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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/09/2023 in Posts

  1. This thread will end up just like the Covid thread. The government lied. The truth always comes out. Unfortunately, there are too many people that jump on the ride and refuse to get off.
    6 points
  2. There's thousands of hours of violent riot footage. The fact that Tucker can piece together 5 minutes of people milling around proves nothing.. other than the fact he's a political hack eager jump on the tiniest shred of video that confirms his biases. Get it together and do some critical thinking, dudes. This wasn't a near-insurrection but it sure f-ing wasn't a docile guided tour either. Some of the crap you guys post here looks like it came straight out a boomer spam email forwarding chain.
    3 points
  3. Our speculation on on verbal jujitsu versus cowardly disorganization is irrelevant; the January 6 congressional committee should have investigated why the capitol police were unable to effectively protect the capital. Unfortunately, because of Democrats playing politics, the investigation was a complete sham. Indisputable. So instead Tucker Carlson has investigated, and say what you will about his motives, he is adding important facts and witnesses and video to the discussion. Everybody should be in favor of that, instead, Democrats are trying to censor him. Similarly, Republicans have started an investigation into Covid origins. Democrats did not do that for years and actively censored the public from knowing facts. I sense a theme here.
    2 points
  4. https://timesofsandiego.com/crime/2023/03/08/national-city-teacher-of-the-year-accused-of-inappropriate-relationship-with-13-year-old-student/
    2 points
  5. I agree with the decrying of polarization, but this is revisionist history. Identity politics can be traced back to the 60's and 70's and have been incubated by far left (Marxist and progressive circles) for decades. Clinton was the last Democratic president who could be considered "liberal" instead of "progressive," whereas the Obamas were completely and proudly progressive. Joe isn't anything but an idiot, but his staff are all loyal Obama adherents. The "far right" identarians would be the white nationalists I guess, but the difference is the establishment right, Republicans, have never embraced the theories or promoters of white nationalism, whereas the left, Democrats, still heroize the grifters of critical race theory and their new scam, "equity." What you are seeing on the right is the response to unfairness. Fear, rage, and a retreat to tribalism. The tribe can be anything, but since the attacks from the left have been focused on race, the tribe of being white is seeing a resurgence. That should have been obvious when Obama said Trayvon Martin could have been his son. The Right's last unrighteous cause was the restrictions against gay couples. That fight is over, the Republicans lost, though curiously the most alarmist claims about the gay rights movement targeting children seems to have come true, if you accept that the trans movement is a branch of the gay rights movement. Either way, Republicans have not made an explicit claim that we are not, in fact, equal. Democrats have, and we are paying for it more each day.
    2 points
  6. Agreed. I think it's disingenuous to call it an "armed insurrection", but I think it's equally disingenuous to dismiss it as "peaceful tourists". It was clearly a riot, not dissimilar from the ones the right was screaming about through the summer of 2020. Not an insurrection, but clearly criminal behavior.
    2 points
  7. Ahhh, so Tucker releases a few videos and says “see, all those people were just peaceful tourists”, and you take him at face value? You can have whatever opinion you want on whatever politician, but let’s get a few facts straight. Those people were not part of the guided Capitol tour. They broke through police lines and barricades and entered the building illegally. Were some of them calm and “peaceful”? Probably. But there were plenty who were willing to assault police officers and more than a few explicit threats directed at the lives politicians. Sorry, but when you join the angry mob, MAGA, woke, or otherwise, you’re signing up for potential unpleasant consequences. Veterans of all people should’ve understood the ramifications of the event they were choosing to participate in. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes and all that.
    2 points
  8. Yep. Like I said. Made up. Robbie Kwan Do
    1 point
  9. Come on dude. How many rioters/trespassers were there, and how many LEOs were there to sop or impede them? I know you're not a cop; neither am I. But surely you can see that the police were outnumbered by orders of magnitude and lacked the manpower and resources to protect a 170,000 sq-ft building. But don't take my word for it. Here is what Officer Robishaw had to say about it: "The sheer number of them compared to us, I knew ahead there was no way we could all get physical with them...I can’t do anything, you know, all I can do is shout orders and if they listen, great, and if they don’t, I cannot force them. I am by myself.” Chief Manger: "One false allegation is that our officers helped the rioters and acted as 'tour guides.' This is outrageou and false...I don’t have to remind you how outnumbered our officers were on January 6. Those officers did their best to use de-escalation tactics to try to talk rioters into getting each other to leave the building”
    1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. I won't be surprised to find out that 'pro-ukraine group' had some very 'not ukrainian' help. Lets face it, we're not going to hear the truth on this for about 50 years, and we certainly won't hear ANY truth on it from the current or even the next US administration, even though I have full faith we know exactly how it happened.
