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Everything posted by HossHarris

  1. Tricare standard is usually FAR superior to any plan an airline offers and will save you about $600/month or more.
  2. Vax is no longer required for usafa. Get your apps in!
  3. What market ? those clowns had giant marketshare for viewers.
  4. Ahem … PART TIME retirement job.
  5. There are only 3 optimum points to get out: -the moment your pilot training commitment is up. -at exactly 20 years -when they kick you out for High year tenure. Any other point on the timeline and you’re giving something up.
  6. I’m being told that VA backed loans are exempt from this bullshit.
  7. I’d pay good money to watch the right types of girls college wrestling. More to participate.
  8. Ain’t no party like a free Ukraine party ….
  9. The angus Mcangus movie could be very entertaining
  10. Never ever pay off the GTC out of pocket. The naughty list should be a red flag on someone’s slide for finance … not for you.
  11. As someone directly affected by the acumen of the secretary of transportation, buttigieg is a bum…. But he would prolly be easy to beat….
  12. Stupid money. low bullshit. gets me out of the house.
  13. Perfectly valid … as long as you’re still selecting for the “best”
  14. The underlying assumption for all DEI is that talent is distributed evenly across the spectrum of humanity. That’s a large assumption…. I’d concede that it’s probably true at level of young children. But once talent becomes merit, and effort, motivation, hard work, aptitude, and drive is involved to increase your merit…all bets are off. and there are physiological differences amongst groups of humans as well. For example, There’s a reason there aren’t any women playing in the NFL. and I don’t think it has anything to do with recruiting efforts or barriers to entry. could a woman attain the merit to play … absolutely… it’s just a lot less likely.
  15. So is your answer to fix the societal and pipeline issues that are detecting women from getting involved in aviation …. or just hire more women at the majors until you get the demographics you like (regardless of skill, experience, etc)?
  16. What you can put your 401k/Roth 401k into JS entirely employer dependent. at delta, you can buy anything but delta stock. Individual Stocks, bonds, mutual funds, foreign stuff, etc.
  17. Oh it’s the most boring thing ever (hopefully). but the pay and free time is absurd.
  18. That’s 5-6 year narrowbody captain pay at delta just flying an average line … with no contract ninja-in. you can be a narrowbody captain the same year you’re hired currently. It’s not fantastic nor out of the ordinary. That’s everyday, walkin around Money. (expectation management)
  19. You’re just out on military orders. whether you’re actively working military stuff or taking the leave, it’s all part of being out for the military. delta would have a theoretical issue if you were working for delta while on military leave … they’ve got a hard on about double dipping … but that pendulum may be swinging soon.
  20. IIRC the specs that were controlling were for officer lodging (vice aircrew). May have been a DoD Reg but I have no recollection of where I found it
  21. It’s an IMAGING IR missile. it doesn’t have to be hot to track…. It just has to be different than the blue sky background. And everything is different than blue sky (generally) even a white balloon with zero additional heat source.
  22. But at least the dates all check out.
  23. You should. stuff that isn’t bothering you now or an issue at all may get worse later. establishing that it’s service connected, even if it’s rated at 0%, is a lot easier now than it will be later. For example…I broke a big toe on AD. Fully healed. Zero issues. But it’s documented and service connected at 0%. If, some time in the future, that joint decides to be the epicenter of arthritis, or fuses up, or starts growing horns…or some other such bullshit … getting it treated will be a lot easier. same with the neck/back. Fine today. But if I can’t move it in my 60s me and the va May have to chat.
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