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  1. Yesterday
  2. I see the idiot who was making monkey noises at the the black lady was kicked out of his frat and publicly ridiculed. Wish the same energy went towards holding the ones accountable calling for the destruction of a entire group of people. Crickets
  3. He needs their votes, nothing will happen
  4. You don't pick the Bone, the Bone picks you.
  5. I can find the AD and AFRC bonus with this name on myFSS, is there an ANG version as well? My Wing's retention office is about as useful as a paper bag in a monsoon.. the only information they have fits the categories of none, little, and vague..
  6. I've been at UPT for about the past year now and I haven't seen anyone get B-1's between T-1's and 38's. I'm not sure the Air Force is giving any out to new pilots. I have seen T-1 students go to the B-52 recently though.
  7. Doesn’t matter where you go that would be terrible; no way to spend time in a decent place. Granted, if you’re stuck doing the same rotations or only have five or so to choose from internationally that gets a bit ground hog day no doubt. Even with an augmented crew these days the pax folks don’t seem to get much wandering time as well. *My roommate used to nonrev to Europe for a long weekend during college with an upgrade or something to that effect since his father was an airline guy early 90s - that was cool…Totally agree on the nonrev to anywhere for that matter - nothing like it used to be.
  8. I mean they made that same mistake during early Covid. “It’s decimating Italy” sounds impressive to anyone who hasn’t been to Italy. That’s a “first world country” in name only with a geriatric population. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  9. Awesome! I retired last summer at just over 22 years (DSG) and I haven't missed it at all. The amount of free time I now have is unreal. Congrats and best of luck in your next chapter!
  10. Honestly appreciate the replies, they were helpful. I was considering pulling my retirement request and staying another couple years but in the end I've decided to proceed with retirement so this won't be an issue (at 21 and change total years). Once again I appreciate the info.
  11. Late to the party. I got my initial FC1 (circa 2005) with a waiver for GERD. The waiver required an upper endoscopy every 3-5 years to keep tabs on my condition. Nearly every time required a dilatation and they'd take a biopsy. They actually ended up "retiring" my waiver even though I was "borderline" for eosinophilic esophagitis. We had a Guardsman Flight Doc who was a DO that was head of his department a local college hospital system. He was the DO who did my last 3 scopes. I was never actually diagnosed me with EE, but he said I'm headed that way. FWIW, he wasn't too concerned with a possible EE diagnosis. Hope it's a non-issue for you, but based on my experience, I'd thinks brwwg&b is probably on point.
  12. Girl in my class FAIP'd to T-1s (her husband was a couple classes ahead of us and FAIP'd T-6s), they were both T-1 students. They both tracked B-1s after their FAIP tour was over. Both made major, she was an IDE in-residence select but decided to separate at the end of her commitment.
  13. That's the first video I found, I have no idea who that guy is. But all the gun podcasters I follow have talked about it a bunch.
  14. RASH

    CCW Choice

    For clarification, did they drop the clients after representing them on a case? Or in lieu of representing them? Sent from my iPad using Baseops Network mobile app
  15. What is the possibility of dropping B-1's out of T-1's? I am of the understanding that it has been done before and it possible, though extremely rare. How has the career of those who did this pan out?
  16. Last week
  17. That all checks, but thought I should point out, that’s how you make kids.
  18. It also so far has been in shithole countries (compared to our standards) and any death cases that actually have details beyond just a stat admit multiple underlying conditions. This is more than likely just a repeat of the same fear mongering bullshit we saw with COVID. They want to keep/increase control, and they’ll do anything to accomplish that goal.
  19. They have a couple recent documented cases of dropping clients for very shaky reasons. I'm also not crazy about how much swag and marketing they do to the members. It feels more like an NRA membership than an insurance plan. I follow a couple of 2A lawyers, and neither are fond of USCCA anymore. CcwSafe has a good rate for veterans and the Law of Self Defense guy likes them (Andrew Branca).
  20. My USCCA is expiring this month. Why are you switching?
  21. Thanks, I use a broker as well but has kept me with the same company the last 9 years. I'll go self insure (cept liability) if need be. Did it with an experiemental I had a hundred years ago when the airlines paid nothing and were going to crap. Same airline (NERD guy). All changed when the airline did away with long downtown layovers during BK. I remember leaving MSP for one of those in SFO (when it was great) and looking at my FO saying, "This is no longer fun." I really feel for all you flying domestic. Always had one long layover and took my wife-to-be on many. We did it on the airline's dime and had fun. Still travel in retirement to Europe for the ambiance we can't find in the US but stay away from crowds and tourist. No kids so we can blow the wad. Seems like I spent a quarter of my life in AMS. Hated it....slept when I got in (no augmentation back then), cocktails at 5, dinner at 6, in bed by 9, wide awake at 1am. Don't even nonrev thru there if I can help it.
  22. To be honest, I'd rather die than have Biden or Newsom (or any other government officials Rs or Ds) tell me how to survive another "pandemic". They will fuck this one up too.
  23. To Nunya's point, profit sharing pays out early in the year, allowing one to adjust contributions to max out the 401K using more company funds. To Dear Lord's point, the income limit is a player. My union produces an excel to help with maths as there are competing limits. To the masses, there are two (or more) ways. Set a 401k contribution to max your personal limit and let the rest play out for the rest of your flying days and thus have more time drinking beer, or geek it up and play with maths every day of the year. NERDS!!!!
  24. Somewhere there is a kick ass DA that will take the "professional, for hire" agitator and will put em in jail for a long time, then find the source of the hire, and take em for all they got. The generation in college might learn not to be so gullible next time. Moms and Dads need to be kicking some serious ass too. Any those arrested for their bullshit need to have their student loans tagged as "must be repaid, no forgiveness." Peaceful protest has a place, but this ain't it. Peaceful protest doesn't end in arrest.
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