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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/01/2020 in Posts

  1. The problem is that we now call every time a black persons is killed by a White person = racism. I saw a shitty cop doing shitty work and someone needlessly died. I didn’t see a guy getting killed for his skin color. But I got called a racist online because I asked why trump was being blamed. Racism is an easy label to politicize therefore pushed by the media a lot. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network mobile app
    4 points
  2. Rodent lives matter. Burn it all down! too soon?
    3 points
  3. To answer your earlier question of whether my previous post was sarcasm, no, it wasn't. I don't find anything funny about Floyd's brutal death, just as I don't find anything funny about multiple business owners' seeing their livelihood go up in flames, thus since Brick asked, I thought the post in poor taste. I don't think it's an indication that I (or the rest of the AF for the matter), needs to toughen up on the subject. I didn't mean for my post to derail this thread, even though I feel the current situation in our country definitely belongs in a WTF thread. Nor do I think your a racist for saying POTUS shouldn't be blamed. I don't think an internet forum is going to overnight change people's minds on this subject, from some of the posts for the last two pages people have some pretty strong feelings on this topic, which is understandable. One of the things I think has been missing in our country lately is a lack of willingness to listen or try to understand problems from other points of view. I'm willing to listen to viewpoints contrary to my own views even if some of them I disagree with pretty vehemently, but that's ok, because not everyone is going to agree all the time. I would like to emphasize the second bullet in your post above. I'm assuming you're white (if I'm wrong feel free to correct me). I'd ask that you take a minute and think about what a lot of black people saw when they watched George Floyd's death, especially in a city with a history of racial covenants in it's housing. Coming on the heels of the Central Park incident in NYC and Arbery killing in Georgia (and multiple others too long to list here). Whether we as American's like to admit it or discuss it, the American Experience/Dream isn't equal for everyone in this country. Even among us in the military, people part the 1%, I have friends who've experienced systemic racism during certain parts of their lives. From my buddy who volunteered to go to Minot because of how he was treated by the locals in Barksdale, to an Army colleague at ACSC who said as black man there were areas around his postings in the South that he didn't dare go to, not because of crime in the area, but because of the color of his skin, to a loadmaster buddy who's had to explain to his young daughters that they need to be careful when interacting with the police because there's a good chance they'll be treated differently (based on his life experiences). If you have 5 minutes, I'd encourage you to read the recent posting made by the AFSOC/CC on FB here https://www.facebook.com/COMAFSOCOfficial I don't agree with everything Gen. Slife says or does (I definitely didn't agree with his leadership style when he was a Group and Wing Commander) but he was spot on with his post about George Floyd's death. It wasn't too long ago (~60 years) that Martin Luther King and Civil Rights movement had to fight for equal rights in America, so that the black people in your squadron can drink from the same water fountain, use the same bathroom, and sit in the same part of the bus that the white members in your squadron can. Anyone who thinks that the previous 200+ years of institutionalized racism in the US was wiped out overnight is kidding themselves. Large scale changes in society take time, right now there's a large majority (from what I see based on my friends, colleagues, and statements by public figures) that feel that change isn't happening quickly enough, or in some cases is going the opposite direction.
    2 points
  4. So AETC is teaching people how not to take stock of their world and succeed in-spite of it? To be a victim and blame others and society? That’s a big reason all of this exists. Everyone’s a victim Flea? You are your decision? You don’t have money? It’s because you didn’t work for it or save what you did get not because the man is keeping you down. Don’t sink to that cop out mentality. It’s flat wrong. No one will get ahead of their own woes thinking like that. Everyone’s life has unique struggles that we have to overcome. It’s what you do that makes you who you are not what you let happen to you. If I was to go off what you are saying, then you are saying no black person should ever get ahead because society is built that way. That’s super racist man. Really. Let’s hope that the Air Force isn’t teaching that.
