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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/05/2023 in Posts

  1. This kind of thought process blows my mind. I can say that someone is capable and qualified to do a job, particularly a political job, while also understanding that they don’t necessarily represent my values as well as another candidate might. You’ve taken this position before & seem to be unable to understand that people may not be willing to vote for a candidate that doesn’t represent their values no matter how “good” they may be. Here’s why I personally like Haley and wish there were more candidates like her: She will force Democratic candidates to be better. They will have to debate on policy rather than on the emotion stirred up on both sides by petty culture war tropes. Good candidates beget better candidates on both sides. Another reason I like her is because candidates like this tend to be far less divisive when they take office. Like nsplayr, I find it difficult to see myself voting for her in a general election. If she were to be elected though, I (and I think most on the left side of the spectrum) would have a much easier time generally supporting her than someone like Donald Trump.
    5 points
  2. Children aren't allowed to drive until 14, get a driver's license at 16, vote or buy a gun until 18, and drink until they are 21 years old. Why? Because society does not believe that children have the mental capacity to make correct choices regarding those subjects. But somehow, when it comes to permanent devastating life altering surgical or hormonal choices, children including pre-teens are deemed by the left to be more than competent to make those decisions. The leftist fascination with co-opting children is downright evil. Whatever another adult wants to do to float their boat is fine by me just don't ask me to to play along with any sort of delusion or celebrate whatever choice that adult may make but leave children alone.
    5 points
  3. To be fair he said qualified and a good person, he didn’t say she was hands down the best of the entire field but he’d still pass. However, your statement does aptly describe an alarming amount of voters in this country (on both sides). It’s very disheartening to say the least.
    3 points
  4. 1000% disagree. Having obtainable naturalization and birthright citizenship is a huge leg up for the US and always has been. Furthermore, the cultural norm that an “American” isn’t a race or a people that one either has or doesn’t but rather a set of ideals and something you can choose is at the foundation of our enduring strength. I would actually support universal national service for all young people that conferred benefits like college or job training money & opportunities. But a just-naturalized Bulgarian-American or a second-generation, US-born Colombian-American is just as much a citizen as you or I, and I sincerely believe that is a feature that makes the US superior to other countries. You can move to China and speak Chinese and live there for 50 years but you’ll never “be Chinese” and that’s simply not the case here.
    2 points
  5. Citizenship for service. Absolutely great fucking idea. The USA is founded on the best ideas and socio-political philosophies humans produced, but the crippling flaw is free citizenship. A selfish spoiled trust fund baby, a criminal on welfare, and a wounded vet who works full time all have equal voice in selecting future leaders & laws of our land. Not optimal. you sound like a white supremacist transphobe. Take 4 COVID shots and one online queer-theory class before signing up for monthly BLM donations to absolve yourself of sin.
    2 points
  6. Getting dinner in San Francisco is not exactly the same thing as living in San Francisco. Whether it's homelessness, the Exodus of retail (Nordstroms was the most recent), or the phenomenal incidents of vehicle break-ins, "awesome" does not describe San Francisco. Your cartoonish denial of reality is usually a bit less obvious, but not here. However, it does quite nicely demonstrate the arrogance of your political philosophy. I had fun there once, so why are so many people complaining?
    2 points
  7. Prior to the recall of Newsome, something like 60% of voters didn't like the direction the state of California was going. However, when pulling the lever to vote, Newsome wins by 20 points. The level of disaster doesn't matter to these people because they think "I'm a good person, Republicans are bad, and conservatives are Nazis so I'm voting democrat no matter what." These people will let their city, state, and/or country burn to the ground as long as they get to rule over the ashes. We are watching this happen in real time in the cities you mentioned.
    2 points
  8. Values? Hookers and blow brother. That’s why I’m hoping Hunter will be appointed as his dad’s successor by the Pentaverate when old Joe inevitably dies in a couple years. 🤣 🍻
    2 points
  9. I encourage as many people as I can to READ Starship Troopers. The universal reaction is usually “holy shit”.
    2 points
  10. To clarify, that includes as young as 5. Apparently 5 yr olds are mature enough to decide hormone altering drugs are OK to take without their parents knowing…because teacher knows better and said you should…yeah, nothing totally fucked up here going on.
