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So Trump is likely not to publicly name his VP pick until at the convention?  Definitely a late announcement compared to recent times but I guess this way he can delay his choice based on what’s happening in the country, and it will also boost the coverage of the convention.  One of the betting sites has Burgum as the favorite—I don’t see it, but what do I know?  I’m thinking Scott or possibly Rubio.


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On 5/18/2024 at 12:05 PM, HeloDude said:

So Trump is likely not to publicly name his VP pick until at the convention?  Definitely a late announcement compared to recent times but I guess this way he can delay his choice based on what’s happening in the country, and it will also boost the coverage of the convention.  One of the betting sites has Burgum as the favorite—I don’t see it, but what do I know?  I’m thinking Scott or possibly Rubio.


I really wish he would make peace with Nikki...she would appeal to a lot of folks in the middle.

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Posted (edited)
32 minutes ago, ClearedHot said:

I really wish he would make peace with Nikki...she would appeal to a lot of folks in the middle.

Trump will pick a complete puppet, someone 100% controllable.  RNC may propose someone that can guild/control him, but 100% he will not allow that.  If he's elected, expect to see him as King Trump. As for VP, his former press sec Sanders, AR Gov, fits.  Most of her actions have been to promote herself, not work for the people/state.  Everyone sees it.  Although she's from AR, she acts more like a carpetbagger.  Her media access is on par with Biden.  When watchdogs got pesky, she tried to exempt herself from FOIA. 

I can see the train wreck already.

Edited by disgruntledemployee
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1 hour ago, disgruntledemployee said:

Trump will pick a complete puppet, someone 100% controllable.  RNC may propose someone that can guild/control him, but 100% he will not allow that.  If he's elected, expect to see him as King Trump. As for VP, his former press sec Sanders, AR Gov, fits.  Most of her actions have been to promote herself, not work for the people/state.  Everyone sees it.  Although she's from AR, she acts more like a carpetbagger.  Her media access is on par with Biden.  When watchdogs got pesky, she tried to exempt herself from FOIA. 

I can see the train wreck already.

Wait, are you saying I’ll overall have less liberty with “King Trump” than I currently do with Biden? 

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1 hour ago, HeloDude said:

Wait, are you saying I’ll overall have less liberty with “King Trump” than I currently do with Biden? 

And, despite the fact we've literally already seen what a Trump presidency looks like, *this time* it's going to be way worse and democracy is at risk because he's going to be a king! 



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1 hour ago, HeloDude said:

Wait, are you saying I’ll overall have less liberty with “King Trump” than I currently do with Biden? 

No, you'll see him do more of whatever the fuck he wants, no matter what.  He will 100% go after everyone that's "wronged" him.  He will do things, say things that will make you think, "I don't think that's legal/allowed/etc," because that's what a king does.... whatever the fuck they want.  You think the last show was interesting, the sequel will turn it up to 11.

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7 hours ago, disgruntledemployee said:

No, you'll see him do more of whatever the fuck he wants, no matter what.  He will 100% go after everyone that's "wronged" him.  He will do things, say things that will make you think, "I don't think that's legal/allowed/etc," because that's what a king does.... whatever the fuck they want.  You think the last show was interesting, the sequel will turn it up to 11.

You mean like use government agencies to go after his political adversaries...who would do such a thing...

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I’ve essentially turned into a single issue voter, and that is, “will anyone please do something about the invasion, of our own country that is currently happening??!!”  Millions of people pouring into the US - unchecked, unmonitored, unvetted, and unregulated…I know, I know, pretty far out there political view. I must be a racist. 

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12 hours ago, disgruntledemployee said:

<snip>You think the last show was interesting, the sequel will turn it up to 11.

So, what are you basing your guess on?