    2 points
  5. Cop(s) deserved to be investigated, and based upon ALL the facts (which none of us are privy to), arrested and charged or not arrested/charged. That’s how justice works. There are multiple sides to every story, and right now all we have are partial video accounts. I’d certainly be interested in seeing all the body camera footage if it is ever released. The unfortunate reality in today’s America is that any high profile cases will be tried in the media courtroom long before the accused ever sees his/her day in actual court. The rules don’t apply and you are not innocent until proven guilty. Not saying the cop was in the right, just saying I’d prefer our justice system (though not perfect) over mob justice. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  6. [/url] From statista.com 2017 2018 2019 2020* White 457 399 370 42 Black 223 209 235 31 Hispanic 179 148 158 13 Other 44 36 39 3 Unk. 84 204 202 139 George Floyd’s death is unacceptable and the cop needs to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. But what has happened the last few nights is not productive. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network mobile app
    2 points
  7. I hate Guard and Reserve guys. All of them. Even my friends. I hate them. Day 1 of UPT, we were in the Laughlin auditorium, sitting there to get our foot prints taken in our Blues, and each of us asking the other what we wanted to fly. "I want to fly the F-15"... I want to fly the KC-10"... ... ... ... The one Reservist in our class: "I'm going to fly the F-4". Us: "What do you mean you're 'going to fly the F-4' "? Him: "I'm a Reservist". Us: "So? What does that mean?" (note: this was before the internet, where you could find out all about the Reserves without lifting a finger) Him: My unit is at Wright-Patt. We have F-4's there, and that's what I'll fly." Us: "Wait... what?... Hey!! You KNOW what you're going to fly already?? Maj XX, can I transfer to this Reserve thing, sir??!!!!" You guys all suck... and we hate you.
    2 points
  8. What is happening now in major cities across this country has nothing to do with racism or George Floyd anymore. Anarchy and a hatred of certain aspects of America would be more accurate now. Token caveat that I hate that I have to do: the cop who kneeled on George Floyd deserved to be arrested and charged with murder. That was wrong on all levels. But that cause has been destroyed now.
    2 points
  9. In my experience, some of the worst haters of the ARC pilots are the management guys (pilots) who did all their time AD and were never in the Guard/Reserve.
    2 points
  10. Can’t even tell if this is sarcasm. I was accused of ruining someone’s night the other day because she was soooooo upset I dare foster a different viewpoint. Imagine if I was trying to start shit. America needs to toughen up. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network mobile app
    2 points
  11. I'll admit my squirrel quip was in poor taste which why I liked diggler's post. I'll own what I wrote. I still thought it was funny, however... As to the, to me, pointless conversation about race: best I can do is treat people like I want to be treated. The ol' Golden Rule. Dang it, that's probably metallism or something, so I need to be re-educated. Meanwhile, if somebody is polite to me, I will respond the same or even initiate politeness. If someone is a douche to me, that is not a skin color, that is a character flaw. I don't take responsibility for anyone else's actions. I don't expect anyone to take responsibility for mine. Oh, and the cop that started this round of "you're a racist, you're a terrorist" has something like 17, I say again, 17, formal, documented complaints/investigations against him. I'm thinking that the Minneapolis PD leadership and/or union hold just a touch more responsibility for him still being a cop and able to do what he did (although I'd like to see the judicial system play out before anyone convicts him. Always more than one side to a story.) than I do.
    1 point
  12. We will never get past race in this country unfortunately. Too many people on both sides (for example, David Duke and Al Sharpton) make a very lucrative living stirring up racial animus...
    1 point
  13. So glad you posted that. I remember it happening, but hadn’t seen it. That was awesome! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    1 point
  14. Dude I'm not really sure how you got any of that out of what I said? I want to respond but I don't even know how you arrived at your conclusions.
    1 point
  15. Ditto. One of the few line items of my life that is not part of my username's origin story LOL. To be fair, watching a pair of SLUFs from the PRANG from out the chain link fence was what sparked my entire vocational interest in flying at the young age of 9. All the fighter posters in my wall as a teen were all ANG swag/merch from the hometown unit, so the ARC was a known quantity for me since day one. I was still surprised people were so relatively aloof about the ARC going through OTS and UPT. And this was in the time of flightinfo and the first days of baseops, so the internet was a thing back then already.
    1 point
  16. For what reason? Maybe I had a different experience, but since retiring my attitude is: What's there to hate on bros about? Hell, I don't even really hate on Navy pilots anymore either, despite their known shortcomings as both men and aviators.