    2 points
  11. What leftists fail to realize is that two things can be true at the same time—messing up kids’ lives is bad regardless of who is doing it. When Bill Maher is saying it, you know it’s pretty bad.
    2 points
  12. I'll disagree with you here as a justification for these events. LGTBQ/Pride month will not change the heart of a biased person. And, more often than not in the military it turns into a forced event that ends up with a negative connotation. Perhaps I have scar tissue but reflecting back on 26 years of these types of forced events I can't think of a single one that made me walk away with an "ah ha" moment. 18X...hardly, you are mixing and matching numerous studies and when you peel them back they are full of bias and flawed logic...It is a sad fact that the vast majority of pedophiles are heterosexual white men...many have kids of their own. When you actually read these studies they provide no scientific evidence of anything you are claiming. Most of them use opinion and conjecture, usually published on religious sites or religious advocacy group sites with a preface saving homosexuality is a deviant behavior. As a Christian I am always shocked the religious groups which as a foundation teach love and tolerance are so concerned and butthurt about what other people do in the privacy of their own home. This right here. Flashing back to high school there was a guy that was obviously gay but the environment of the period I grew up in was far less accepting than today. Looking back on it now he was extremely bitter and no one really wanted to hang out with him, not because we knew he was gay but because he was always so angry. I was in AP English and was placed in a small group of four students with him to work several projects. In that small group he let his guard down and was a completely different person. By that time (10th grade), he had read and re-read all the classics, with ease he could pull the threads of those books to the ancient philosophers and the bible. He had an incredible mind, truly the guy was brilliant but he hid it under this facade of anger that must have been his defense mechanism. I didn't interact with him much after that class, we rode the same bus and on several occasions I tried to be social and say hello but he was back in his shell and mostly ignored me. At my 20 year reunion I learned he committed suicide (RIP Gary), and I couldn't help but think how difficult high school was for him and just how cruel other kids can be. As a heterosexual I am attracted to women, I can't comprehend being attracted to another man...but that doesn't make homosexuality wrong. I have worked and flown with numerous gay people...guess what...so have ALL you...and they were all most likely great Americans serving their country. Over the course of my career I also saw four egregious cases of pedophilia...and ALL were straight white men who were chasing young girls...one of them his own daughter. Like the forced celebration events, nothing we say here is going to change Bfargin's heart...so be it, we are free country and you are entitled to your opinion, but all that hate is going to eat you up and life is way to short to hate someone else just because of who they love.
    2 points
  13. bro he lives in nashville he LOVES it! every other city has got to be just like nashville what are you even talking about bigot?! /s
    1 point
  14. “BAILOUT BAILOUT BAILOUT” Sent from my iPad using Baseops Network mobile app
    1 point
  15. and like typical air force, MyFSS is still showing "awaiting HAF inputs" 🙂
    1 point
  16. Bummer. A lot of good dudes flew for the 66th.
    1 point
  17. If you’re mature enough to pour yourself a bowl of Golden Grahams, then you’re more than capable of making life altering choices. Come on man.
    1 point
  18. are you really this dense? point to me republican cities that are absolute shit holes. i can show you numerous democratic ones. wanna connect those dots for me? jfc dude. you literally admitted you don't support the local SFO policies. a city run 100% by democrats. but then you argue you're happy with democrat policies and will continue voting for them. you make zero sense.
    1 point
  19. Nashville is not remotely like SF, Portland, Seattle, NYC, or Chicago, in politics, population, or the crime and homelessness (drug use) wave. It's a nice town. Liberal cities in conservative states have had a much harder time enacting the policies that have led to the conditions in the big cities. That's lucky for them. Austin is another good example. Every time the local government gets stupid, the state legislature steps in and takes away their toys. That doesn't comport well with the idea of localized government, but unfortunately we've seen that these issues manifest long after the offending ideologues have skittered away, and the damage takes years, or maybe generations, to fix. Dallas is another funny one. Usually the surrounding suburban areas funnel money into the city to fund all the absurd spending cities pride themselves on, but here they structured it so the money stays in the suburbs to be spent on schools and whatever else the residents want. The local newspaper is always crying about how little money Dallas gets for things like subways and buses and other downtown ornaments. The rest of us are quite happy to keep the city purse depleted.
