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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/22/2020 in Posts

  1. Memphis is hiring. Shoot me a PM with your email if you want the flyer.
    3 points
  2. It’s something they just recently were able to put together (literally like a week ago we finally got the word). You should be able to email the POC to join in on the specific dates they’ve laid out! Vermont has very strict travel restrictions though, so something to consider before making any plans. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network mobile app
    2 points
  3. If you are going to make me do PME by correspondence, then give me time to actually do it instead of telling me to do it in my off time. With actual time and if you do it right you could even make it more beneficial for people that put some effort into studying and through possibly networking. As something to do in my spare time I want to put as little effort into it as possible, and get little out of it.
    2 points
  4. Highest PCSM given the hours and AFOQT that I’ve seen. Is the VTANG visit opportunity posted somewhere? I reached out a few weeks ago and they still said nothing was planned.
    1 point
  5. As I understand it, the national average is in the upper 60s. Here in Los Angeles, I was told by my (independent) CFI that the average hours to PPL locally is in the 80s. I have 50 and have been waiting a long time for the checkride (thanks COVID), but my CFI said that was exceptionally unusual and I progressed "blazing fast" (not so humble brag). I guess my point is for the readers that it can vary a LOT between locations and individuals.
    1 point
  6. If I were king for a day, I'd cancel all in-res PME and move to a purely online/correspondence system. The cost-benefit analysis supports that decision from a pure financial one (no more PCS, TDY, travel costs) and a manpower one (uh, Pilot Shortage anyone?), as well as break the strangle hold of the self-licking ice cream cone that are the "selects" and "DGs". I think COVID lockdowns are exposing the paradigms society at large have been stuck in and we need to re-evaluate what fits in a new "internet of things" reality. Unfortunately, I think it's self-licking that gets all the attention from Big Blue. That's an intentional word choice, btw...
    1 point
  7. And the instructor's risk tolerance. A CFI using their only plane as an instructional rental is probably going to be more risk adverse than a larger school with several aircraft. Though 30 hours to solo does seem excessive... Either they are really risk adverse, or not a great instructor
    1 point
  8. Mind if I ask what region this is? Flight schools quoting you 80 hours on average for a PPL is predatory, in my opinion. I work at a big flight school, and if we have kids going over 55-60 hours then we start to examine what went wrong in the process. 80 hours feels extortionate, but I'm willing to admit it's closer to the national average than 40. As for your question, I don't know that all units that are looking for flying experience are looking strictly for a PPL. A sport certificate or LSA experience certainly is a conversation starter! But I would mention that from my (limited) understanding it's going to be easier for you to transition from PPL to Sport than vice versa.
    1 point
  9. If only there was an online program that covered the learning objectives of SOS in a distance learning type environment...
    1 point
  10. The KC-10 Boom Control Unit (BCU) was starting to become almost impossible to replace due to limited supply chain availability. The KC-135 doesn’t have one and also sat SAC alert for decades, which comparatively speaking kept airframe hours low compared to the KC-10. The -135 also has a strategic mission and does AEs. Two things the -10 doesn’t do. With the pressure from the National Guard Bureau to keep the -135 due to a lot of Guard -135 units and cost per flight hour with the -10, it was pretty easy to decide which tanker was going to be retired.
    1 point
  11. It is even more surreal to visit AMARC and see your bird sitting wrapped up int he desert. I flew a lot of combat missions in a few specific tail numbers and it is a very weird feeling to see them sitting there. They brought me home through a lot of shit and now they are just waiting to be chopped up. Fewer and fewer are going to museums because of the cost to transport, restore and maintain.
    1 point
  12. Exactly this. And while there would have been complaining from those on the right, I doubt you would have seen the threats that are currently coming from the left. People literally threatening violence over a Supreme Court nomination. And to be honest, based on how this year has gone, if Trump does get a nomination through, I fully except there to be actual riots and violence in the streets from the left...again.
    1 point
  13. Why do we assume that Garland would have been confirmed by a Republican senate even if McConnell had allowed the vote? And does anyone really think that the Dems would not be nominating RBG's replaced right now if they controlled the Oval Office and Senate? They would have already started the process.
    1 point
  14. It actually been pointed out multiple times in this thread. You just don't agree with that view point. Just because you aren't convinced doesn't mean there isn't merit.
    1 point
  15. Dissolving the electoral college is naive and will not solve problems, it’ll create more. We don’t need to do all of these significant system altering ideas, we simply need term limits. Don’t even give the Pelosis or the McConnells a chance to become “political rulers,” make sure the AOCs are just an insignificant stain on the political map for a few years, etc. This one change would absolutely crush the level of partisan politics we see nowadays. We’d also see candidates who are in line with the framer’s intent...rep the people for 6-9 years, then GTFO and go back to being whatever you were previously. Policy making and voting would be based on what’s best, not on how to get re-elected for the 10th time. Kickbacks, etc. would likely be less because nobody has enough time to make it “high” and stay there in politics...the return on kickbacks/bribes/back door deals would be substantially less, and so goes the incentive to do them.
