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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/12/2024 in Posts

  1. I love seeing Temu commercials during the Super Bowl… We will censor our own folks during the great COVID sham, but won’t say no to the CCP for some NFL screen time.
    6 points
  2. 69’ers and queefs have been at odds FOREVER! It’s a very bitter rivalry.
    2 points
  3. Hold on, I need back of the room running start for this one....
    2 points
  4. So if you kneel or don’t want to stand for the American National Anthem then the left thinks that’s completely fine and justified but if you don’t want to stand for the “Black National Anthem”, well then the left thinks that is really bad… https://www.foxnews.com/media/democratic-congressman-hits-super-bowl-fans-not-standing-negro-national-anthem
    1 point
  5. Is yours actually going through? I submitted an updated application April of 2023 and mine still shows "work in progress." I'm retired now, but call out FSS Chief today to see if she can check into for me. I understand things can take a bit, but this is pretty excessive. Thankfully, I have about 17ish years (depending on what they say) to figure it out lol. That sucks to hear. I once knocked out 4 OPRs in about 2 days for a guy so he could have them for an airline interview. Long story on how he was missing 4 OPRs. But to your strat comment, are those sought after things within your old Guard squadron? I bet I could have queried all the pilots (non former AD guys anyway) if they know what a strat is and I bet less than 50% would know what I'm talking about and the other 50% would say strategy? Having only been at one Guard unit my whole career, it's always interesting to see how things are done differently out there. Funny story... I'm out in PHX hiking up camelback and get a call from an old college friend. I hadn't heard from her since college, but I knew she was in a high profile job at Delta, so I answered. She said, hey are you behind on OPRs (she's mil as well)? I'm thinking well that's a weird question to lead with after 20 years of never talking. I'm like, do you mean am I personally (I was)? She's says, no I mean is your wing behind on OPRs? I just laugh and say if it's not a year overdue, we're not worried about it. She laughs, and says that makes sense, thanks gotta go. I hang up like, what a weird conversation. Fast forward a few days, I'm back at the squadron and figure it all out. Turns out she was interviewing a squadron mate who didn't have his last OPR. She was just calling me to verify if his story checks out because the others on the board were asking and her base appears to be pretty strict on OPRs. Dude owes me lots of beer.
    1 point
  6. And what was old is new again
    1 point
  7. what a joke POTUS has become
    1 point
  8. Guy needs to resign. Sub par general. Sub par secretary.
    1 point
  9. @gearhog I don’t agree at all. Arguing a single Putin interview is a threat to national security and a nail in the coffin of our country’s existence is frankly, bat shit crazy. And I’m also not advocating for treason, etc. I guess agree to disagree on this topic.
    1 point
  10. I put my application in last night. Raptor to Hurlburt or don't call me back.
    1 point
  11. My point is this isn't a political policy/economic wonk led ideological push. Bernie Sanders did not gain popularity because he really won people over on the logic of socialism. He gained popularity based on emotional sentiment of the people, "fuck those rich assholes." Let me re-phrase: The current descent into looney toons land is not because politicians are leading us there. The body of the people has divided into tribes, politicians want to get elected and playing to tribal sentiment and feeding the hate machine is a time tested method. For perspective: my view of our current insanity is heavily influenced by reading "The Revolt of the Public"
    1 point
  12. I’m following the process and will keep you guys updated. Honestly knowing the guy, I think he’d be spun up to be an FTU IP pretty quick and do it better than some of the foreigners we have to spin up. I wouldn’t think we’d waste 6 months TX/IPUG for 1.5 yrs of instruction…..then I realize it’s the USAF so economics make no sense. I’ve seen worse. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network mobile app
    1 point
  13. My concern is far less about what politicians do but is much more concerned what they are/aren’t doing which equates to horrible policy—what they say matters because it’s is very connected to the policy. We’re not where we are as a country with horrible laws and executive orders that leaves a border wide open, allows criminals to attack police officers and be let go, a massive debt, laws that incentivize the breakdown of the family, policies encouraging young children to take dangerous gender changing medication or surgery…on and on…all just because “politicians just say a lot of stuff”.
    1 point
  14. I didn't miss the 10 minutes. I missed the entire thing because I'm not going to support it by watching it. Although I wouldn't say I'm missing it Bob. I have no issues listening to Putin or any other potential/actual enemy to learn how they think and why they do what they do. I have an issue with a journalist going into a country that holds journalists hostage for political gains and giving the leader of that country legitimacy by doing an interview like this. I think it played far more into Putin's hands than Carlson's. I also think Putin is too smart to give us anything that we could actually learn from. Before his untimely (too late) death, I had no problem with people listening to Osama bin Laden. I would have had an issue with a US reporter interviewing him. Maybe I'm making an unnecessary distinction, but there is a difference between listening/learning and doing something to gives an enemy a platform that they will use to their advantage. Along those lines, the follow on posts read FAR too much into my statement. I have absolutely no problem listening to people on the other side of the political spectrum. Many of the problems with our country is the lack of a willingness to engage in meaningful dialogue. But there is a big difference between this and the Putin interview.
    1 point
  15. 1 point
  16. 3 words: SERVICE BEFORE SELF.
    1 point
  17. I can't believe this interview is allowed on Western media outlets. Just a few quick thoughts. 1. Tucker was cringe. His trademark giggle seems fake and it was almost as if he was fawning over Putin. He just let Putin ramble for 15 minutes at a time. 2. Putin took the first 30 minutes to give a 1000 year dissertation in ancient Russian history. Tucker tried interject and get the interview back on track multiple times. No one wants to hear all that. We all want to hear the recent relevant highlights while Putin apparently thinks and talks in encyclopedias. It's called "History" because it's over. It has nothing to do with the current situation. 3. Putin kept baselessly claiming NATO was expanding, that we provoked a coup in 2014, and the Donbass separatists were being bombed. And Neo-Nazis? Is he being serious? Sounded like a lunatic. 4. For being the head of the Russia state, every time he was asked about his assessment of the actions or rationale of the US, his answer would be something to the effect of "I don't know what the hell they're doing. It makes no sense." How can someone in his position be this perplexed by our strategies and methods? 5. Putin said he had neither the capability or intentions to invade Europe. Which is what anyone would say before they did just that. 6. He did mention that we should be more concerned by the massive invasion of our southern border and our unsustainable debt, which he might have a fair point. 7. He said he was willing to negotiate a settlement, but then said he refused to call Biden, contradicting himself. 8. Tucker tried to get him to release a US journalist and he refused, and claimed he was a spy. Overall, it was thinly disguised Pro-Russian and Pro-Putin propaganda. Do not watch.
    1 point
  18. I watched it in it's entirety. Would love to hear what fascinating insight you gained.
    1 point
  19. So, freedom of speech/thought is good...unless the government doesn't like it. Also, government is the source of freedom. Those are your arguments? I side with the idea that we, the people, have certain unalienable rights. Something about governments being instituted to secure our rights rather than the king "providing" them to his subjects. Always remember that a government powerful enough to give you everything you want is powerful enough to take away everything you need. As Stalin might say, "dark humor is like food--not everyone gets it."
    1 point
  20. Biff, I think you need a hobby:
    1 point
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