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The WOKE Thread (Merged from WTF?)

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16 hours ago, kaputt said:

Reddit apparently found homeboy’s post history. I won’t link to it in case it turns out to not be legit; but just go through the recent posts in the topic about this on r/AirForce if you want to see. 

It’s not a good look if true. Lots of far left and anarchist garbage on there, including celebrating deaths of US Service members. 


Well that didn’t take long. Someone or something wiped his entire post history. I can only imagine if he was a right wing extremist the media would have gladly shared such awful posts in order to prove the grave threat of right wing extremism. Left wing extremist in uniform though, wipe that shit and shove it under the proverbial rug. Classic. 

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It has to take some serious commitment to willingly burn yourself to death.  He could not have been more wrong in his convictions, but I'm impressed he was able to hold out as long as he did and with almost no indication of the agony he was surely going through.  Maybe, just maybe, not everyone that is woke is a wussy coward.  Not sure if that is reassuring or not.

As has been said, imagine what this dude could have done if he had put that same commitment towards a worthy cause.

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It has to take some serious commitment to willingly burn yourself to death.  He could not have been more wrong in his convictions, but I'm impressed he was able to hold out as long as he did and with almost no indication of the agony he was surely going through.  Maybe, just maybe, not everyone that is woke is a wussy coward.  Not sure if that is reassuring or not.
As has been said, imagine what this dude could have done if he had put that same commitment towards a worthy cause.

Maybe some pharmacological assistance?

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42 minutes ago, herkbum said:


Maybe some pharmacological assistance?

Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network mobile app


Thinking the same.  Dude.  Doused himself in fluid, then took quite a few attempts to get his lighter to work, then engulfed in flames.  After full flamage, he was still yelling coherently in between screams.  

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This was, is, and should be seen as a propaganda victory for Hamas/Iran. This kid certainly had a few loose screws and I'm positive there were other warning signs that will become evident in the days that follow. Not sure what the fix is here. Maybe it's just an inevitable casualty in the new modern warfare we seem to be lurching towards.

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11 hours ago, disgruntledemployee said:

Tictok challenge 2024!*

Gab a can of 50/50 mix of high octane and diesel (flammability and sticktoyoutiveness) and the best 1 strike torch and challenge away.  Shooting up a school is so passe.  This is how you get likes and views! 


* Satire

That would be great if all these guys who think of shooting up a school just yell free Palestine and douse themselves in 110LL, at least some part of the population would love them. 

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On 2/27/2024 at 8:54 AM, M2 said:

The memes from this have been absolutely brutal!


My father this morning: “Great recruiting poster…it warms my heart! Do you have a burning desire to join?!”

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This one is fascinating to me. This is young likely middle glass white kid in the military. He's not Jewish, Muslim, or Palestinian. I'd say the probability he's been to Israel, Palestine, or immersed in the culture of any ME country is slim to none. The chances of him having a close relationship with anyone who has is also slim to none. Palestinians engaged in direct conflict with Israeli, and who should have the most reason to engage in extreme forms of protest aren't doing such things to themselves.

His mind was hijacked by an idea that came only from second/third hand information on a screen he held in his hand. That information, which had no direct effect on his day-to-day life, consumed and compelled him to destroy himself to one of the most grotesque ways possible. Now imagine being able to create and distribute that type of information.

Wokeness is deadly. It's a parasitc infection. We may cheer when a woke moron offs himself, but it's important to remember that the idea that caused it is propagated onto others. It's how leftism lives on even though its hosts do not.

It's an old video, but one I think of quite a bit.


Edited by gearhog
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The uncensored video can be found online but I don't recommend watching it, it's very disturbing!

I know most on here have seen worse, but this is just extremely tough to stomach!

I believe he's either heavily drugged or brainwashed (or both).

He remained standing and screaming much longer than the average human could endure.

Having a son near his age, I can only imagine the nightmare his family is going through right now!

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1 hour ago, gearhog said:

This one is fascinating to me. This is young likely middle glass white kid in the military. He's not Jewish, Muslim, or Palestinian. I'd say the probability he's been to Israel, Palestine, or immersed in the culture of any ME country is slim to none. The chances of him having a close relationship with anyone who has is also slim to none. Palestinians engaged in direct conflict with Israeli, and who should have the most reason to engage in extreme forms of protest aren't doing such things to themselves.

