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  1. Today
  2. I think and hope its going to be a blowout. Most fence sitters aren't going to say they are voting for trump. If polls are to be believed (they shouldn't) then Trump is out in front from what I've seen. I really fear the potential outcomes if its really close. Either way.
  3. Yesterday
  4. Anybody heard anything from the 158th AS? They had an open house last week and said they'll be sending interview invites soon.
  5. Conley nominated to be the next AFSOC/CC. Pave Low mafia still flexing it’s muscles. In all seriousness great news for the command.
  6. agree. what random "friend" calls the FAA... sounds fishy
  7. rumint he didn't get paid but is sitting on a nice lawsuit if SWA ever tried to fire him hell of a great guy to fly with from buddies at SWA
  8. Sure, but there’s a difference between voting for someone and going to his rallies as well as voting for him. I’ll vote for Trump because I agreed with a lot (definitely not all) of his policies (even though I personally dislike him) when he was president, and I agree with very few of Biden’s and also think he has major cognitive issues…but I’ll never go to a Trump rally, even it was within a 30 min drive. So I think the rallies are a reflection of the differences in enthusiasm for the candidates, which is what the vast majority of the polls have been saying for a while. Now Trump still had far more people at campaign events in 2020 compared to Biden, but that was also in the height of Covid… which today very few people seem concerned. The vast majority of the polls also show that Trump is doing quite a bit better with minorities compared to 2016 and 2020. Add in the fact that Biden’s approval numbers have been in the upper 30s/low 40s for quite a long time…which no president in recent times have been reelected with such low approval numbers 6 months out from the election, and I think the nod today definitely goes to Trump. I think it will once again come down to turnout, and don’t underestimate the Dem turnout machine. I wouldn’t be surprised if either one when given how divided the country is, but if I had to put money on one today, it would be Trump.
  9. That guy got paid? I’d pay to listen to his standup routine but otherwise huh?
  10. As much as this story sounds plausible, my inner misogynist thinks this chick may be reconstructing history in the debrief after she gets crushed industry wide for being lame. I know it’s highly unlikely for a female to not accept the consequences of her actions, but it’s possible.
  11. Between Biden and Trump, I'd rather have Trump. In a normal world, I'd never consider voting for Trump but Biden and his crew of flunkies have got to go. I knew a retarded dog who was more self aware than Biden.
  12. Awesome thanks, yea was leaning towards 793
  13. The belleville c793 and the rocky sv2 are probably the lightest safe to fly boots you'll find. Log in with your cac and you can navigate to the list. https://usaf.dps.mil/sites/21562/afe/safe to fly/forms/allitems.aspx?id=%2Fsites%2F21562%2FAFE%2FSafe to Fly%2F02. Aircrew Flight Clothing%2FBoots&viewid=cae06cce-9693-4e81-a000-f6dcd27f0d1d
  14. Sadly that’s everyone outside of the Newark / Edison / Philly metro - guess who has higher numbers. Same with upstate Ny - outside major metros it’s about as red as you can get, but the city outvotes everyone.
  15. Anyone got a list/source doc of safe to fly boots for aetc? Looking for a boot thats more lightweight/less bulky than the belleville 790s and rocky s2vs that are issued
  16. Somewhere between 80k and 100k people were at the Trump rally in New Jersey yesterday. That says something.
  17. All of the things you've mentioned related to preserving medical job opportunities, vacation, etc. make me confident in the following statement: Regarding vacation, I can only speak for what I've seen and heard in the fighter world, but it is quite commom depending on your CC, DO, or WO. You're in an upgrade: don't take leave. You have to projo a TDY: don't take leave. We have an inspection to prep for, there is a base exercise, etc..dont take leave. I know a lot of bros that have lost leave due to these very things (myself included). I also know a few dudes that said, "F that noise my parents have never met their grandchildren so I'm taking leave to go see them." They were taken out of the upgrade, set as the lowest priority, or screwed in their next assignment. All this because they didn't show enough "commitment" based on when they took leave, or that they took it at all during the above events. My point is, this is not how the guard operates. This mindset of screwing over ppl for living their lives because it causes the bobs a minor inconvenience is one of many reasons if I could do it all over again I would never go AD. I'd go straight to the guard. You can still do TFI if you want to dip your toes in to see what active duty life is like.
  18. Here is what is being said: - The pilot was not a new hire - This incident happened weeks ago - This pilot helped trap the errors on the flight in question. The entire crew discussed it after landing. They all left on good terms. - The pilot discussed their day later with a friend. - The friend, without permission from the pilot and without their knowledge, called the FAA hotline. - The pilot’s name, picture, and other personal info has been shared across multiple airlines.
  19. Apropos of nothing, the gays, grannies and grandes fiasco was a windfall for the offender because of doxxing. Based on the online environment so far, it seems possible this FO could end up laughing all the way to the bank with a similar outcome.
  20. Last week
  21. This is going to happen in every job, everywhere, forever. Especially with men their early and mid twenties, but by no means limited to it. We will always fight it, and most of us will behave, but biologically adult women (post-pubescence) are always going to get biologically adult men to act in accordance with a few million years of biological pressures.
  22. Problem is after that Ferguson "hands up don't shoot" incident, I would imagine the overall quality of police recruits had to have dropped. The job never paid that great, much of the public hates you just because, and even if you do everything right you still run the risk of pilloried and left to hang by political prosecutors looking to make a name for themselves or to appease the mob. Throw in a higher turnover rate and being undermanned, under trained, and under funded and it is honestly surprising things like this are not happening more often.
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