folks while volunteering in some run down locations. on the other hand, I think voter fraud is far more common than you assume. So I understand your POV, but we disagree on the facts so we’ve drawn different conclusions. Which is a consistent theme for most of our political disagreements.
    2 points
  5. I can't check out a book at the library without an ID but progressives think verifiable ID for voting is too much of a burden. Are we denying somebody's right to read?
    2 points
  6. They use a third party to recommend course transfer credit. http://www2.acenet.edu/militaryguide/CourseSearch.cfm I don't see the current SOS on their list, so you'll have to ask the registrar for their current policy. Until 2012, they recommended "In the graduate degree category, 3 semester hours in leadership/managerial human relations."
    1 point
  7. No, but when you go to the airlines, you’ll be hammered when your app gets scored... I’d just go traditional, your future self will thank you.
    1 point
  8. Resistance to voter ID efforts are about enabling fraud and undermining our system. See, I can make dumb generalizations too! When you assume my intent and base your opposition to my concerns on this incorrectly assumed intent, discourse is impossible. Said another way, when the discussion starts by you telling me my concerns are not just invalid, but neferious, there can be no amicable resolution. Why don’t you try seeing the voter ID issue from my perspective? I see the potential disenfranchisement issue from yours, and I get it. As I said to NS, I don’t think it’s a serious issue but I could be wrong. How can we fix it? Basically, since we should agree that voting integrity is the foundational legitimacy of representative democracy, how can we compromise and ensure both our concerns are addressed? I’ll tell you how not to do it— starting the discussion by assuming my concerns are smokescreen for cheating my fellow citizens.
    1 point
  9. Voter ID laws are about discouraging the impoverished from voting. Minorities are disproportionately affected by poverty. I think a nationwide photo ID system would be great as long as it doesn't create any time/financial burden on people. I can almost hear the high-pitched whine of republicans when they have to squeeze a few more tax pennies to make this happen though. They should just tie it into selective service registration, and have everyone do it at once.
    1 point
  10. But yet infringe on those same people's right to obtain a firearm. Funny, you're cool with making someone have an ID to purchase a gun in the name of "safety" but you're not for requiring that same ID to ensure we have fair elections.
    1 point
  11. Unless your dream is to fly in the military and no one else will take you, join the Army but DONT go active duty as an RLO. Go Gaurd and be a warrant. The Army’s warrant officers have a pretty good deal, but you’re not a group decision maker outside of the cockpit ever, unless you’re an SP or an Air Mission Commander for mission. There’s a reason the Army is hemorrhaging pilots. I’m an Army aviator and RLO that wishes He dropped a UQR at 26, and rushed some fighter units then, Instead of doing it at 30 going on 31. Im not going to give up and neither should you. Flying anything would be a dream. I’m an Austin local so PM me if you wanna have a beer and see if we can help each other get hired. Cooperate and graduate right? Shoot me a Pm and I’ll give you some more detailed advice.
    1 point
  12. This is the best idea, IMHO. Go for it all; see what sticks and decide when your options are on the table. Fire's hot and water's wet, my brother; we all do the same thing and your advice is as good as mine. I'm just dumber thinking it's a good idea to pay the amount of rent I have to in NYC. That said, don't give up too many of our secrets. Haha. Turned the wheels all night and tried to enjoy the bologna sandwiches and cold tater tots for dinner, right? Good luck chasing your Hail Mary, too. Hopefully we both get lucky and some kind squadron out there has pity on us old geezers always putting fires out and lets us burn holes in the sky.
    1 point
  13. Exactly. How many ops units are having to run more grade books than the school house? I know mine does. The AF is transferring BASIC aircrew training to the ops units, and still lying to itself that the products are going to be the same. Eventually, this will get people killed. We are already seeing an increased normalization of high fatigue, all-inexperienced aircrews, and guidance to "maximize training" (often during operational sorties)...and the new aircrew with even fewer hours are just starting to arrive, and its going to get even worse. I used to have a fair number of flights where I could do proficiency and skill development with people. Now, I spend the vast majority of time on operational sorties or just trying to do enough to log the currency requirements (sometimes at the same time). We are going to get more inexperienced crews and more so-called "experienced" crews that have fewer and rustier skills (even if their beans look good).
    1 point
  14. I only had actual contract lodging once in my 15 years. They put "contract lodging" on a form several times, which makes things fun if your AO isn't smart enough to know the difference, but if it goes on your GTC, it ain't contract lodging.
    1 point
  15. SAPD is hiring, and pays well... https://sapdcareers.com/ And you can always try at the 433rd Airlift Wing... http://www.433aw.afrc.af.mil/Portals/115/Documents/AFD-130628-074.pdf https://bogidope.com/job-listings/68th-airlift-squadron
    1 point
  16. I can't really say what option I'd recommend but as a data point, I was interviewing at Guard units at 28 as well. Ended up getting picked up on Active Duty but from what I saw, it wasn't uncommon to see people at that age at interviews. Also, I remember interviewing and talking with a dude at one unit who was a full-time police officer and flew C-130s on the side with the Guard. Personally I think being in LEO for Fire would be awesome plus you get to pull sweet TDYs/Deployments when you feel like it.