His mind was hijacked by an idea that came only from second/third hand information on a screen he held in his hand. That information, which had no direct effect on his day-to-day life, consumed and compelled him to destroy himself to one of the most grotesque ways possible. Now imagine being able to create and distribute that type of information.

Wokeness is deadly. It's a parasitc infection. We may cheer when a woke moron offs himself, but it's important to remember that the idea that caused it is propagated onto others. It's how leftism lives on even though its hosts do not.

It's an old video, but one I think of quite a bit.



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I think of wokeness (or really any form of extremism) more like an addictive drug or junk food, rather than a virus. 

Calling it a virus implies it can infect any unsuspecting person with almost no individual agency involved. I think addiction is more appropriate because you have to actively feed these ideologies in order for them to take over your life. You don't just wake up one day having caught a bug that makes you burn yourself to death. This dude was living his day to day life in the darkest corners of the anarchist internet for a very long time before he decided to do this. 

And it's not just limited to the woke side of the aisle. I'm sure Ashli Babbitt spent a considerable amount of time feeding her own addiction in the wacky hyper conservative trump corners of the internet too. 

The solution, just like with drugs and junk food, is discipline. Hold yourself to a higher informational standard, and make sure your intake is balanced.  Affirming what you already think is like eating McDonald's. Do it every day for a few years and you'll probably end up dead. Reading a well-reasoned opinion you don't agree with is the intellectual equivalent of eating your vegetables.

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36 minutes ago, gearhog said:

False equivalence. Ashley Babbitt didn't commit suicide. Or homocide.

Yes she died differently. The broader point here is the gradual process of radicalization and addiction feeding she allowed to happen.  You don't end up in the position of getting shot while trying to bust through a barricaded door in the capitol by accident. 

Go look her social media history up, she was posting about pizzagate and qanon publicly years prior to January 6th. Both of these people were in intellectual echo chambers consuming garbage for years prior to the violent climax. 

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22 minutes ago, Pooter said:

Yes she died differently. The broader point here is the gradual process of radicalization and addiction feeding she allowed to happen.  You don't end up in the position of getting shot while trying to bust through a barricaded door in the capitol by accident. 

Go look her social media history up, she was posting about pizzagate and qanon publicly years prior to January 6th. Both of these people were in intellectual echo chambers consuming garbage for years prior to the violent climax. 

There's still an important distinction to be made. One committed a deliberate act to end his life, the other had no reasonable expectation to have her life ended while committing no acts of violence against herself or anyone else.

If you're making the case consumption of unhealthy information leads to death, I guess you can do some logical gymnastics to reach that conclusion. But, only on one side do we see the completely irrational conclusion that self-destruction is a reasonable way to achieve a political goal. That's what makes wokeism dumb, and different.

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14 hours ago, gearhog said:

There's still an important distinction to be made. One committed a deliberate act to end his life, the other had no reasonable expectation to have her life ended while committing no acts of violence against herself or anyone else.

If you're making the case consumption of unhealthy information leads to death, I guess you can do some logical gymnastics to reach that conclusion. But, only on one side do we see the completely irrational conclusion that self-destruction is a reasonable way to achieve a political goal. That's what makes wokeism dumb, and different.

You absolutely will, always, have a reasonable expectation of dying if you are trying to force your way through a locked door with law enforcement behind it. That doesn't make it right. But it is absolutely a reasonable expectation.

You have to be fucking delusional to think otherwise.

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2 hours ago, Lord Ratner said:

You absolutely will, always, have a reasonable expectation of dying if you are trying to force your way through a locked door with law enforcement behind it. That doesn't make it right. But it is absolutely a reasonable expectation.

You have to be fucking delusional to think otherwise.

If it is reasonable to expect to die, then you must also believe there is a reasonable expectation and legal justification to kill an unarmed person who has committed no acts of physical violence purely for the reason of attempting to enter a locked door.

Surely there must be some law, or even Supreme Court decisions that address this.

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3 hours ago, gearhog said:

If it is reasonable to expect to die, then you must also believe there is a reasonable expectation and legal justification to kill an unarmed person who has committed no acts of physical violence purely for the reason of attempting to enter a locked door.

