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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/03/2019 in Posts

  1. i have no dog in the fight but having a BA in poly sci isn't a "credibility credential" i'd be throwing around lol
    5 points
  2. How about “ops” and “support”
    3 points
  3. So my family is at WPAFB and we took a decent amount of tornado damage with the Memorial Day storms. Renter's insurance is with USAA. I was pleasantly surprised with their service. I submitted a claim the day after the event. They responded and sent me a payment for spoiled food within 10 minutes of our conversation. They told me to send them a list of all personal property effected. The adjuster called me 30 minutes after I submitted the list asking if it was pre or post tax. It was pre-tax so he added another 8% or so. I received that payment within 24 hours. Overall, I was impressed with the service received.
    1 point
  4. When I was going through Kirtland, there was a guy who was at the MC-130H FTU who had already gone through Little Rock and had a clean C-130H form 8 who washed out of the MC-H course and was separated, not allowed to go back to slick herks... thought that was the dumbest thing ever.
    1 point
  5. I’ve never directly interacted with her, but several people whose opinions I trust have good things to say about her. I’m surprised to hear about a toxic climate.
    1 point
  6. Hey man, the bandwagon is going the other way right now
    1 point
  7. I know I speak for a lot of people when I say I sure wish even half this level of scrutiny would have been levied on the previous President when he was candidate and then during 8 years in office. Bill Ayers, IRS targeting, Fast and Furious, pallets of cash sent to Iran, Hillary selling uranium, unconstitutional Obamacare changes, etc etc. Those are just a few off the top of my head. The disparity is disgusting and it should enrage any American citizen. I’m all for holding leadership accountable, but accountability should be equitable. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  8. As a follow up, for anyone who’s having trouble accepting/can’t sleep at night with the thought of such a toxic and dishonest leader in our ranks, have no fear. The incoming AFSOC/CC is well known for 3 things: 1. Interpersonal skills generally associated with people on the spectrum. 2. An intense dislike of pizza, Santa, kittens, and pornography. and perhaps most importantly 3. FIRING THE SHIT out of anyone he deems an incompetent or lacking in integrity (the CAT-5 incident mentioned above being the one round off paper in an otherwise very tight shot group over 25+ years). Slife won’t give a fuck how many times scissor me timbers has been yelled or what level of diversity is represented, he’ll can her ass quicker than Clark Griswold climaxes over the thought of Light Attack in the USAF if he thinks she’s dishonest. It’ll probably work itself out.
    1 point
  9. If you don’t know your system capes it wouldn’t matter what you’re flying in the stack. That’s a weak argument to those out there saying “Bombers shouldn’t/can’t perform CAS” of which there are plenty typically in platforms with their own shitty record of fratricide. Neither is it unique to the CAS mission as it could just as easily be a C-130 refueled that cant figure out how to turn his F’ing lights off to refuel the HAF, or a drone that doesn’t know how to steady stare at a target and keeps walking the laser everywhere but where it should be. Plenty of people in Apache/Hawg/etc communities that don’t know or care to learn how to fight their MWS are putting ground personnel at risk every time they check in and hope it works out for them this time around. That’s neither unique to bombers nor something to ignore. Know your shit and what it can/can’t do. Beyond that playing the “this is my party and you shouldn’t be here game” that many have been making this incident evidence of is just MWS chest thumping. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  10. I’m truly amused every time I hear some sort of blame shifted to seeing/not seeing IR strobes and how apparently that is the big discriminator that makes or breaks good CAS tactics in the AF. The premier attack helicopter on the planet cannot see and does not care about IR strobes. As they routinely execute CAS and CCA from altitude and standoff as was intended from ranges that require the gunner to build and develop SA without it maybe that’s not the crutch to be leaning on. Also they can’t do better than an 8 digit grid in slaving to a given grid/target. Yes, this incident was entirely a failure on the idea of CAS being and easily thrown together action. CAS is supposed to be integrated in detail. Detail is something completely lacking in our modern 24/7 bus schedule version of building an ATO to support the coin fight. I doubt the crew even had a CONOP of the mission they were supporting much less a scheme of maneuver.
    1 point
  11. The twitter comments are actually frightening. Beyond the politics, there are people angry that taxpayer dollars were used for the patches and that the USS WASP Stands for White Anglo Saxon Protestant and that’s why Trump visited that ship. It’s on the internets, it has to be true! These people need the book thrown at them!!! They must be held accountable!!! For shame! The sheer ignorance, stupidity and self righteousness of the general public at large has me at a complete loss for words.
    1 point
  12. I was so pissed by the time that movie ended I wanted to dig Johnson and Mcnamara back up and kick their ass just for good measure. As many of them pointed out, that was a complete shit-show from the beginning. Respect for the men who fought with their hands tied behind their backs! I became an AF pilot because of those men who fought in Viet Nam. In 1973 as a 10 year old I got to sit in an F-4 (18th TFW deployed) at CCK Air Base in Taiwan and speak with one of the pilots and it was game on from there.
    1 point
  13. Your PCSM is 1 higher than mine at all the same ranges. I have 21 hours. Your AFOQT pilot score is about 20 higher than mine. I have an engineering bachelor's at 3.2 gpa. Also I'm a few months older than you. I took the TBAS twice, first time was 43 with 3 hours. All this to help you judge where you are. From my experience at the heavy squadron I was just hired to, solo is a big step. When I visited leading up to the interview I was asked I think 3 times if I had soloed yet (I hadn't) and told to get the solo after the interview. My suggestion goes along with @FDNYOldGuy and get that solo. 21 hours helps too. Not an expert but hope this helps.
