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53 minutes ago, Prosuper said:

How about the idiots who vote for the idiots that run Denver. It's getting to the point that the Peterson SFB commissary is the most north I want to go in Colorado. Have to go to Boulder for a forest fire fighter class soon, looking forward to all the rainbow hair color spectrum LBGTQ I'll be seeing.   

Do you mean the self-proclaimed "Democratic Socialists?" This idiot is the first Gen Z rep in the CO General Assembly. Besides being in his 20s and looking like he's 40, he's too buy replacing the US flag at his desk in the House with a Palestine one, sponsoring a "Chicano/Chicana" license plate (like CO needs any more license plates), and "an assault weapons ban."


To the citizens of Denver who are now pissed the mayor is cutting $180M in the city's budget to pay for migrants, you get what you vote for.


Edited by Sua Sponte
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20 minutes ago, dream big said:

Just enjoy the craft beer, it’s one thing the hippies have on the rest of the country, just one. 

Beer in the PNW is better and I grew up in the Front Range area. Avery Brewery in Boulder is pretty great though.

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The beautiful thing about the US is that as bad as the federal government is, a lot of the state/local governments differ quite a bit—move to one that more closely matches your values and desires.

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5 hours ago, ClearedHot said:

It will be interesting to see if this issue is strong enough to overpower abortion as the deciding factor in the next election.  Right now the polls would indicate it is...I simply don't understand why our liberal friends think this situation is acceptable.

I think if it was a year ago, abortion would have a lot more weight. But fortunately the process is going the way I had hoped, and each state is coming up with their own rules, which will never shut up the activists, but will absolutely shut up the voters, who do not make huge distinctions between state and federal law, as long as they agree with it. More voters will be satisfied with abortion law as a result of the Supreme Court's action. And whatever damage it did in the election in 2022 I think was overridden by the absolute dog shit slate of candidates that Trump got on the ballots.


Of course, if Republicans try to make abortion a federal issue again, which some of them are, they'll get exactly what they deserve.


(Sidebar, if anyone is interested we can start a new thread on my theory that in our lifetime contraceptives and abortion will be outright outlawed as more countries grapple with the painful results of population decline.)


As to immigration, I honestly don't know. While I do believe there is an element of society, especially in academia, who are trying to covertly flip over the system in order to rebuild it in a postmodernist, pseudo Marxist fashion, I generally don't give those conspiracies the credit of wide scale participation at the political level.


But the continued insistence of many Democrats to support this absolute dumpster fire at the border is truly mystifying. I know they see the same polls that show how unpopular open borders are, and I know they see the polls that show Donald Trump taking the lead in a matchup with Biden, so whatever reason they are refusing to adapt is not because of political expediency. That only leaves a true desire for an immigration disaster, one that would support the eventual "reset" of our Democratic capitalist society into a communist Utopia, or they simply cannot fathom the idea of supporting anything that the opposition supported before them. The fact that Republicans have been anti-illegal immigration simply excludes the possibility of Democrats ever changing their mind?


Either way, immigration coupled with Joe biden's obvious and continued decline is going to cost them the election. Unfortunately that means Donald Trump is going to win, which while the 4 years of his presidency will probably be marked by great policy and less chaos, it is very likely he triggers the same response that leads to another idiotic Democrat winning the following election and undoing whatever good things he accomplishes. Or maybe not since he can't run again.


Until the war kicks off at least. Then we restart the cycle.

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4 hours ago, dream big said:

Just enjoy the craft beer, it’s one thing the hippies have on the rest of the country, just one.

Oh great…another shitty IPA courtesy of these folks. They can have their “craft” beer. 

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Anyone watch FBI Director Wray's testimony yesterday on renewing FISA?  "A coordinated attack on the U.S. is likely."  He tried to say it without saying it, the border has let a lot of bad actors in and we are about to reap the outcome.  The administration is now signalling Biden will come out with an executive order the end of April on the border so he can claim he fixed it...even though he has been saying he doesn't have that power for the past three years.

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2 people in ICE custody after attempting to breach Virginia Marine base

Two similar incidents at Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center Twentynine Palms, California over the past six months.

Chinese nationals have accessed military installations and other sensitive facilities in the United States around 100 times in recent years, sometimes by posing as tourists, The Wall Street Journal reported in September 2023.

Nothing to see here...no impact at all from open borders.

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I'm on an all Mexican American soccer team.   Im the only white guy (non latino) in the entire league.  The guys on my team are good people.  They have a huge family and they like Trump.   Several of my Mexican Ameican buds prefer Trump, as a matter of fact, all of them do.    