    1 point
  16. 1 point
  17. Term limits. You have people that have been in DC politics for 30-45 years. They’re are crooks, D’s and R’s. After 20 years, you’re done.
    1 point
  18. I started to write something, then I re-read your post, and Flea's. I have no idea what either of your points are. Also, you believe ICE is actually sterilizing immigrants in some grand eugenics conspiracy? The CNN article I could find is a basket of non-specific anecdotes, confirmation bias, and creative framing. The federal government has too much power, but it isn't a fascistic, all controlling Machiavellian new world order. It's a giant incompetent bureaucracy lacking accountability. So just like every other giant bureaucracy.
    1 point
  19. Welcome back to the GA world, I started back up last year and have been having a blast, while making lots of new friends. Was driving home from the rents today and stopped by an airport because I saw a Stearman inside an open hangar. Wandered up to the hangar to say hey and walked away with a bunch of ideas for my Stearman (plus their offer to help), and a planned 3-ship Stearman outing next weekend. As I was leaving I ran into a retired UAL Captain I know, so we took his Cub up and bounced around the local grass fields. Great people that just love aviation. Did you say air conditioning? Little bit too much AC this day...hoodie wasn't quite enough!
    1 point
  20. Shack. I don't understand why people struggle so much to understand that at face value on here.
    1 point
  21. I remember the Reserves-specific program, but I don’t know if it is rolling yet. The Randolph T1 only program was offered to a Reservist buddy of mine in the heavy pipeline, but he already had a slot in the normal UPT pipeline starting, so they pulled the offer. I met an IP brought there for the program before it started, so it’s definitely going, but it seems geared to active folks that are wanting heavies from the get-go with a few Reserves/Guard sprinkled in. Vance was supposed to be starting a similar T1 only program around July, as well as the T6 only program. I left in May, so I didn’t keep tabs on it, but have anecdotally heard they’re still going.
    1 point
  22. That’s no selfie, that’s the Day Man, fighter of the Night Man, Champion of the Sun. He’s a master of karate and friendship for everyone.
    1 point
  23. And the Right was just sitting there as innocent as can be, doing nothing at all and getting sucker punched by the big mean left. 😢
    1 point
  24. Make sure the individual did ASBC, SOS in correspondence, SOS in residence(8 weeks), Masters, ACSC and plan the squadron Christmas party. Those should eliminate the award/medals/combat/deployed time and other “useless” data points for the board.
    1 point
  25. Update: retook the test today and ended up with a 98 in the last hour bracket. Boosted my PCSM 11 points to an 86 with no increase in hours. I’d recommend considering a retake for anyone below a 95 in the last bracket. Could be a significant return on a small time investment. Cheers and good luck.
    1 point
  26. I've noticed this as well, mainly based on rejection emails. 😆 A few years ago they'd say things like "we had over 50 applications this year and it was a really tough choice". Now they're sometimes saying "we had almost 150 applications for this board and wish we could interview you all!". That said, there is zero sense stressing yourself out thinking about things like this which are out of your control. Try not to dwell on it. The interviews I landed a few years ago took me by complete surprise, and the occasional interview invitations I still manage to get are pleasant surprises as well. If it were easy then everyone would do it. Hope for the best but expect nothing. Hopefully things will work out, and if they don't, you'll be happier knowing you gave it your best shot. I'd be lying if I said I didn't get a little discouraged each time I get the "thanks but no thanks email" or see someone here post that interview notifications went out while my phone and inbox stay silent. But I forget about it as soon as I see a new board notification posted somewhere and my heart rate picks up a bit with excitement. Try to filter out all the noise and stay motivated.
    1 point
  27. I haven't been on any hiring boards yet, but I was in this position when I was rushing units! I'll piggy back off @SocialD since his advice is what I followed. I interviewed with a unit and the following month or so I already had another interview lined up with probably my more preferred unit. I was honest in the interview and told them I also had another interview lined up, and when asked if I was hired would I still interview at the other unit I respectfully said yes. They offered me the job the next day! I definitely think part of why I was selected was because they respected that I was honest with them! Fast forward to the other interview, I ultimately wasn't hired. When I called back to my hiring unit asking if the offer was still on the table they said absolutely, and never asked about the other interview. Bottom line man go with what you are morally comfortable with! For me I just couldn't keep that from them and potentially burn a bridge! Had I never told them, interviewed at the other unit, and they found out then that phone call asking if offer was still on the table could have been a lot different. Hope this helps!
    1 point
  28. I'll caveat the follow with the fact that this is my personal opinion and not necessarily how others will view it, so take it for what it's worth... I've sat on numerous ANG UPT interview boards and been in the military long enough to know that you are the only one looking out for you. Interview at both and see what happens. If you get both, then you'll have a decision to make and I would go with the one that fits you best. We completely understand that we may not always be the first choice of everyone, but I will still pick the best possible candidate. Personally, I respect the honesty if a candidate is upfront about their desires, but I also understand if they hold their cards close. Either way, that's why we pick an alternate. Best of luck!
    1 point
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