    1 point
  14. Mueller served the country well in previous guises although Steven Hatfill might feel otherwise. That service does not negate the facts of his selection of his team - his deputy not only contributed to Hillary's campaign - not illegal or necessarily disqualifying - but attended her victory party in New York, an invitation only event (Wah wah…). Weissman also has a history of playing fast and loose with prosecutorial standards with numerous subsequent overturns of his convictions because of his methods. Numerous of Mueller's other subordinates were literally employed by the Clintons and/or their foundation. Nor in his investigation, did he look at the sources of the charges - the dossier, the unmaskings of US citizens' communications, etc. Hmmm, "go investigate the President but don't take a hard look at the things that make us think you should investigate." Bold move to do so without checking the veracity of the claims it seems to me. The appearance of justice is just as important for an informed citizenry to accept a legal system as fair-ish as the pursuit of justice. With his personal selections of his subordinates, Mueller disregarded that appearance. If the same sort of team had been raised against Obama, or more specifically, YOU for something, would you be ok with the seemingly inherent bias of such a team? Prior service by anyone is not carte blanche for subsequent shenanigans. One assumes you are ok with the investigation into the investigation? Should the actions of Comey/Brennan/Clapper/Powers/et al be looked at or were they the a bit suspect in their actions? Investigations are good, no? If there's nothing to hide, they have nothing to fear. At least that's what I've told over and over for the past two years by Congress/Media/liberals (but that's redundant). And if they did nothing wrong, then the investigation(s) will so find and show the original investigation into Trumpworld was on the up and up.
    0 points
  15. I didn’t get an invite
    -1 points
  16. What exactly are Unconstitutional Obamacare changes? The Republicans via Gingrich & Co. had impeachment proceeds over ing an intern. I’d rather spend tax payer money to see if a president/candidate conspired with a foreign entity via an investigation than towards to see if a president got his dick wet. And If Brick wants to refer to Mueller as just a “friend of Comey” you can add in all the years of service he’s provided this country as a Marine, Ranger, in Vietnam who was awarded the Bronze Star with Valor and Purple Heart to a U.S Attorney and FBI Director. That man has done more for this country in a few years than most of us will do in our lives. Regardless of how you feel about the investigation, he did what he was appointed to do and deserves our respect.
    -1 points
  17. Well, surely one would sue and preserve those unconstitutional changes to file a writ of certiorari to have the SCOTUS rule on the law like they did in King v. Burwell, Halbig v. Burwell, etc? Also, the list you made is a little misleading. There are plenty of states (Minnesota, Washington, Wyoming, etc) that still have high risk pools. It's a state-by-state issue due to funding.
    -1 points
  18. And the the Deputy AG was the final authority for said team when hey were hired (since Mueller worked directly for Rosenstein) and could ultimately voir dire (challenge) anyone off the team. If you’ve ever stepped foot in a criminal court room, you would know that you can challenge for cause any attorney, and even the judge, on the record for bias. Any member of Congress could’ve raised the issue as well. Your argument is moot. “One would you assume you are...” Pretty bold statement, I for one could care less because I’m neither left or right. I however don’t use confirmation bias and tin foil hat theories to construct some alternate theory of things. “Fast band loose with prosecutional standards” that’s also a pretty bold statement since the prosecutor is the arguably most powerful person in the court room and has very wide latitude on how to conduct their duties. If one was playing “fast and loose” which violated rights of the accused or ethical standards, then there’s a state bar to have a complaint file upon an attorney. You don’t really know what he looked at completely because you saw a redacted report, like everyone else but people that needed to know. There were pages that were almost fully redcacted, so to claim something like that is hyperbole. At the end of the day I would like this country to move on. Mueller did his job that he was assigned to do. He didn’t find Russian interference on Trump’s part and for those that did, they’re either in prison, awaiting trial, or already got out. He couldn’t make a determination, much like a hung jury, beyond a reasonable doubt that Trump committed obstruction. But even if he had, the DOJ policy, not a law, states they weren’t going to charge him as a sitting president anyway. I do have a feeling that the states that have brought charges against Trump e.g. New York, will have a different conclusion and there will be a penalty landscape for him to trek across, but I feel they’ll wait for him to leave office before that happens baring any statue of limitation issues they might run into. I think the Dems wanting to shake the proverbial tree for fruit to fall down from this makes them look flat out silly and desperate. They’re so fractured, Trump will most likely win reelection in 2020.
    -1 points
  19. Where’d you go to law school? I’m going to one in the east coast myself.
    -1 points
  20. Copy, only thing relevant in your response.
    -1 points
  21. You mean like your peanut gallery input you provided? Remember, I’ve stepped foot in a courtroom a few times. Not that you’d know anything of what happened to me other than hearsay. And we were talking about the president, government, things I studied and have a degree in. You on the other hand decided to take a personal shot because you really didn’t have anything constructive to provide to the debate.
    -1 points
  22. I’ll do that until UPT starts awarding degrees in law or government.
    -1 points
  23. Is it legit to accept the bonus although you head off to a non-flying gig?
    -1 points
  24. Because I have an opinion, like everyone else here, of the Russian investigation and stated it, like everyone else has in this thread?
    -1 points
  25. By having an education in how domestic and foreign political systems work and the U.S. government? Standing by your quals....
    -1 points
  26. Here is a link to the Rand Study the AF is considering, so why did I just sign a 3 year bonus?: https://www.rand.org/pubs/perspectives/PE309.html
    -1 points
  27. Bachelors in Political Science. Oh, the other thing? Be over 20 years so you can retire if you’re court martialed.
    -2 points
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