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Posted (edited)
20 hours ago, disgruntledemployee said:

You think the last show was interesting, the sequel will turn it up to 11

Some episodes from the "last show" that I enjoyed: 


- The Abraham accords giving us the first glimpse of real peace in the Middle East in my lifetime 

- illegal immigration plummeting to levels that now seem like a fucking dream today 

- The Republican party finally moving away from the gay marriage fight 

- regulatory rollback 

- massive energy production 

- someone finally treating China as an adversary, not the benevolent trading partner 

- A Supreme Court that does not view the Constitution as a Fixer-Upper 

- A president willing to call NATO/EU out on their hypocritical bullshit 

So if that's going to get cranked up to 11, I'm not seeing a huge problem. 


Now, if you are referring to the social unrest and rioting that surrounded January 6th, I have a hard time understanding how that was any better or worse than the BLM rioting. Hell, I wish BLM rioting was what we were dealing with now. If I have to choose between Americans rioting over their fears over Democratic institutions, or rioting where thousands of Americans are literally supporting terrorists and the Democratic party is bending over backwards to appease them, I think I choose the Trump riots, even cranked up to 11.


Edited by Lord Ratner
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Posted (edited)
On 11/9/2016 at 8:02 AM, disgruntledemployee said:

I woke up to the news.  We're not out of the woods yet, but I'm very happy the person that can't take any accountability for anything (quite dishonorable, IMO) is done and the Clintons are done.  Wife and I concluded that Clinton is unchangeable, but Trump can probably improve himself and move towards being the leader we need.

Oh, and DC is shitting its pants



Mods?  Can we get a thread title change and add "Trump" at the end?

Is it possible you just expect too much? What did he do that you're so upset about. You believe in a bunch of Russian conspiracy theories that the entire DOJ was unable to prove, despite very much wanting to. Is it just January 6th?

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Someone else mentioned it already, I just want him to go 180 out from current admin on the border.  It's nuts.  It's gone from the media after a couple weeks.  Nothing has changed though.  

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4 hours ago, Lord Ratner said:

Some episodes from the "last show" that I enjoyed: 


- The Abraham accords giving us the first glimpse of real peace in the Middle East in my lifetime 

- illegal immigration plummeting to levels that now seem like a fucking dream today 

- The Republican party finally moving away from the gay marriage fight 

- regulatory rollback 

- massive energy production 

- someone finally treating China as an anniversary, not the benevolent trading partner 

- A Supreme Court that does not view the Constitution as a Fixer-Upper 

- A president willing to call NATO/EU out on their hypocritical bullshit 

So if that's going to get cranked up to 11, I'm not seeing a huge problem. 


Now, if you are referring to the social unrest and rioting that surrounded January 6th, I have a hard time understanding how that was any better or worse than the BLM rioting. Hell, I wish BLM rioting was what we were dealing with now. If I have to choose between Americans rioting over their fears over Democratic institutions, or rioting where thousands of Americans are literally supporting terrorists and the Democratic party is bending over backwards to appease them, I think I choose the Trump riots, even cranked up to 11.


Beautifully said

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8 hours ago, Lord Ratner said:

Is it possible you just expect too much? What did he do that you're so upset about. You believe in a bunch of Russian conspiracy theories that the entire DOJ was unable to prove, despite very much wanting to. Is it just January 6th?

JANUARY SIXTH.  Yes, I'm yelling it to you.  How many times do I got to say it? I dunno, maybe we honor the oath of office we take, Trump included.  Comparing it to BLM protests is dumb and you know that.  Since you like making nice little lists, make one of all the times Trump honored the Constitution and Oath of Office.  I don't know what's the bigger disappointment, that Trump went along with Jan 6th or that people think what he did was OK.

On 1/25/2024 at 9:38 PM, disgruntledemployee said:

For you and anyone else walking in the Trump elephant train...

Trump shit on your Constitution and wiped his ass with your American flag.  Enjoy drinking his piss.


And Biden is just as fucking dishonorable.

PS. 3/4 of the tags I used when I created this thread over 7 years ago are still relevant, JFC.

PS.  I got conned by The Orange Man back in 2016.  Thanks for reminding me.