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Just in time for the election here, if Maduro “wins” then expect a building movement of Venezuelans applying for asylum 


I’m fairly hard line on illegal immigration and skeptical of asylum claims but I see this being a case where it’s not asylum in the traditional sense but respite / refuge from a failing state.  I’m not for necessarily a mass waiver to allow automatic entry but a national discussion then policy to have a plan, not holding my breath…

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1 hour ago, Clark Griswold said:

Just in time for the election here, if Maduro “wins” then expect a building movement of Venezuelans applying for asylum 


I’m fairly hard line on illegal immigration and skeptical of asylum claims but I see this being a case where it’s not asylum in the traditional sense but respite / refuge from a failing state.  I’m not for necessarily a mass waiver to allow automatic entry but a national discussion then policy to have a plan, not holding my breath…

Who's job is it to fix Venezuela if not the Venezuelans? 


Zero asylum for adults males and childless females. 

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Who's job is it to fix Venezuela if not the Venezuelans? 
Zero asylum for adults males and childless females. 

Concur on a basic level your point in whose responsibility is it to fix failing/dysfunctional systems but the reality is Maduro and his regime aren’t going anywhere anytime soon so a policy that minimizes the pull while reasonably dealing with the push causing them to wind up asking for asylum seems reasonable
I’d be good with only women with children in their custody if the child is genetically proven to be that woman’s child / children as a priority / only allowed group

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12 hours ago, Clark Griswold said:

Concur on a basic level your point in whose responsibility is it to fix failing/dysfunctional systems but the reality is Maduro and his regime aren’t going anywhere anytime soon so a policy that minimizes the pull while reasonably dealing with the push causing them to wind up asking for asylum seems reasonable
I’d be good with only women with children in their custody if the child is genetically proven to be that woman’s child / children as a priority / only allowed group

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Maduro goes when he is killed. The Venezuelans should get on it. I get what you're saying, but if they don't get rid of him, he will be replaced by another "not going anywhere" dictator. Kinda how he replaced Chavez...

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13 hours ago, Clark Griswold said:

Concur on a basic level your point in whose responsibility is it to fix failing/dysfunctional systems but the reality is Maduro and his regime aren’t going anywhere anytime soon so a policy that minimizes the pull while reasonably dealing with the push causing them to wind up asking for asylum seems reasonable
I’d be good with only women with children in their custody if the child is genetically proven to be that woman’s child / children as a priority / only allowed group

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Sorry Clark, you aren't getting my vote.  

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Maduro goes when he is killed. The Venezuelans should get on it. I get what you're saying, but if they don't get rid of him, he will be replaced by another "not going anywhere" dictator. Kinda how he replaced Chavez...

Yeah I know like Raul replaced Fidel
These regimes like the Kim dynasty are unfortunately resilient as they’ve got patrons (China, Russia) and have figured out a balance of taking to reward supporters to get them to intimidate the remaining population but not enough to coalesce a legitimate capable threat to them
My point is to have a policy to encourage that change in their societies by not being a relief valve but still dealing humanely with those arriving at our borders who we should help, and this being explicitly stated

Sorry Clark, you aren't getting my vote.  

No worries

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Our border isn't the first they cross

Yup, just like Europe they skip countries where benefits / jobs are scarce
I’m all for states / countries / cities / individuals voluntarily funding asylum seekers if they want with said asylum seekers given geographically restricted temporary visas with states / counties / cities not interested in that being able to bar / arrest / remove said asylum seekers if they leave the confines of their visa but we would have to still have federalism in practice to have that and we’ve been foolishly centralizing political power since the 30’s
Just as we have LOAC but we still apply violence to achieve national security objectives we should apply force to prevent / remove illegal aliens but not have some mercy on some people truly in need of asylum
I’m for coming up with a plan as this problem of people fleeing poverty / dysfunction is only likely to get worse and it’s NOT our sole responsibility amongst the wealthy and developed nations to absorb millions upon millions of people, we can take some but not nearly as many as the Left / Globalists imply we should
We either figure out how to get to something sustainable and realistic or as the situation gets worse we will get someone who will take matters further than we want

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Biden tasks Harris with tackling migrant influx on US-Mexico border


Straight from the right wing outlet, BBC, in 2021. 

These people are absolute clowns. 

If you believe polls, Harris seems to have closed the gap Biden had to Trump in many battleground states. Simply from being presumptively nominated. 

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38 minutes ago, kaputt said:


Straight from the right wing outlet, BBC, in 2021. 

These people are absolute clowns. 

If you believe polls, Harris seems to have closed the gap Biden had to Trump in many battleground states. Simply from being presumptively nominated. 

She got a dead cat lady bounce, but she is still WAY behind in the electoral college math.


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