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  1. Yesterday
  2. Sent to herkbier…if anyone else needs it, send NIPR email via PM (or to abmwaldo I suppose).
  3. Watchtower. I'm running generic Ubuntu, not Synology, and it looks like Synology might require a few extra hoops, but apparently it can be done. https://mariushosting.com/synology-30-second-watchtower-install-using-task-scheduler-docker/
  4. I have a DS-218+ that I use as a media server/back up that's effectively run since I purchased it in 2019. Upgraded the RAM to 6 GB and swapped out the 2x 4TB drives for 2x 10TB drives this year. The other drives worked fine just needed more storage. Running it in in Synology Hybrid RAID (default) which means I'm limited to 10 TB of data storage. Before that I ran an old Mac Mini connected to an external hard drive since 2010...the evolution/ease of use over 14 years has been pretty impressive. Couple of lessons learned: 1. Go for 2x the storage you think you need now. 2. Get a dedicated UPS for the NAS (allows you time to shut it down properly for extended power outages or covers the "blips" in the grid). 3. Use software running inside "Dockers" vs the stuff in the Synology App store. The dockers require significantly less system resources (in my experience 1/10 or less) to keep the same program running. Only thing is you have to manually update (I do that quarterly)the software that's running. I haven't figured out how to auto update yet.
  5. if @brabus doesn't have it I do... PM me a NIPR email if you still need help.
  6. I think the pilots hired today are going to be furloughed. I don't think it's going to be a 12-year furlough like the last ones during the bankruptcies and mergers, but still. That said, it is 100% better to be furloughed than not hired at all. Any airline. If you are furloughed you can do anything you want, non-flying and the airline will eventually bring you back and retrain you. Staying current is irrelevant. Then once you are recurrent you can go get hired wherever you want to apply to, and you are a much more desirable candidate. Not being hired at all means you have to stay current *and* compete with the backlog of aspiring airline pilots when the interviews start again. Remember these people are fools. They were convinced air travel would *never* recover from COVID-19, then they started talking about "winning" the pandemic recovery. Then they furloughed (at AA). Then they announced the biggest hiring wave in airline history. Now they are all cutting hiring projections, if not outright halting it. These clowns just blow with the wind, and so do our careers.
  7. Friend of mine is a 320 CA for Spirit. His wife is a FA for DAL and he applied to DAL recently for more stability (e.g., lack of merger talk like Spirit) and longevity. He didn’t get hired and was told he would’ve probably never have upgraded to CA since DAL has hired so many pilots recently. They also didn’t hire another senior CA at Spirit who applied with him. After he was walked out he was told “Hey man, I can’t give you any feedback, but you're welcome to apply again in 90 days. However, the dynamic around here is rapidly changing and I’m not sure what it’s going to even look like by then.” Maybe they saved him by not hiring him?
  8. Not enough Monopoly money for the most critical acquisition needed for the USAF… https://www.twz.com/air/c-130-float-plane-program-put-on-pause-by-special-operations-command Sarcasm aside I still think the juice is worth the squeeze in the case of a seaplane A US produced BE200 like jet would probably fit into op plans for INDOPACOM for transport, tanker, ISR, stand off strike, SOF support, etc… US-2 could also work, pricey but available right now
  9. Right, and the rest of it is spent on marketing to the members to get them to spend more on classes and gear and swag and seminars. It's not what I'm looking for. Commercials are fine, I get that you need more customers, but I don't need a magazine subscription from my insurance company. Spend it on defending clients.
  10. slc

    CCW Choice

    You mean a membership whereby Wayne LaPierre takes your dues and spends it on lavish Bahamas vacas and whatnot....
  11. I just signed up for CCW Safe's Protector Plan with civil liability of up to $1M and bond coverage of up to $1.5M. Thank you!
  12. @herkbier PM me NIPR email and I’ll send it (pretty sure I have it in my email, but I’ll check in the morning). Or your bonus coordinator should have it, but I assume you’ve already gone down that road and they’re useless.
  13. Last week
  14. I see the idiot who was making monkey noises at the the black lady was kicked out of his frat and publicly ridiculed. Wish the same energy went towards holding the ones accountable calling for the destruction of a entire group of people. Crickets
  15. He needs their votes, nothing will happen
  16. You don't pick the Bone, the Bone picks you.
  17. I can find the AD and AFRC bonus with this name on myFSS, is there an ANG version as well? My Wing's retention office is about as useful as a paper bag in a monsoon.. the only information they have fits the categories of none, little, and vague..
  18. I've been at UPT for about the past year now and I haven't seen anyone get B-1's between T-1's and 38's. I'm not sure the Air Force is giving any out to new pilots. I have seen T-1 students go to the B-52 recently though.
  19. Doesn’t matter where you go that would be terrible; no way to spend time in a decent place. Granted, if you’re stuck doing the same rotations or only have five or so to choose from internationally that gets a bit ground hog day no doubt. Even with an augmented crew these days the pax folks don’t seem to get much wandering time as well. *My roommate used to nonrev to Europe for a long weekend during college with an upgrade or something to that effect since his father was an airline guy early 90s - that was cool…Totally agree on the nonrev to anywhere for that matter - nothing like it used to be.
  20. I mean they made that same mistake during early Covid. “It’s decimating Italy” sounds impressive to anyone who hasn’t been to Italy. That’s a “first world country” in name only with a geriatric population. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  21. Awesome! I retired last summer at just over 22 years (DSG) and I haven't missed it at all. The amount of free time I now have is unreal. Congrats and best of luck in your next chapter!
  22. Honestly appreciate the replies, they were helpful. I was considering pulling my retirement request and staying another couple years but in the end I've decided to proceed with retirement so this won't be an issue (at 21 and change total years). Once again I appreciate the info.
  23. Late to the party. I got my initial FC1 (circa 2005) with a waiver for GERD. The waiver required an upper endoscopy every 3-5 years to keep tabs on my condition. Nearly every time required a dilatation and they'd take a biopsy. They actually ended up "retiring" my waiver even though I was "borderline" for eosinophilic esophagitis. We had a Guardsman Flight Doc who was a DO that was head of his department a local college hospital system. He was the DO who did my last 3 scopes. I was never actually diagnosed me with EE, but he said I'm headed that way. FWIW, he wasn't too concerned with a possible EE diagnosis. Hope it's a non-issue for you, but based on my experience, I'd thinks brwwg&b is probably on point.
  24. Girl in my class FAIP'd to T-1s (her husband was a couple classes ahead of us and FAIP'd T-6s), they were both T-1 students. They both tracked B-1s after their FAIP tour was over. Both made major, she was an IDE in-residence select but decided to separate at the end of her commitment.
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