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5 hours ago, disgruntledemployee said:

JANUARY SIXTH.  Yes, I'm yelling it to you.  How many times do I got to say it? I dunno, maybe we honor the oath of office we take, Trump included.  Comparing it to BLM protests is dumb and you know that.  Since you like making nice little lists, make one of all the times Trump honored the Constitution and Oath of Office.  I don't know what's the bigger disappointment, that Trump went along with Jan 6th or that people think what he did was OK.

PS.  I got conned by The Orange Man back in 2016.  Thanks for reminding me.

Yawn. It was a riot incited by a liar. It was not an insurrection incited by a would-be tyrant. If it was, why did they give up once they had successfully taken the capitol?

Trump thought the election was stolen from him. Just like Hillary thought the election was stolen from her. Just like Gore thought the election was stolen from him. No one gave a shit when all of those people questioned the Democratic process by blaming the Russians, or the Supreme Court, or voting fraud.


I quoted you because of all people you should be keenly aware of why Trump "gets away" with everything he does, since you were projecting it on to Hilary at the time. It's because he is not remotely the first person to do it, he's just the trashiest. 


In all of the hyper liberal and vehemently anti-trump jurisdictions that are currently prosecuting him for various crimes, isn't it strange that none of those crimes are insurrection or any other violation of the Constitution. And the only remotely legitimate charge against him, the Florida case pertaining to the classified information, is the one most obviously violated by hundreds of politicians, including presidents and vice presidents, over decades preceding the Trump presidency. 


I've said it time and time again. The law doesn't matter to the people, they just care about the law being applied fairly. The Trump supporters don't care about anything he does because he's not the first to do it, just the first to be dragged into court for it. 


- Cheating on his wife

- Using campaign funds to hide an affair (Why isn't John Edwards in jail 🤔)

- Questioning the results of an election

- Passively condoning rioting 

-  Using his position to enrich family members 

- Lying about his past

- Golfing when he should be presidenting

- Accusing other candidates falsely 

- Taking drugs to maintain performance

- Abusing executive authority

- blah blah blah

I wish Trump was uniquely odious.  He's not, he just looks on the outside the way Washington has always been on the inside.

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6 hours ago, Lord Ratner said:

I wish Trump was uniquely odious.  He's not, he just looks on the outside the way Washington has always been on the inside.

I think this is why he is so hated.  He shows everyone what our political system has created.  But rather than buckle down and fix the system that lets guys like this get into office from both parties, people would rather pretend that the system is OK, that he is just a single aberration and that if we can get rid of him then everything is going to back to being fine.

We have gotten here by an absurd mix of a shockingly extreme level of willful ignorance, stupidity, selfishness, and a host of other problems in America.  We need to get back to a system that creates national leaders like Doug Burgum, but he has zero chance because I'm betting 95% of America has never heard of him.  He is the personification of the American dream; a self-made billionaire that has turned around and became a public servant rather than enjoy his money on a yacht.  While I've never met the guy, I'd like to think that it is out of a genuine desire to make America a better place.  That is the kind of people we need in Washington.

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11 hours ago, Lord Ratner said:

Yawn. It was a riot incited by a liar. It was not an insurrection incited by a would-be tyrant. If it was, why did they give up once they had successfully taken the capitol?

Trump thought the election was stolen from him. Just like Hillary thought the election was stolen from her. Just like Gore thought the election was stolen from him. No one gave a shit when all of those people questioned the Democratic process by blaming the Russians, or the Supreme Court, or voting fraud.


I quoted you because of all people you should be keenly aware of why Trump "gets away" with everything he does, since you were projecting it on to Hilary at the time. It's because he is not remotely the first person to do it, he's just the trashiest. 


In all of the hyper liberal and vehemently anti-trump jurisdictions that are currently prosecuting him for various crimes, isn't it strange that none of those crimes are insurrection or any other violation of the Constitution. And the only remotely legitimate charge against him, the Florida case pertaining to the classified information, is the one most obviously violated by hundreds of politicians, including presidents and vice presidents, over decades preceding the Trump presidency. 


