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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/14/2019 in Posts

  1. If your first statement is true, feel free to leave. If the second is true, does your posting style help? This site is a great tool to mentor and learn from others. I’ve received more help here than I have via any AF sponsored mechanism. My unsolicited feedback: you are needlessly confrontational and a braggart. Present yourself differently and I’m sure you have constructive contributions to make.
    6 points
  2. This about covers it: “Job dissatisfaction, career dissatisfaction, frequent and long deployments, poor quality of life, non-competitive pay and lack of personal and professional development are among the reasons cited for why many experienced military pilots separate from military service,” the DoD study states. Pilots aren’t happy in the military and the packages the Air Force has to offer aren’t cutting it.” Pretty simple yet not much is being done.
    3 points
  3. Whatever... My name is GKinnear, and I'm a downvoter.
    2 points
  4. People can’t leave if you never made them in the first place. Besides, my guess is lower level Bob’s are feeding upper level Bob’s some BS
    2 points
  5. I actually really like that idea as well. Can we get General Chang as a guest AMA?
    2 points
  6. Good advice, although a bit ironic given your various posts of the past few hours.
    2 points
  7. Things I've learned in almost 22 years: If your rank and position can't solve a problem by making a simple request, it's not your problem to solve. If you feel someone may make you lose your composure, go to the parking lot. Get in your car. Maybe stop for beer and steaks. Go home. Maybe try again tomorrow. Maybe don't. Unless you're deployed, nothing in the AF is that important.
    2 points
  8. Except for a few solid posts, this reads like if we did PME by correspondence via the YouTube comments section.
    2 points
  9. Got to do a pretty cool thing in March. Flew the first flight of a four leg journey for a retiring military working dog through Pilots n Paws. His former handler adopted him, but the dog was in ND (two minutes from my office incidentally) and the family lives in Missouri. Had to wait two months for a break in the shitty winter weather, but it was very special to help an AF dog and his former AF handler reunite. If you want to find a mission or purpose for your recreational flying, Pilots n Paws is a great one to get into.
    2 points
  10. Wow, you're right. He did that for me too, downvoted all 6-ish posts I've made over the past few years. What a giant d-bag and wierdo. Do the mods not remove guys like that on here anymore? Too funny. Anyway, good call on the Block User function. That's complete. So now if nobody quotes Shazaam maybe he'll never bother us again.
    1 point
  11. I fly Pilots N Paws missions as well but in the northeast. I saw this trip when I was looking around for something when I had availability. So badly wished I had been in the midwest to help out on that one. Cant say enough good things about PnP for those looking for a mission in recreational flying. 🥃 to you for helping on that one!
    1 point
  12. With Iranian internal problems could this be a ploy to unite everyone against the great Satan? The ruling junta in Argentina tried this before by invading the Falklands in 1982. Did not turn out to well. Just thinking out loud. Last time back in the 80's we sent most of the Iranian blue water Navy to the bottom.
    1 point
  13. Hosting someone to Q&A a thread is an interesting concept. We could do a reddit style AMA except over a few days so the responder has time to actually think about replies. Good idea! Unfortunately the rest of this post is less constructive. I gave you some feedback bro, take it or leave it. Cheers.
    1 point
  14. Tale of the tape says...that’s a lie. You make up crazy shit for a while, then one of your 8 personalities can’t handle that other people aren’t as smart as you and that they could possibly disagree, and you go berserk and post an incoherent profanity laden rant. Wait a few months, come back because you care so little about internet opinions, repeat.
    1 point
  15. 1. Mentor them with the experiences and skills you have acquired through life and career. 2. Recognize their goals and help them visualize how they can achieve said goals. 3. Don’t sleep with them. Seems pretty standard with leading all individuals, yet keep hanging on to that non rated mantra that dealing with enlisted is some kind of enigma us pilots will never understand. People are people, except for you, you seem like a real douchebag.
    1 point
  16. The hawg community demands high standards, and is laid back as long as you attempt to better yourself and achieve those standards. You aren’t always expected to meet them, but you are expected to put in the effort. If you don’t you won’t be having a pleasant experience. Incompetence gets people killed and is treated harshly. Sometimes people need disciplining. That isn’t habitual yelling or power tripping, nor is it toxic. It’s typically not needed. It doesn’t go straight to that point, there’s a progression that starts as a friendly checking up on them, but it can be an effective tool if needed. I have had my fair share of being an idiot and having a not so pleasant experience with the DO, or my flight lead. That’s part of learning. I would rather deal with the tough love than be in a command that threatens careers and throws around paper work like it’s their job, I’ve experienced that as well. I’m sure you’ve never yelled at your children before. Also, I don’t know her and haven’t interacted with her, but yelling doesn’t inherently make something, the oh so common buzz word, “toxic.” This shit is killing the Air Force. We’re an organization who’s sole purpose is killing. Cursing, drinking, and yelling, isn’t okay nowadays but sending 18 year olds into a “war” that started before they were born with no goal is.