    1 point
  12. https://rumble.com/v2c8msm-the-january-6th-meltdown-explodes-ep.-1964-the-dan-bongino-show.html Dan Bongino is dead on (as always) about this idiocy.
    1 point
  13. Well regardless of the side you fall on, I bet we can all agree Adam is a douche
    1 point
  14. I dated a capitol police officer back in the day. Coming from my background compared to hers their department is in a word, “weird.” They are staffed and equipped almost like park police vs the more civil authority model used in metropolitan police. But then they had riot kit that was prestige and sub machine guns. It wasn’t heavily manned though because here are something like 5 different law enforcement agencies in the same location intermingled in responsibility but no centralized command and control. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    1 point
  15. If ”those” = a few people, sure. If "those" = a mob, then no, probably not. I don't know the specifics of the Capitol police structure, but I would be shocked if it is regularly staffed to the level required to stop a violent mob. Let's also not forget, Democratic leadership had intentionally reduced the capital police footprint because the expectation from everyone in Washington was that it was more likely for there to be leftist rioting, and they didn't like the optics from the George Floyd rioting. Because there was no "accordingly." The situation escalated beyond what was planned, and the officers there were left to deal with it in whatever way they thought was best for the overall outcome. It's a shitty situation they were put in, so some became tour guides while others shot violent trespassers. I would hardly blame the police for acting in a less than perfect manner, in retrospect, given the situation they faced.
    1 point
  16. And this, gentlemen, is why BaseOps will always be a valuable resource for the up and coming (STS)....
    1 point
  17. 1 - We, the officers of the USAF who choose to post on BODN, aren’t defeating anyone. Our country, the one you swore allegiance to, has collectively chosen to stand up to a strategic enemy as they fail. You should support that if your allegiance is to the USA rather than to some failed politician. 2 - the results of AFG and Iraq don’t rest on our shoulders. Bush, Obama and their secretaries aren’t posting here. You know damn well that if we had a say the policies involved in prosecuting those wars would have been different. 3 - Everything you argue for amounts to appeasement. Read a Fvcking book about the first half of the 20th century. Educate yourself.
    1 point
  18. This characterization of Tucker Carlson‘s reporting is not how I interpreted his story. I’m curious how you reached this conclusion, and would like to hear your viewpoint. I have not followed the January 6 story very closely and have only seen wave top talking points from both sides. But I understood his report to be focused on using video evidence to undermine conclusions the January 6 congressional investigation reached, and show that for partisan reasons they misconstrued actual facts and misinformed the public. I did not see minimizing, or excuse making. Can you cite specifics? Jan 6 was definitely a riot and there was violence. Many of us watched these events live & there is no denying those things happened. And I didn’t see Tucker deny it in the report; if I missed it, please show me. However, he did point out that many things we thought were true were not true: the Capitol police literally escorted that crazy dude dressed like a buffalo through the building, he didn’t break in. There was definitely no armed insurrection, and the police officer was not beaten to death with a fire extinguisher. I heard January 6 committee members say that multiple police officers were killed, totally false. We’ve been told things that weren’t true. Personally, I’m just tired of being lied to. I did not feel lied to after listening to his reporting. Full disclosure: I thought the cops were insanely soft on those rioters. Had I been a cop on a barricade protecting the capital while legislators did their work, and a group of people had stormed my barricade, I would’ve been shooting fools 100%. Why on earth did the cops open the doors? Why on earth did the FBI have informants inciting the crowd? The highly partisan Jan 6 committee did not deliver objective reporting to our country. I’m not saying Tucker Carlson did, but your outright dismissal of his reporting is more shallow than I’m accustomed to from your posts.
