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Everything posted by ClearedHot

  1. A new twist was just released. Senate Commerce Committee chair Ted Cruz told reporters "the Black Hawk helicopter had turned off its automatic dependent surveillance-broadcast (ADS-B), which is permitted for military aircraft." "In the deadliest U.S. air disaster in more than 20 years, the aircraft collided last week, with both aircraft plunging into the Potomac River. The helicopter was flying about 100 feet (30.5 m) over the maximum allowed for that route, the NTSB said earlier." Break break referencing some of the discussion above about ADS-B and its benefits I am curious what some of the others fly with. The Gunpig was steam gauges although we eventually got a scrolling PFPS laptop map but all SA was from visual scanning and input from controllers. When I got back into GA I was shocked to see how much SA ADS-B gives you. I took the picture below earlier this week as a quick example. I fly down to South Florida a lot and this display has saved me more than once. Landing at X51 the landing pattern had 8 different student aircraft, a dude flying a practice RNAV from he west and NOT talking to anyone, Gliders landing on the parallel grass runway, a freaking paraglider and as I turned final a jump plane dumping a bunch of skydivers over the field (they land on the south side of the airport)...there WILL be an accident there some day. On my screen I gets ADS-B data with altitude (I also get weather), and I have the ability to scroll around the map and see targets up to 50NM out. Curious what some of you fly with.
  2. They are the older generation...if your gig line is straight then everything else must be good as well. I am not saying we don't have standards but we should have just as much focus on innovation and warfighting. Most of these clowns are cud chewers...Alvin and Slife...are NOT warriors.
  3. He should have nominated the dude standing to Jensen's left....GREAT American.
  4. The pendulum constantly swings back and forth form take the assignment or GTFO to lets make everyone happy and bid on jobs. In the 90's pilot retention was very low they and the "take the assignment or GTFO" approach was not working so they opened a bid system. AFPC had a webpage where they posted the open jobs and you could bid on them, once you hit bid it would spit out a sheet for your commander to sign. If the losing CC didn't reclama within 7 days they assignment was yours. I know seven dudes who departed Moody for Hurlburt in two months using that system. The system swung hard the other way at the O-6 level back around 2014 when there was a mass exodus. USAF assumed every O-6 wanted to be a GO so everyone was screened for OG/CC and WG/CC. Then O-6's started writing letters declining command and asking not to be considered. As I recall in 2014 timeframe on the order of 40% of the identified HPO O-6's declined command. Rather than address the issues causing the declination and exodus, CSAF issued a dictum, EVERYONE will meet the command screening board, if selected and you decline...GTFO, I think that lasted two years. In that period AFSOC alone lost 63 O-6's in one year, which is a LOT for a small command. Break Break The cud chewing herbivore running USAF is telling everyone what is most important to him as we refocus on being warfighters. Air Force Tells Commanders to Hold Standards Reviews Every Quarter CSAF has determined that one of the best ways to determine your ability to thrash the enemy is to hold four "reviews"....read - stand in formation and be inspected every quarter, at least one of these reviews MUST be in your service dress. I am so glad I am out of this clown car.
  5. Lots of speculation but one camera view shows what could be sparks/flames trailing the airplane. I believe the weather was bad at the time so it could also be the collision lights reflecting off the fog?
  6. It was reported today that a staggering 38% of the FBI's field agents were assigned to investigate the Jan 6th. All the crime in the country and the FBI dedicated that much of our capability to investigate some idiots running around the capital and one police officer who died of a heart attack.
  7. Hearing there is a bit of a crisis at AFPC as a lot of civilians are quitting over the return to work mandate. Didn't realize they had that many work from home types. Also hearing the staff at TPS got hammered, they are all remote.
  8. ClearedHot

    Gun Talk

    9MM with a gas discharge suppressor will make the rounds sub...larger mass but also large area to absorb impact on errant rounds. The layout of my house puts my sons room in the line of fire if I have to fight out of the bedroom. I learned a LOT training with the lads when I was the TF commander...I am still a neophyte but they gave me the basics to plan and rehearse. Aside from internal house structure, my neighbors would have two brick walls and 100 yards of protection...they are not the concern. I've walked through numerous times and while I am reasonably good with my favorite AR, there are obstacles that would prevent fully swinging the barrel around, hence my interest in an MP-5 style weapons that is much shorter. I hear you brother but two considerations...kids don't always stay in place and .223 being a hot round can ricochet. Throwing a full 30 round mag inside the house leaves much to be desired.
  9. ClearedHot