Surely there must be some law, or even Supreme Court decisions that address this.

Sorry dude, but you're being willfully obtuse if you can't see how a crowd of people trying to force their way into *any* structure that is being defended by law enforcement, knowing full well that their presence in that building is not welcome, and that their numbers require the use of lethal force to satisfy the concept of proportionality, would be setting themselves up for a fatal interaction.

Our system doesn't work if it has to be designed for the dumbest people amongst us. This concept is why we have such a litigious society now, where you can sue McDonald's because you didn't realize your cup of coffee was too hot. If it is unreasonable to assume that breaking through a window and crawling through with a literal rioting crowd behind you into the line of fire of a sole police officer will get you shot, then the word "reasonable" has no meaning.


If the police tell you not to go somewhere, and you go there anyways, and especially if you have to use force to literally break your way into that location, you should know that the potential for getting shot is high. That is a reasonable expectation. People defending January 6th have gone from reasonable to unreasonable, because everything must be black or white now.

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31 minutes ago, Lord Ratner said:

Sorry dude, but you're being willfully obtuse if you can't see how a crowd of people trying to force their way into *any* structure that is being defended by law enforcement, knowing full well that their presence in that building is not welcome, and that their numbers require the use of lethal force to satisfy the concept of proportionality, would be setting themselves up for a fatal interaction.

Our system doesn't work if it has to be designed for the dumbest people amongst us. This concept is why we have such a litigious society now, where you can sue McDonald's because you didn't realize your cup of coffee was too hot. If it is unreasonable to assume that breaking through a window and crawling through with a literal rioting crowd behind you into the line of fire of a sole police officer will get you shot, then the word "reasonable" has no meaning.


If the police tell you not to go somewhere, and you go there anyways, and especially if you have to use force to literally break your way into that location, you should know that the potential for getting shot is high. That is a reasonable expectation. People defending January 6th have gone from reasonable to unreasonable, because everything must be black or white now.

When I used the term "reasonable expectation", that is a legal term and how I intended it. You seem to be applying a gut instinct as to what the term "reasonable" means to you. There are as many personal definitions to what constitutes "reasonable" as there are people.

The use of deadly force against a non-violent criminal has probably been legally argued thousands of times. There are, in fact, Supreme Court rulings on the subject. Breaking and entering in and of itself is not grounds for use of deadly force by law enforcement unless additional parameters and assessments are met. Would you know what those are without having to look them up? They were actually argued in this specific case and it was found that the officer doing the shooting may not have acted appropriately, but it would have been too difficult to argue and prove that he did beyond a reasonable doubt.

I'm not arguing on behalf of Ashley Babbitt or her beliefs. But as I said before, if you believe that any of us should have a reasonable expectation to be shot and killed for entering locked door in a government building, then you must also believe that it is reasonable and justifiable for law enforcement to do the killing. Perhaps there is nothing you feel strongly enough about that would compel you to protest your government, but don't you want there to be significantly high threshold for the taking of anyone's life should you one day feel the need?

Should we have mowed down the Antifa protestors smashing windows and lighting things on fire? Most of us would admit a part of us would find it satisfying, but if you spend the time to sort through the logic and downstream effects of giving your government the authority use kill someone over a property crime... you may one day wish you hadn't.

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1 hour ago, gearhog said:

When I used the term "reasonable expectation", that is a legal term and how I intended it. You seem to be applying a gut instinct as to what the term "reasonable" means to you. There are as many personal definitions to what constitutes "reasonable" as there are people.

No. I am applying the legal sense. There's not a court in the world that will convict that cop for shooting Babbit, applying the reasonable expectation. That's why no one is in jail for her death, aside from the obvious political bias in DC. You said it yourself. Beyond a "reasonable" doubt.


1 hour ago, gearhog said:

But as I said before, if you believe that any of us should have a reasonable expectation to be shot and killed for entering locked door in a government building, then you must also believe that it is reasonable and justifiable for law enforcement to do the killing

You don't enter a locked door. It's locked. You break it down, or at a minimum defeat the locking mechanism. Those are proactive steps to violate a space. If you do not have a right to the space, which citizens do not have an unfettered right to occupy government buildings, you can not defeat the barrier mechanisms innocently.