    1 point
  17. Cool - if the Dems / Progressives want to show their sincerity (using your words as a proxy) then they should at the state level show the red states how to get 100% photo ID done along with other vote integrity assurance technology / procedures, then you guys win points in the national debate by removing this legitimate point of contention. Photo ID is only one part of a well defended, high integrity voting system. Include bio-metric/video recording of voters and compared to other voting facilities to prevent double dipping, no electronic tallying machines - physical ballots only, and a law enforcement presence (to include ICE) at all voting facilities to ensure no intimidation by any side and I as a conservative would have no problem with liberal ideas on increasing voter participation (same day registration, weekend voting, etc...).
    1 point
  18. I don’t have to argue or “narrate” anything, it’s bullshit. If you can’t adult enough to have some form of ID, then why should I be concerned about your ability to vote on either side.
    1 point
  19. For that matter, whenever a base lodging office has "helped" me by making my reservation off base, I usually just call and cancel it from the taxi on my way to my desired location. JTR, FTW; SorryNotSorry.
    1 point
  20. Infantry was my second choice after aviation. I was going to be a 4th generation infantry officer if aviation didn’t work out. After doing some infantry stuff in college, then going through ranger school, I realized that playing call of duty and those type of games look cool, but humping (sts) 69-106.9 lbs of shit is not fun. It’s exhausting. It’s not even that fun. I flew overhead of a lot of infantry guys while providing them air support in combat, heard the bullets flying in firefights, and I was glad I wasn’t doing it. As an officer, you do more administrative stuff and aren’t a trigger puller doing a lot of that kind of stuff, but you are certainly out there on patrol with them as a platoon leader or commander. It’s hot (or freezing), dirty, exhausting, and not for everyone. Infantry guys put flight packets in...flyers don’t out infantry packets in. I have some buddies who did the ranger regiment/special forces/delta force thing. They do cool stuff. Cool stuff is a relative term, and for every minute of cool stuff they have hours or months worth of misery. As for the danger, I had one good buddy from college who took an RPG in the chest, a friend who stepped on an IED and died, a buddy who died in a vehicle rollover, a good buddy from college and ranger school who lost both legs and a hand from an IED, a classmate from college who got seriously burned over 95% of his body but managed to live, looks scary now, a usafa buddy who i went to air assault with who crossed into army infantry and got blown The fck up and permanently disfigured, and a few other serious injuries. I also lost about 10 friends in helicopter crashes. Pick your poison. It’s a dangerous business.
    1 point
  21. And that right there is why this plan will fail
    1 point
  22. Just to add to several of the points mentioned, I would also consider FD/PD employment AND rush AFRC/ANG units. I took the path you're currently considering and got on a FD after my enlistment (after two years of trying out). The pay/schedule afforded me an opportunity to get my PPL/Finish my Undergrad simultaneously without any loans. A PD brother is a Guard Blackhawk Driver and K9 Sergeant; He was away from the PD for about two years without any negative repercussions at work. PD/FD in GENERAL is part time friendly for Military types. So much yes to the better QOL on the FD side; I get cursed out by every Patrolman that comes through and witnesses us playing PS4 in the training room on a Saturday afternoon. XBOX elitists. I'm a "wannabe' as well at 34.5 and just decided to dust off the dream because I gave up prematurely. Lots of great advice in this thread, I can also answer any questions about FD albeit it's not of FDNY caliber!! In the best drawl I can muster sober, Get Er Dunnnn young fella.
    1 point
  23. Hopefully it will get zero use ever. But if I found my self in the chute over any of our current AOs, I'd be very happy to have the little extra firepower. In any modern conflict, good guys will be enroute fast, but so will every bad guy who sees or hears about it. I'd gladly trade most of that BS long term survival stuff in for bullets. Unless Korea kicks off, an isolated pilot is probably either dead, captured (and will be dead in a very painful manner), or already rescued before he could even think about being thirsty let alone hungry or sleepy. This is long overdue and should have been SERE's absolute #1 priority 15 years ago.
    1 point
  24. #4 fire, #2 throttle stuck at 12k in/lbs.
    1 point
  25. How many missions have you flown in Afghanistan or Iraq where HVIs, VBEDs, Taliban leaders, or IEDs where identified and blown to shit from above, there by saving lives? Maybe you never got to see the Army guys eating their first hot meal in the chow hall after being on the side of a mountain for weeks. Or seeing guys close up after their vehicle hit an IED. If we weren't in Afghanistan and Iraq to fly more missions per Gates, there would have been far more dead mothers, fathers, brothers, and sisters from the Army, Marines, and Special Forces. Thanks to the USAF, lots of the enemy got the death wish they were always screaming about on YouTube. No virgins included.
    1 point
  26. That is because AMC doesn't value dudes who are good leaders that are excellent, mission focused pilots. Being the #1 IP in an AMC wing will get you a cheap looking trophy. Being the #1 FGO in an AMC wing gets you a fancy medal at the awards ceremony with a pretty good shot at "the path."
    1 point
  27. This is completely at odds with protecting and defending the constitution man. It’s not up to you or me whether or not a fellow citizen should be voting or not, and it’s a betrayal of democracy to work to prevent citizens from voting. Why is it fire and brimstone from a lot of y’all to in any way limit access to firearms but it’s super blasé about denying citizens their ability to vote? If you are calling me hypocritical for wanting some limits to the 2A, I am absolutely saying the same when you casually shrug off the disenfranchisement of fellow citizens, and I’d argue the later is much worse. Plenty of representatives forms of government function without unfettered acccess to guns, by definition they cannot when people can’t vote.
    -1 points
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