    1 point
  17. It’s taking everything I have to not make a joke about a woman yelling at people for not being “correct enough” for her. But I’ve evolved.
    1 point
  18. Haha, I've been yelled at in a debrief... a simulator debrief! I never forgot to check the Master Arm in the hot position when I called "in" after that though.
    1 point
  19. I know everyone had skepticism when she started but she was a hell of an improvement over Debbie. Saw her speak at A/TA and was really impressed. Here's to hoping we get an even better appointment. Sent from my SM-G960U using Baseops Network mobile app
    1 point
  20. Kill them with kindness. Just counseled a SNCO picked up for OTS. She got into it with a SFS NCO at the visitor center. An A1C had to break them up. I told the SNCO, how would you like working a shift having to deal with parents, trainees, enlisted, and officers for 12 hours? Put yourself in their shoes. Even if the other person was in the wrong, walk away. Don't let the situation escalate. They detained her butt. My boss told me the Gp/CC wants to be told about things in the blotter like this scenario. I was like WTF? Dude is a micromanager. Got it.
    0 points
  21. 0 points
  22. Assertiveness works, too. So does verbiage from the regs that works to your advantage.
    -1 points
  23. Spot on. Also, to those saying that no consideration should be given to IPZ vs APZ, my concern would be the quality of his(?) records that led to getting passed over in IPZ. Seldom does that much change in a year.
    -1 points
  24. I’m having a hard time recalling a single time that promotion results were released before the AFPC estimate. I’d go with that.
    -1 points
  25. I’m sorry... what’s your definition of shiny penny again? Because you just threw out three different categories of people in that statement, all of which fall into very different rankings in my opinion.
    -1 points
  26. Short of a no-shit criminal act, I’d say “none”. Also, P vs DP from an IDE student MLR is irrelevant.
    -1 points
  27. What counts as experienced in the fighter community? Certain amount of hours? Flight lead or instructor certification? Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network mobile app
    -1 points
  28. What freaking squadron are you in where people run around yelling? It serves no purpose at all. I didn't need to yell in order to get a back ender to stop driving his motorcycle like Maverick from Top Gun. I made him cry using a little emotional intelligence and didn't raise my voice once. I have seen military members who yell in a training environment, then they think they can puff out their chest and do the same with civilians. The civilians won't lift a finger for that individual or their organization. My squadron had this exact problem until I rolled in. If you have to use your rank or big mouth to lead, I need you to sit down and STFU. My approach has worked wonders inside the squadron and with organizations outside the squadron like CONS and CE.
    -1 points
  29. Thanks Dr. Phill. But you are 100% wrong. I'm sorry, but telling a kid his momma will be scraping his brains off a California highway from continuously speeding offbase on his motorcycle is the damn truth. Shirt wanted to take his driving privileges on base away after going through a stop sign on base. I told our Shirt no and our sister squadron Shirt backed me up. If an A1C is crying because he envisioned me having to tell his momma he died for being stupid, I'm okay with that scenario. I told him I will call his mother and make him explain to her why he can't stop speeding. If the enlisted come into your office to say great job Capt because it was effective. I'm rolling with the E’s on this one. Not some "Capt save a A1C on BODN.” Some of you couldn't lead your way out of a wet paper bag, especially dealing with the enlisted. A lot of you suck based on some of your moronic ass responses. #Facts #Paging CMSgt Wright
    -1 points
  30. How old are you? You do realize our Airmen aren't pilots and most of their jobs consist of staying inside the wire right? Unless said 18 year is in a highly specialized AFSC or is aircrew, they stay inside the wire and still receive holidays off as we launch combat sorties. Let me stop by Finance on Thanksgiving at Bagram. Oh wait, it's closed in combat? Thanks AF, I'll just login to MyPay from the WiFi signal in my B-hut. Aren't you the same guy who walked into the squadron sobbing because the Xfinity cable guy was making unannounced visits to your crib? I was told there was definitely some bedroom disruption of service going on, but it wasn't remotely cable related.
    -1 points
  31. If I throw a stick, you would leave BODN, right?
    -1 points
  32. So it's my fault since 2005, BODN has fallen off the wagon? You must live in a cave. Failure to adapt aside from the emojis, likes, and dislikes. Other branches adapt on the fly, but BODN is a direct reflection of the AF of never changing a damn thing. You have dudes with 500+ liked comments running the show. Talking about alienating the younger guys/gals who do sign up and get crushed for one comment. Nobody intimidates me here. Takes an act of Congress to upload a gif. I think most users utilize their cell phones to post as well. Does this forum ever host anyone the younger generation would love to communicate with outside of the guy from Congress? It's the same stuff constantly repeated.
    -2 points
  33. If I wanted to listen to an @$$hole, I would plug my ears and fart.
    -2 points
  34. I have a question for you. You think my life revolves around BODN and what you all have to say or think? Are we in high school or something? I'm not a millennial and your comments don't make me want my own safe space. Social media comments and those made in this forum by people I don't know at all do not matter to me. Nobody really cares at the end of the day about BODN. Site has fallen off since my pilot training days and never recovered.
    -5 points
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