    1 point
  19. Again… as obvious that it is you still haven’t watched the provided information that explains why this phase of the war is actually about preventing WWIII, we don’t have to kill Putin to achieve that. Demonstrating to him (in indirectly China) that wars of conquest will not be accepted by a unified group of western powers is done by what we are currently doing and that we (the west) don’t dither internally to the point of giving into compliant isolationist views that benefit the belligerent party. Putin can always go home and keep his shamble empire. The difference now is he does it without the ability to project or seriously threaten any of his neighbors a large group of which are Article 5 NATO powers which in case of hostilities we would be compelled to act to protect. And likewise Xi now has to look at what happened economically and physically and recalculate if he really thinks his first military foray should be to execute an apposed amphibious operation against an Island armed with all our modern weapons. Sitting around on our asses, sending thoughts and prayers instead of arms and supplies, and watching him take Ukraine will do nothing but embolden a military which has lost the majority of its conventional arms capability. When they come out for the next war (because this isn’t their first) they won’t hesitate to take the nuclear weapons out the second they miscalculate western resolve, engage in an offense into Poland/Latvia/Lithuania/etc, and suddenly find themselves facing a United NATO conventional force they have no ability to stop. That becomes a far more dangerous scenario than the current one where despite our aid to Ukraine, western leaders up to and including the US president can literally land in the middle western capital of a war zone and disrupt/delay the Russian targeting cycle for fear of widening the conflict. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  20. Definitely violent and definitely a riot. Some of the particularly low IQ people in attendance probably thought they were taking control of the government as well. But that doesn't make the whole thing an insurrection or mean the country was on the verge of collapse, or that it's worse than 9/11 or pearl harbor. That's left wing alarmist nonsense. And tuckers argument that there's nothing to see here is right wing minimizing, excuse making, equivocating garbage. So in conclusion, as per the usual arrangement, both sides of the legacy media are an abject dumpster fire.
    1 point
  21. I'm a mere long retired nav, but
    1 point
  22. Today, the first and oldest flying squadron in North America turns 110. Happy birthday to the 1st Reconnaissance Squadron. Hail Dragons. Note: 3 years later, the 1st become the first squadron to employ aircraft in a military operation. https://firstaerosquadron.com/articles/the-1st-aero-squadron-a-history/?amp=1
    1 point
  23. How can anyone NOT be skeptical after COVID?! the burden of proof is on the feds. They have zero credibility. “Trust the experts” turned out to be the biggest hoax/crime in US history. also the 51 intelligence “experts” who swore the Biden laptop was “Russian disinformation”. That turned out to be a lie as well.
    1 point
  24. Funny you should post that. Years ago, I'm at Carlos Murphys West in Tucson for a 4th of July soiree. I'm with another A-10 dude and somehow we end up taking to this liberal couple. When they find out we are Hawg drivers, the liberal chick says, "How can you gun down women and children." Well, if ever a softball question was tossed my way, that was it. Just like the movie quote, I replied "It's easy, you just don't lead them as much." The shocked looks on their faces was absolutely priceless. We also ended up drinking with a midget wrestler who was the regional distributor for Coors but that's another story.
    1 point
  25. Similar to where the Republicans were in 2016. I’m so tired of these parties and politicians running against something/someone rather than passionately advocating for their own platforms and ideas. And pundits like Carlson get an equal share of the blame (yeah, plenty of the CNN/MSNBC crowd does the same….this discussion is about the little bow tie boy for now). If he gave a shit about making this country a better place, he’d spend more time telling you why DeSantis or Haley make the best candidate, and less time getting you outraged at whatever perceived atrocity the other side has committed most recently. He doesn’t. He cares about ratings and being filthy rich (he’s worth $420M. His salary is $35M). Hell, even Rupert Murdoch admits he’s a shill but he’ll never be fired because he makes Fox too much money. Fuck Tucker and everyone like him.
    0 points
  26. https://twitter.com/TuckerCarlson/status/1632953663822913536?s=20
    0 points
  27. After seeing just a few clips of the January 6th footage that came out today, Adam Kinzinger needs to rot in hell. You know he had all this info from the Jan 6th Committee. He stood by and watched fellow veterans being persecuted by their government. Absolute piece of shit. I would refuse to share a cockpit with him.
    -1 points
  28. You think "The Congressman" has the balls to show his face on this forum again? After everything I've seen, only one word comes to mind to describe that guy: Coward @congressman
    -1 points
  29. Guys, guys….GUYS! Listen up. Bashi appears to have this all figured out. He’s onto some obscure intel that we’ve all just missed somehow (it’s called RT or something). Now, he apparently had the whole Covid thing shacked from the get go, so obviously the US government and all its institutions will be wrong about everything, forever going forward. I say we just save ourselves some time, make him the Chief of Staff & then hopefully get a successful presidential campaign going for him for 2028. We’ll be back to being feared and respected (alongside our Russian allies) in no time.
    -2 points
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