And if you do it as part of a rioting mob, as she did, I don't expect a cop to wait to find out, with his life, if they are just there for hugs. Trespass at your own peril.


1 hour ago, gearhog said:

Perhaps there is nothing you feel strongly enough about that would compel you to protest your government, but don't you want there to be significantly high threshold for the taking of anyone's life should you one day feel the need?

Rioting ≠ Protesting. It didn't for the George Floyd riots, it didn't for the Jan 6th riots.


If things get so bad that I feel the need to riot, I expect for people to die. Sometimes blood is the price. Possibly even mine if I feel strongly enough about it.


1 hour ago, gearhog said:

Should we have mowed down the Antifa protestors smashing windows and lighting things on fire? Most of us would admit a part of us would find it satisfying, but if you spend the time to sort through the logic and downstream effects of giving your government the authority use kill someone over a property crime... you may one day wish you hadn't.

Breaking Windows, no unless there were people behind those windows that could be hit by the bricks. Lighting fires, if there was any reasonable possibility that innocent people were in the vehicles or structures at risk of being set on fire, open fire, and shoot to kill.

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12 hours ago, Lord Ratner said:

No. I am applying the legal sense. There's not a court in the world that will convict that cop for shooting Babbit, applying the reasonable expectation. That's why no one is in jail for her death, aside from the obvious political bias in DC. You said it yourself. Beyond a "reasonable" doubt.


You don't enter a locked door. It's locked. You break it down, or at a minimum defeat the locking mechanism. Those are proactive steps to violate a space. If you do not have a right to the space, which citizens do not have an unfettered right to occupy government buildings, you can not defeat the barrier mechanisms innocently.


And if you do it as part of a rioting mob, as she did, I don't expect a cop to wait to find out, with his life, if they are just there for hugs. Trespass at your own peril.


Rioting ≠ Protesting. It didn't for the George Floyd riots, it didn't for the Jan 6th riots.


If things get so bad that I feel the need to riot, I expect for people to die. Sometimes blood is the price. Possibly even mine if I feel strongly enough about it.


Breaking Windows, no unless there were people behind those windows that could be hit by the bricks. Lighting fires, if there was any reasonable possibility that innocent people were in the vehicles or structures at risk of being set on fire, open fire, and shoot to kill.

Good points. I understand your perspective. I have an strong urge to write a 20,000 words on this, but I don't want to derail this thread too much. Watch as civil unrest continues to increase in frequency and intensity. If you want to establish that witnessing destruction of property is sufficient cause for a government official to reasonably fear for their life and begin spraying, I'll think we'll face another Kent State or Boston Massacre at some point. Actually, that's probably going to happen anyway. Setting a reasonable expectation for it just moves up the timeline.

Anyway, back on track. This is your United States Air Force. Or Space Force. Or whatever.



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  • 2 months later...
Posted (edited)
19 hours ago, HeloDude said:

It’s good to know that the Congresswoman only think that white men are the ones failing in the country.


Nothing Racist to see here.    I like her bald head though.   Doesn't make her look like a Black Neo Nazi or anything like that.

She is my enemy.  

Fuck her.

Edit. Like her, I'm tired of black men murdering my Aunt Julia for no reason. I'd call that failing up.  


The cool thing is Oprah did a special on the guy who pulled the trigger, Benjamin Oryang.  She praised him for being a model prisoner but Oprah never once talked about what he did to my aunt Julia Lindsey.  She had just dropped off Christmas presents for my cousins and myself at my Grandmother's house as my Aunt had guard (Army) duty over Christmas. My mom had to identify my aunt by her hands, as my aunt's head was pink misted by a high power rifle at point blank range.

I woke up on Dec 17 at 0300 hours to my mom's screams.  That was her baby sister.  She had to identify the body.  My birthday happens to be Dec 17.   Needless to say, that kinda ruined all of my birthdays since then.

Tell that racist Rep. Pressley about my aunt and she will say I'm racist somehow.  

If the murderers would have asked my aunt for a beer instead, she would thrown them one with a smile.  

Edit:  Here’s a review of that sweet book!   Thanks Oprah!



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