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Everything posted by ClearedHot

  1. I don't have a problem with the song, not sure I've ever heard while listening to the "40's" on XM but hey...to each his or her own. The issue is the absolute lunacy of being upset over Dr Seuss when it is okay to have lyrics like this, along with books like Mein Kampf.
  2. Reading through this thread the only issue I can recall encountering was a pilot who was uber-religious and had some degrading views of women. He tried to stand on those grounds and on one occasion, refused to fly with a female co-pilot. I was a Major in the WIC and was flying as an attached guy so I wasn't included on all the actions they took but I know he continued to fly and with a female co-pilot. His career in our community basically ended at that point and they sent him off to AETC not long after (stunned by that choice). I honestly never saw overt racism, but obviously it exists in the hearts of some and it would be foolish and a disservice to pretend it does not exist to some extent. Shocked and saddened to hear this and some of the other stories on here. We may be the .1% who serve but there is still a normal bell curve distribution of issues and ideologies. I just hoped we were better.
  3. Going through that process as I set up to receive my new airplane this fall. It will go into an LLC and I will lease it back to myself. I pay a monthly usage fee to the LLC which includes sales tax. I remit the sales tax to the state then the LLC will pay me back the remainder...right pocket to left pocket. This allows me to drag out the sales tax of $48K over many years instead of one giant check to the state. I think I can meet the 25% threshold for business usage which will also allow me to write off part of the cost and do some depreciation.
  4. The whiplash will continue and it kills me to see these short-sighted decisions. Two years from now when everyone is running for the doors again they will re-rollout the "We care about you, what can we do to make it better" bullshit. This falls SQUARELY on the shoulders senior leadership that doesn't have the stones to stand up and tell Congress and others to help now to prevent chaos later.
  5. Biden removed Dr Seuss from his speech. As reading Dr Seuss on this day is a long standing tradition, I'd say that's the ultimate cancel.
  6. Brabus summed it nicely and you have outlined some fairly strict constraints so it may work for you. I looked at a partnership but ultimately decided I want full control and access. I've heard and seen several nightmares associated with "renting" your aircraft including the one outlined in the video below.
  7. The Air Force does not value you as an individual...it is a numbers game and they just proved it. In two years when they are screaming about retention point back to this ACP offering while telling them to suck an egg.
  8. Seriously? It starts with a reading room in the library, it evolves into a CBT and culminates with a new policy requiring the same in every squadron. Slow erosion of common sense often goes unnoticed or unchallenged until you wake up in a dystopian world where the laws of physics no longer make sense.
  9. Sadly this theory clashes with tenure... Uber left-wing professors (who outnumber uber-right wing professors by 100:1), now use college to indoctrinate rather than educate, which is a horrible waste of key time in a young persons life where they can think critically and develop their own viewpoints. I spent some time at a place that is supposed to be the apex of our collegiate educational system, Harvard. Instead of a great period of enlightenment it was daily hand-to-hand combat defending a viewpoint that dared to drift from extreme liberalism. It is no shock our political system has become so dysfunctional, as every new administration brings in the Ivy League big brains to solve problems...further entrenching the extremist ideas. Until we find ourselves back in another situation deemed national survival it will be difficult to employ a Clausewitzian total war approach to service to the nation. IMHO a better approach in current times would be to highlight the personal benefit and growth that comes with service to our country. Whether is be military service, time in the Peace Corps, the National Health Service, working on a Native American Reservation...etc, there is tremendous opportunity to expand your mind and make a difference.
  10. New longer video of the attack on Al Asad. Obviously they were trying to kill Americans and we are lucky this didn't turn into something bigger. Numerous articles out now and I think a 60 Minutes story with some very harrowing stories from our folks who were on the ground. More than 100 U.S. troops have brain injuries as a result of this "payback" attack. I don't know that I would have let it go.
  11. Extremism 'Has Reared Its Head' in Air Force Special Operations, General Says I am a few years removed from service but in my 26 years I never encountered a single case. Obviously this type of thinking has no business in the military, just wondering if anyone has actually seen anything like this or is it yet another over-reaction witch hunt?
  12. Adam is a great American and I hope he wins another term. He has done a LOT behind the scenes to help the men and women who serve....many of you on this forum have benefited from his efforts and don't even know it. He was right to vote his conscience and stand on his principle.
  13. If by divisive rhetoric you mean facts...ok. Seriously did you watch the confirmation hearings...you want us to discuss the issues when the freaking nominees won't answer the basic questions? Straight up facts...trump said shitty things about a lot of people. His policies on the environment were not in line with climate change and he denied official election results. Thus far Biden has put kids back in cages...err trailers with bars on the windows. Nominated a Secretary of HHS that isn't even a doctor, is on record saying he wants to end all private health insurance and refuses to disavow partial birth abortion. And, nominated a undersecretary of HHS that apparently thinks it is ok to amputate sex organs off three year olds.
  14. Kids in cages was started by OBAMA.
  15. Trump said some fucked up shit...making fun of John McCain and servicemen who were not captured being horrible, but when it comes to three year olds being mutilated and partial birth abortion (and I am pro-choice), you let your hate of the orange man trump any sense of righteousness. Sickening.
  16. I've said it several times, I do not like Trump but I voted for him to prevent what you will see below. How anyone who voted for Biden can watch this without throwing something at the screen is beyond me. Giving three year olds drugs to change their sex...you are truly some sick fucks.
  17. It is only going to get worse. Over the past few years Congress had edged closer to taking prosecution for Sexual Assault cases AWAY from the military chain of command. As December 2020 the language to do was in the proposed NDAA. It did not survive conference but I understand it was very close and likely just a matter of time. NDAA envisions new military policies on sexual assaults
  18. NY AG Letitia James mulling request for probe of Gov. Cuomo over sex harass claim And of course the mess of a mayor that is Deblasio wants the spotlight off him and is willing to throw Cuomo under the bus bus in the process. NYC Mayor Calls for ‘Full and Independent Investigation' Into Allegations Against Cuomo
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