I've said it time and time again. The law doesn't matter to the people, they just care about the law being applied fairly. The Trump supporters don't care about anything he does because he's not the first to do it, just the first to be dragged into court for it. 


- Cheating on his wife

- Using campaign funds to hide an affair (Why isn't John Edwards in jail 🤔)

- Questioning the results of an election

- Passively condoning rioting 

-  Using his position to enrich family members 

- Lying about his past

- Golfing when he should be presidenting

- Accusing other candidates falsely 

- Taking drugs to maintain performance

- Abusing executive authority

- blah blah blah

I wish Trump was uniquely odious.  He's not, he just looks on the outside the way Washington has always been on the inside.

You're rationalizing why it's OK.  That's part of the problem.

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11 minutes ago, disgruntledemployee said:

You're rationalizing why it's OK.  That's part of the problem.

And you've ignored the same egregious behavior on the other side...that IS the problem.

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19 minutes ago, disgruntledemployee said:

You're rationalizing why it's OK.  That's part of the problem.

I'm not rationalizing it dude, I'm explaining it. I'm also not sensationalizing it like you are. January 6th sucked, but it was not an insurrection. End of story.


I'm not voting for any of them because I will never vote for someone over 65 again, however, the entire root of the problem and why Donald Trump is going to win again is specifically because his opposition insists on treating him as a unique threat when in fact he is the exact same product with an uglier label slapped on.


The regular people out there see right through this now, they don't know what the crimes are, the sins, the comparisons, or any of the other details. They just know that Washington has been lying to them for a long time and funneling a tremendous amount of wealth and prosperity from the middle class directly to their family and associates. They wanted a hero, but they are settling for a villain who at least validates their experience.


Go look up the stats for how many Democrats thought the election was stolen when a Republican president won, and specifically Trump. The numbers are functionally identical to 2020, just reversed. It is unfounded sanctimony.

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On 5/21/2024 at 4:20 PM, ClearedHot said:

And you've ignored the same egregious behavior on the other side...that IS the problem.

No, I have not, and anyone that's read my shit knows it.  I have stated many times that Biden, etc are just as bad. 

So, for the record, and for all to review for all time, here is where I stand.

Trump - Dishonorable, Corrupt, Bad - Fuck him

Biden - Incompetent/Senile, Corrupt, Bad - Fuck him

Vote for anyone else.

There, have I made my self more clear?

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You can hate Trump, but if you believe is true justice, this should bother you.  Not only did they have this trial in a place where its citizens are overwhelmingly against Trump politically, but the judge is clearly biased against the defendant, and the charges are being twisted to say, “well, it would be a misdemeanor with expired statutory of limitations but now how he did it somehow makes it a felony”…and for the final act, the judge now tells the jury that they don’t have to all agree on what the same crime is/was committed for there to be a conviction.

Not even to mention that the media keeps calling this a “hush money to a porn star case”, which is not illegal.  


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1 hour ago, HeloDude said:

You can hate Trump, but if you believe is true justice, this should bother you.  Not only did they have this trial in a place where its citizens are overwhelmingly against Trump politically, but the judge is clearly biased against the defendant, and the charges are being twisted to say, “well, it would be a misdemeanor with expired statutory of limitations but now how he did it somehow makes it a felony”…and for the final act, the judge now tells the jury that they don’t have to all agree on what the same crime is/was committed for there to be a conviction.

Not even to mention that the media keeps calling this a “hush money to a porn star case”, which is not illegal.  


Yeah, from my limited knowlege on the courts, those instructions can't seem legit.

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The point is not a conviction, or jail time, or anything really meaningful; those are all just talking points to froth up the base.

From the outset this was clearly a straw case for a kangaroo court, eminently appealable. 

…but it is on the eve of the election.  And THAT is the whole point.

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