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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/02/2024 in Posts

  1. 1. I know half of you heathens won't care, but what the heck is bidens DOJ doing trying to throw 6 Christians who sang and prayed in the hallway of an infanticide facility in jail for 11 years. This administration is a complete dumpster fire but they are also incredibly evil at their core. The DOJ has never even attempted to investigate the numerous fires set at churches and pregnancy crisis help centers over the last 3 years but sing at an abortion center and get charged under the FACE act. Unfrickenbelievable. 2. Polk County Iowa charging the navy vet for knocking the head off of a satan statue with a "hate" crime. YGTBSM ... just evil to its core (plus completely full of feces on both charges).
    7 points
  2. Congrats to everyone who got selected, I recognize a lot of names from last year!!! I'm so happy for yall! To those who didn't get the news they wanted, keep pushing and never take no for an answer! Y'all got this!! I was selected for UPT on the last board and after starting class in Sept, I finally had my T6 dollar ride this past week. All I could think the entire time was "this was so so so worth everything it took to get here. All the effort for the board, all the anxiety of waiting, literally whatever it took to get to this moment here was worth it." Feel free to message me if you have any questions about UPT or Columbus! Congrats!!
    6 points
  3. You couldn’t have scripted a more perfect summation of the left’s current policies in one incident if you tried. Beats cops on the street. Arrested but released immediately with zero bail. Crossed the border illegally. Several had already been arrested before. Flicks off cameras on the way out of jail. Welcome to the left’s American Dream in 2024.
    5 points
  4. That was quick!
    5 points
  5. Meanwhile crickets on BLM protests, the recent riot at the WH, zero fucks given about the illegals they just released in NY who attacked the cops, J6 people who at most should have had misdemeanors with no jail time are getting heavy sentences, etc. If the law was applied equally, that’s one thing, but the law is massively absent for the left and heavy handed on anyone on the right/viewed as a threat to left policies (perceived or otherwise). I would be equally appalled and pissed if the current status of justice was reversed in the opposite political direction. Politics and favoritism have no place in justice, but here we are, watching “political opponents” being taken down/silenced/persecuted by the left DOJ and AGs/judges all over the country. Every American should be horrified, regardless of how you vote at the ballot box.
    3 points
  6. Just by the God damned Corvette already. You could be banging strange instead of listen to old dudes give financial advice.
    2 points
  7. Glocks are great guns - simple, accurate and dependable as fuck. Their only crime is bland looks, but I don’t give a shit about that, especially on “purpose-driven” guns. Range toys are for fucking around with fancy shit. And if you can’t stand stock, a trigger, sights, barrels, springs, etc. are not expensive, easy to find, and easy to replace. I had a buddy give me shit once because I “had to” replace the trigger on my glocks, so that’s why they suck. Even with that and a aftermarket barrel on that particular Glock, I was still less money in than his malfunction trainer…I mean Kimber.
    2 points
  8. Rarely has a face been in such desperate need of a baseball bat.
    2 points
  9. I started investing my flight pay as a 1Lt using dollar cost averaging. Just put money in every month because the market will increase over the long term. I quit adding money to that account years ago when I was hired at an airline. That account has had some serious ups and downs over 40 years but is now approaching 7 digits because time in the market usually beats timing the market.
    2 points
  10. Fantastic shot. Reminds me of that [de]motivational poster lol.
    1 point
  11. They only had a week to get out of town....
    1 point
  12. I never understood the obsession with 1911s. They are gorgeous, and I have one, but every time someone tells me they carry one I have to question their thought process. Ancient tech, low capacity, and a super light trigger pull. Just doesn't make sense to me for most realistic use scenarios. They are thin, so I guess that counts for something, but it's not like it's a small gun. Glocks are fucking hideous, and I don't love the grips, but it's a phenomenal weapon for actual use. Edit: Obviously I'm assuming your friend is using a Kimber 1911.. That's all I ever see from them.
    1 point
  13. $25k doesn’t go very far in the world of corvettes that attract strange.