    Gun Talk

    Are you building a bunker? .223/5.56 is a hot round and will easily penetrate multiple sheets of drywall (17 in the video below). What size AR? I had several ARs (that fell into the Gulf of America), and train with them all the time. They have a lot of rounds and are accurate but longer barrels bump into things in a CQB scenario. As I mentioned above I am leaning towards a MP-5 type weapons with gas discharge suppressors shooting 9MM suppressed will down, it still has plenty of stop power but you have a lower chance of throwing rounds to the other side of the house. If I wanted pure stopping power I would grab the M-1 Garand, but if I miss my neighbor down the street might end up with a round in his house.
  10. The left weaponized the justice system to go after Trump, now Trump is using the legal system to beat the crap out of Big Tech and some of the big news organizations. During the election it is alleged that CBS 60 minutes edited and altered Kamala Harris' interview to remove her word salad and make her look better. Trump filed a $10 Billion Dollar voter interference lawsuit, CBS refused to turn over the transcripts, called Trump's lawsuit “completely without merit” and promised to vigorously fight it after it was filed. Now they are in settlement talks after being ordered to hand over the transcripts. ABC news recently settled a defamation case with Trump for $15M plus another $1m to Trump's lawyers and they apologized. Shortly thereafter George Stephanopoulos Deleted his X Account. Meta paid $25M to settle Trump's lawsuit against the company over its decision to suspend his social media accounts following the Jan. 6, 2021, riot at the U.S. Capitol. Interesting to see the pendulum swing back, hopefully Big tech can remain neutral and the press can finally act as the 4th estate rather than extension of the DNC.
  11. Ya Vol!
  12. Almost always a faster way to get on the ground. Great points above still want to know if they were wearing NVGs (NTSB mentioned they are working to confirm). While they are a great tool as we all know they also restrict peripheral vision making it easier to falsely ID the called out traffic. Did anyone see the NTSB update last night, the lead investigator was almost in tears. He noted many recommendations from past accidents that are still in limbo (I know there are many reasons they have not been incorporated like money, staffing, and impact on operations). He also talked about altitude discrepancies - From the FDR they know the CRJ was at 325' plus or minus 25'. The tower radar showed the Blackhawk at 200'. Obviously the helo was at the same altitude as the AA flight, what caused the discrepancy? I don't know how the tower radar derives altitude? Raw data, does ADSB feed into it?
  13. If you live near Hurlburt/Eglin give Conecuh National Forest Shooting Range a shot (pun intended). It is about an hour north but a great day trip with a pistol, shotgun and rifle range. You need a WMA permit which is $20.05 for an entire year. I take my boy up there several times a year and we always have a blast.
  14. ClearedHot

    Gun Talk

    Point of order noted...I guess I better buy a third gun safe. Objective is defense, especially inside the house. I love my shotgun pictured above in this thread but my kid's room is on the other side of the house so I worry about throwing a pattern in confusion at night. I recall the MP-5 when properly suppressed will not over-pen which is a great factor when worried about family members on the other side of walls/hallways. It does not have to look like the MP-5, I am just familiar with the design and mechanics. When I command the TF I was fortunate enough to have the lads spend time teaching me to shoot, clear, assault and run vehicle ops. A lot of those folks liked the MP-5 because of reliability and balance, especially when suppressed. I have the Ruger PC Charger but have twice had accidental mag drops when training on the range.
  15. ClearedHot

    Gun Talk

    I have ARs, Pistols, Shotguns and long guns covered so on to the next gun quest...want an MP5 style weapon, any suggestions?
  16. Ummm not really. For FEDERAL crimes perhaps, but not state crimes, which is why the liberal NY establishment contrived a case stacking crimes, after the statue of limitation had expired, for a crime that no one had ever been charged with, in order to weaponize the system against Trump and prevent a self-pardon if re-elected. For the record, I am NOT in favor of self-pardons. However, I am diametrically opposed to EITHER side weaponizing the system to take out a political opponent. If you think the NY case was anything than that, then I have a direct to the Raptor assignment waiting for you after you UAS tour...
  17. Was it a case of Quigley Down Under?
  18. That's insane!
  19. Note that Route 4 runs the east side of the river and right through final for 33...as others have noted circling to 33 at night adds another level of deconfliction.
  20. NFL Refs stepped in to scratch the Eagle in fear of putting KC ratings show at a disadvantage and angering the Swifties.
  21. ADSB out MAY have saved them. I fly a lot of GA now and routinely fly into some heavy student training areas and uncontrolled fields. I typically have my right MFD zoomed in to 5NM and ADSB has "saved" me on multiple occasions. Agreed on TCAS and but it would have added to SA if nothing else. For those that have been stationed at the Pentagon or even visited DC, low altitude helicopter traffic is the norm all over the tidal basin and around the airport...The Gold Tops are always flying the river as are the Marines out of HMX-1, the Secret Service and DC police. Horrible situation, can't imagine the loss for the friends and families.
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