    1 point
  20. Grew up right across the bridge. Spent my childhood all over SF, and right after college. Not one single person I know who actually lives in the area has your view. It is definitional of tourism politics. It's right up there with all the Americans who tout the enlightened glory of Europe, because they read about it in a book and took a vacation to Paris once. Since I know precisely what San Francisco looks like right now, your depiction is enough for me to know that your observations of any other American city is going to be equally ignorant. You are simply incapable of seeing what you don't want to believe. At least you're in good company.
    1 point
  21. I’m just pushing back with a purposefully overly-sunny demeanor against the over the top online doomerism. People literally think cities are burning to the ground daily 🙄 Yea SF has some issues and I do fault local leaders for it. I would vote for changes if I did live there. I happen to have spent a whole week in SF actually, so longer than most of my other visits to various cities, and it was great as a tourist. I didn’t even get pooped on once 😅 Fully understand living somewhere is different than visiting. Do you live there?
    1 point
  22. For those who've read their Robert Heinlein, I can thoroughly envision a near future where the veterans in society have to save it from itself.
    1 point
  23. Thought Nikki Haley presented herself well in CNN’s town hall tonight. I certainly don’t agree with all of her points, but so far, she is the most presentable, well spoken candidate in the race. IMO, it will be hard for Trump, DeSantis, or Joe Biden to debate her. This is the type of candidate both parties should be putting forward.
    1 point
  24. As you know there is a HUGE difference between acceptance/equal treatment of LGTBQ and the progressive movement that is being forced down our throats, I would hope @nsplayr would agree. Compare and contrast how the issue is being handled by the progressive media in Florida and California. Last year Florida passed a law that the progressive movement absolutely hated because it thwarts their agenda...they hate it so much they changed the name and have repeatedly called it the "don't say gay law" even the the word "gay" is no where in the verbiage. That law simply states schools will not have “instruction” or “discussion” of sexual orientation and gender identity from kindergarten through third grade. If you see something wrong with that...god help you. The progressives are of course upset and screen it impacts their free speech as if their right to proselytize gender change to kids 5-8 years old is more important than parental rights. In California schools have allowed institutions like Planned Parenthood and organizations that promote gender change to promote this ideology without the knowledge or permission of parents. In these sessions they tell 5-8 year olds they can get puberty blockers without their parents finding out. Truly sick humans. I supposed these same groups would enable a six year old who wants to be a pirate and schedule his eye removal and peg leg surgery. This ideology is celebrated in California schools and parents who push back find themselves under surveillance by the FBI as possible domestic terrorists. It is very interesting that over 80% of kids who seek gender conversion end up changing their mind...80%. I will support your right to be what you want and love who you want all day, but stop promoting this to pre-adolencents and stop cutting parents out of the process.
    1 point
  25. The "just die" part was a bit raw, but you were right about the overall character of the generation. Entitled, irresponsible, and completely unprepared for a retirement that their delusional government spending has ensured my generation will never have. The boomers have the honorable distinction of being the first ever generation of American parents to leave their children worse off than they were. Bravo.
    1 point
  26. As long as I can start my interview with “back in my day” and bitch for an hour straight, I’ll do it.
    1 point
  27. boy have you said a mouthful. Like I've said before...Tumon Bay was my Vietnam... 😄
    1 point
  28. Support or don’t support whomever you like. Some of you guys give way too much credit to the “woke mob” or whatever the latest boogeyman is. Here’s the thing: Iran and the Taliban can both get fucked. It really isn’t that hard to figure out who the (admittedly flawed) good guys are in the Ukraine conflict though.
    1 point
  29. I don’t know what you’re asking or wanting here. There are no comparable large cities run by republicans right now, that was my point in mentioning Jacksonville. Why is that do you think? I’m starting to think it’s time to part ways on this convo, good luck.
    0 points
  30. 😂🤣 LMAO. iF yOu DoN’t AnSwEr My iMpLiEd QuEsTiOns I wIlL bEaT yOu Up!!!1 Ok internet tough guy, good luck & TYFYS 🇺🇸
    0 points
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