    1 point
  14. I put on Ameriglo night sights. Way better than stock. I can lay it on a nightstand with a surefire next to it and even in the dark I can easily find both from the glowing dots of the rear sight. Still way less than a Kimber😁
    1 point
  15. The face down thing is real. I thought it was bad in the States, but I honestly feel Asia is worse. Japan, Korea, and Hong Kong are terrible about this. I would venture over 85% of the folks are face down. I can’t tell you how many times someone has nearly walked right thru me because they were so engrossed in their phone. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network mobile app
    1 point
  16. At least nobody is telling us how many fingers they have lol. Look at those fun bags.
    1 point
  17. Back to a more adult conversation which I obviously struggle with at times. While I certainly like shotguns, I personally prefer my trusty Glock 19. I seem to shoot it better than any handgun I've ever owned. Certainly, preferable to the 92. I know a lot of SOCOM types have carried the Glock 19 since at least 2013 which says a lot.
    1 point
  18. CSO select here, 98 pilot/99 nav/91 pcsm/21+ flt hrs no PPL, and fairly strong job performance imo for only being in a couple years. Not gonna lie I’m a little bummed I didn’t get pilot but I’m going to take it and see where it goes! Who knows what it’ll lead to. See y’all in Pensacola!
    1 point
  19. Gents, before this gets derailed too far, @Lord Ratner's point is not invalid. He's assuming you will pay the loan payments with the loan capital. Everyone else is assuming you pay the loan back with fresh paycheck money. I'm in the latter camp because I think even as an Lt, you should be able to scrape together $450 from your paycheck and let the loan money sit for the long term untouched. You shouldn't NEED that loan capital to pay the loan payments. It should be locked away somewhere (i.e. 2x maxed Roths + the rest in a brokerage account, although I'm more of a VTSAX man, myself). If you will NEED the loan capital to make the loan payments, then yes, put it in HY savings and make a few dollars on the difference.
    1 point
  20. @Lord Ratner Here’s a great index fund to dump that money in…if you look at this picture and still stand by your opinion, well then as Biff would say, LOL. Edit: VFIAX for anyone interested
    1 point
  21. Outstanding! But one point of correction: based on the title I was thinking it was a Kirov or another Slava (remember when they sank the Moskva back in 2022) class...the ship in this video was "only" a Corvette.
    1 point
  22. The left tells us that if you want to deport him then you’re a racist.
    1 point
  23. Not sure on how current UFT drops are working work, sorry. Having done the process twice previously though, here's how it went for me: Back when I went through Nav school with Magellan, we were a class early in the FY and my flight commander was quite gregarious and had made great relationships with the folks at AFPC, who happened to be co-located at Randolph. He apparently regularly went over there, brought candy, beers, told tall tales, charmed the ladies, etc.; god bless you Capt. Gerry. Long story short, when our drop came up he had us all fill out dream sheets a bit earlier than typical, and then went over to AFPC and tried to acquire the jets we wanted. He succeeded wildly! Everyone in our class got their first or second choice, understanding that folks who kinda knew they were near the bottom didn't ask for the moon. He then released the final class ranking and aircraft list the day before the drop and said, "Look, I got you all what you wanted, but you are free to change your minds. We'll pick in rank order from these airplanes. Good luck!" Our class held fast to our dream sheets and basically everyone walked away happy. It was a great night! I got hammered at the Auger Inn in volleyball shorts and a sports bra (Olympics themed drop night haha), eat your hearts out gents 😘. When I went through URT more recently I was a Guard guy so who cares how it went, right? I already had my assignment; problem solved. But for the active duty kids they got to rank MQ-9 or RQ-4 #1/#2, and for MQ-9 got to list I think a top three locations (e.g. Shaw, Creech, Cannon, etc.). My flight commander there (who was much less cool) then did some voodoo based on his judgement, what was available, class rank, etc. and we all just found out when we were called up in no particular order at drop night. He never even released our actual class rankings other than the DGs at graduation. Most people were fine, especially since the range of choices was much smaller to begin with, but the problem IMHO one of the dudes who was a DG (i.e. either #1 or #2 overall in our class of I think 23 studs) didn't even get his top aircraft. The flight commander in an executive decision assigned him to MQ-9s at Creech when what he really wanted was RQ-4s. Truly puzzling to (mildly) crush the dreams of a guy who worked his butt off and performed extremely well. OTOH another guy (not a DG but a top third performer) got the first-ever MQ-9s to Hurlburt so he could be close to his kids that his ex had anchored to NWFL. I got hammered at the Auger Inn once again dressed up as a woman (Captain Marvel for an Avengers theme), so there's a bit of a trend-line here... May the odds ever be in your favor!
    1 point
  24. Great to hear the pilot go out! Since everyone is ok. PACAF/CC right now...
    1 point
  25. Vance 19-07, some Space Force love.
    1 point
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