    1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. There are definitely people that are trying to take advantage, reacting in unproductive ways, and twisting factual events out there. That doesn’t change the fact that black people suffer dramatically higher rates of harassment, abuse, and die at the hands of those that have the responsibility to serve and protect. No one, set firmly in their own camp, will be convinced by someone set in the other camp. So, I guess I’m not speaking to those people. I’m speaking to those willing to admit change needs to happen on a much grander scale than, “yeah, things could be better, but at least it’s better than 250 years ago...” I saw a quote from Benjamin Franklin that is appropriate: “Justice will not be served until those who are unaffected are as outraged as those who are.” As a white guy I’ve never had to discuss how to interact with the police if they have the misfortune of being pulled over, or talked to in the street. Most of our white kids will never be pulled over. Every single person of color I know has had to have the talk with their children because through their own experiences they know their children will have those same experiences. Probably multiple times in their lives. I’m sure you’ve heard about the white lady in Central Park with her off leash dog. Yeah, she may be just the one person who is racist, and most people aren’t. Problem is, she knows if she calls the cops and says an AA man is threatening her life chances are good that dude is going to have a bad day... That’s systemic. That’s a problem that needs changing immediately. Say whatever you want about this whole situation, but the facts don’t lie. Black men die at the hands of police way more than white men. Are the majority of cops racist? No way! Do the non racist cops share any of the blame for this? In my opinion (worthless I know) they do if they never stand up to say it needs to stop. They know who the racist dudes in their departments are, just like you know who the racist dudes in your squadrons are. It is time we speak up each and every time to finally let people know it will never be tolerated. It’s not Us vs Them. We should be united in this! Edited to add: We share in the blame too if we’re silent. Not just the cops. We need to hold each other accountable. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    1 point
  19. Million $ question. Mortgage Backed Securities investors on Wall Street set the pricing and banks/mortgage companies originate based on what each rate pays then add their overhead/profit margin. Big banks can be greedy because of name brand recognition plus they have higher overhead, but MBS pay the same to everyone. Some days investors are willing to pay more and some days they are willing to take less all based on demand, risk, cash available, and other investment opportunities. If the demand is there why would you take a lower rate of return? On the other end if you can make more money elsewhere or no one is buying then MBSs have to pay a higher rate of return to get buyers. There is no crystal ball, but I can tell you demand is very high at current rates/pricing. The future of rates is tied to what the broader economy and Wall Street will look like over the next couple years. Lots of opinions and opportunities out there right now. Jon
    1 point
  20. https://thumbs.gfycat.com/ShadyImaginativeGrison-mobile.mp4 Different angle for the Falcon recovery landing. The video of that landing cut out while I was watching on nasa.gov. Sweet shot. Talk about the proverbial “heaving postage stamp”. Holy crap.
    1 point
  21. Agree with all above. What an awesome thing to watch.
    1 point
  22. 1 point
  23. Don't you take my fast food away from me. Go look at the DFAC there is the same shit there that airman snuffy eats. They just have to bring their own sugar free monster to go with the chicken tendies.
    1 point
  24. My last PT test was Sept of 19 and I recently found out I dont need another one until Sept of 21. I'm in shock and awe that the Air Force isn't going to overnight fall apart when dozens of individuals go non-current for their test. I don't understand how we are going to continue to fight the war on terror!?!?! But my biggest sadness, is for my Senior Rater, who isn't sure how he is going to rack and stack thousands of Airman without a concrete and arbitrary number that poorly estimates their physical fitness. Its the end times for sure.
    1 point
  25. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/barr-taps-top-prosecutor-to-probe-unmasking-by-obama-officials/ar-BB14IqLo?ocid=spartanntp I will say it again, IF the power of the law enforcement/intelligence communities were used against opposition political entities, it's not good for any of us. If no one is held accountable with indictiments, then it will be done again and, likely, even more egregiously. Regardless of your political leaning, this appears to have been a bad thing and needs to be cleaned up. Otherwise it will, eventually, be used against your side. Then it won't be ok.
    1 point
  26. Not a movie, but “The Last Dance” documentary about Michael Jordan and the 90’s Bulls was great.
    1 point
  27. I wasn’t aware that wanting motivated young dudes in the squadron makes you a SNAP. Luckily very few of you old guys who think there’s a benefit to making someone’s life harder for no reason and positive reinforcement makes you a are left in the active duty. These are 21 year olds straight out of college, not WUGs. And somehow all these old ass O-6+ wonder why these kids don’t want to be pilots, especially fighter pilots.
    1 point
  28. Sure it could be done, but it would be painful and I wouldn't recommend it. Also, after training the Guard isn't even priority #1. As a part-timer it isn't even number 2 really. Family, civilian job, then Guard. Keep that in mind as you go through your career.
    1 point
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