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  1. They are what they accuse you of. Especially, the threat to democracy part.
    3 points
  2. https://www.usnews.com/news/world/articles/2024-11-13/exclusive-trumps-team-drawing-up-list-of-pentagon-officers-to-fire-sources-say Job openings forthcoming for some of you!
    2 points
  3. 2 points
  4. tulsi is the PERFECT person for that job.
    2 points
  5. Doomed is a great way to describe year 3 of a 3 day operation where your handlers' country can't even capture a major Ukrainian city (Kharkiv) less than 40km away from the border. Lick those boots harder, it's not working.
    2 points
  6. The Democrats are going to have a full-scale meltdown over this. Biden gave the presidency to Trump, and now he's giving him the moral authority to do anything he wants while in office. I couldn't have asked for a better finale to the Biden show.
    2 points
  7. Y'all sound like the board of every major corporation in America today looking for a CEO. We want someone who's really going to shake things up, take this company out of its rut and into the future as the leader in our field! Ooh, that guy, no he's a little bit too controversial for us. Besides we want someone with more experience in this type of company. Let's go with established-safe-guy-in-a-suit. Fast forward a couple years I don't understand, why is our company still stuck unable to innovate or change direction?
    2 points
  8. Internet champion Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  9. How much money did you lose?
    1 point
  10. It's not cancer-related, but I did not think the link warranted a separate thread. It's interesting but not surprising that more of these stories are coming to light. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/12/08/us/navy-pilot-brain-injury-topgun.html?unlocked_article_code=1.f04.Wr3y.VkX0hUK8HMLz&smid=url-share
    1 point
  11. Congrats! Good drop for the heavy dudes! Only one AD fighter though. I thought there weren't enough 11Fs on AD. Anyways, you 38 dudes will enjoy flying herks and even tankers.
    1 point
  12. Bought that setup last summer, now my primary EDC. Under winter clothes I’ve swapped the 11r mag for 15 in the well. Love it; going to start running it as BUG in IDPA matches to get practice engagements.
    1 point
  13. cant wait to see the knife axed!
    1 point
  14. https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2024/12/04/biden-white-house-pardons-00192610
    1 point
  15. They supposedly shot his ass down https://x.com/NotWoofers/status/1865590852447302046
    1 point
  16. Well I don't know what MIC is, and as the US we have business doing whatever the eff we want. We created and maintain the post-war order, and until the victor of the next world war emerges, we get to do as we please, seeing as how the entire Western world owes their existence to us. Anyway, moving on. That is precisely what their objective was but they failed. See: their attempt to move directly on Kiev in the first couple days of the war which stalled. Toppling their government meant they got to achieve all of their other objectives. They went for the throat but missed, now they're in a knock-down, drag-out Royce Gracie-style grappling fight they hoped to avoid. You remember that part of the war, right? Don't you? They attempted to go straight to Kiev to overthrow the government of Ukraine. Like you agree that happened? Or don't you? They failed at that, and re-directed their efforts to the eastern portion of Ukraine, the Donbas. But that's all in the past now. Russia was unable to overthrow their government, which would have enabled them to gain their primary objective: control of east Ukraine's oil and gas resources. They tried, and were unable to seize the capital. Instead, they settled for their secondary objective and re-directed all their combat power where it was actually needed. Partially because that's what matters to them strategically, partially to save face. You see, Russia is basically an oil supplier to Europe. If they don't have that leverage over Europe, they lose a lot of political power (and money). If they have to compete with Ukraine for who gets to supply Europe with oil and gas, that's bad for Russia. They don't want to do that, but admitting that you're going to war over oil is politically fraught, as we have learned over the last decades, so it's never the spoken reason. https://pubs.usgs.gov/publication/b2201E#:~:text=However%2C additional source rocks possibly,unit were not estimated quantitatively. "The Dnieper-Donets basin is almost entirely in Ukraine, and it is the principal producer of hydrocarbons in that country." It's all right there for you if you care to look at it. This war is about economic power - i.e. it's like most other wars. This one is about oil and gas. And it is definitely in our strategic interest for multiple reasons: We don't need the majority of NATO beholden to Russian energy We don't need Russia at their full strength for whenever China decides to do whatever they're going to do - look at it as intelligence preparation of the battlefield. Grind them down now, so we can save the majority of our combat power for the Pacific I could go on, but if these obvious ones didn't occur to you, you can do some homework on those for a while. He is floating peace talks because he's hedging. Or he's doing it because he thinks it's feasible. Or he thinks our support for him will run out. Who the hell knows, he was the one who was attacked! He has every interest in stopping the violence against his country. I'm sure he would have sued for peace earlier if it was possible. For the record, I just want you to put it in writing: you think Russia's efforts thus far constitute success? Like for serious?
    1 point
  17. Hegseth dropping out in 5,4,3,2.... Got to say, DeSantis a way, way, way better choice on the whole. He'll sail through the Senate confirmation process as a non event. Has actually run a large organization. Has been in the House so knows that everything the DOD needs to get better on actually needs to get legislated through the House. Decent cultural warrior for those that care about that stuff...but, knows when to say when...(ie...his backing off on the war on Disney). The downside for the USAF perspective is that being a Navy guy one can assume he's not going to push for any big changes to get the USAF the more funding (relative to the Army and Navy) that it surely needs to modernize quicker than the status quo. That's the real concern for the USAF that the likes of Deptula, etc have been preaching (not whether or not we can or can't have beards).
    1 point
  18. Exactly what you're doing. To baseline be competitive for fighters you need a college degree, a PPL, and good test scores (>90, can vary a bit if you are strong elsewhere). So, my focus areas if I were you would be: 1) do a good job in AFE (if you suck, you'll never get hired) 2) get a college degree with a > 3.0, get your PPL, and take the tests 3) talk to pilots when they're not busy trying to step to the jet ("hey sir/ma'am, how was the flight? - at least until they stop telling you to say sir/ma'am which they should do immediately), go up after drill and after you've done your work to talk to folks, etc.
    1 point
  19. Cyber Trucks are perfect for airport parking!! 🤣🤣🤣
    1 point
  20. Honest answer: I don’t think you have a realistic chance at ANG/AFRC fighters. Age, scores, 16 hrs of flight time, etc. Even if you maxed out scores and had hundreds of hours, your age is nearly a guaranteed deal breaker. If you were hired tomorrow, you wouldn’t show back up to the squadron until age 40…age 40 is very old to be a LT in a fighter squadron and starting at the bottom. Now account for your competition being nearly half your age with phenomenal apps, no kids or businesses to manage, etc. Lastly, UPT slots are in a drought for ANG for the next couple years-ish, so really you’d be 42-43 by the time you’re back at a squadron, and that’s still assuming you got hired in 1-2 years. Honestly I don’t think you’d enjoy that hypothetical life, even if you think you would at this moment in time. My advice is accept reality and do not burn your time/money rushing fighter units. Chase fun/exciting flying on the civ side. It’ll take some time to get there, but there is a lot of awesome flying out there that is exciting and challenging - don’t need a fighter to check those boxes. I cannot speak for heavy units, perhaps they are more open to someone in your position. If you have a strong desire to fly mil, then maybe go that route. Hopefully some heavy bros in the ANG/AFRC will chime in. I know none of this is what you want to hear, but it’s not helpful for someone to blow smoke up your ass.
    1 point
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