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Everything posted by SurelySerious

  1. Apparently part of their reprimand was to remove all copies of it. Seems reasonable given the scope and nature of Al Gore's interwebs. /s Although, maybe the man won in this case.
  2. Your data on SCAR is misinterpreted. It is exactly for localized control of a full F2T2EA process emphasizing decentralized execution in low to medium threat environments. Final attack control isn't part of the SCAR responsibilities because it isn't needed in an environment where close proximity to FF and detailed integration don't exist. All you need is someone doing task/employment/airspace deconfliction. So for air interdiction of emerging target sets where you don't need the detailed integration for friendly forces, the SCAR will have authority to issue Investigate/Target/Smack tasks. If the JFC/JFACC actually delegate the authority as intended. The ALSA MTTP has a lot more specifics.
  3. Or how about we innovate and find a better way to do things instead of using a system that doesn't fit the current ops environment?
  4. Standard "leadership" TTP of not answering the question that was asked whatsoever, nice.
  5. I got an email in response to a ticket from an A1C asking me to justify why our NIPR computers should work by providing how many people use them, how often they deploy, how many pilots/officers we have, and what our squadron's mission is Pretty sure it was probably a Russian hacker. So we've got that going for us.
  6. This Navy? http://www.defensenews.com/articles/grounded-nearly-two-thirds-of-us-navys-strike-fighters-cant-fly
  7. The experts can correct if required, but the roadshow was in town recently, and they said yes. Their main concern is being able to get ~4 good years out of you.
  8. He's got some great lines throughout the episode. You just have to look past the 18 minutes about the skynet projector hmcs...although it's probably not much worse in an ejection situation than what we've actually got in JHMCS.
  9. Re Scorpion and AMRAAM: Kinematically, you kind of lose out going slow and launching BVR.
  10. Sounds close enough to what the AF was looking for at EFB spin-up phase that I'd buy it.
  11. False. You can apply and not get selected multiple times. If, however, you get selected for something to which you have applied and turn it down, then you can no longer apply.
  12. While the loss of life is certainly nothing to make light of: you, sir, need to pack it up and go home. This is the military, not flag football.
  13. http://www.flyingsquadron.com/forums/topic/19418-18x-pipeline-q-a/
  14. Please. All of Obama's decisions, for 8 years, were made seemingly based on re-elect-ability and his "legacy" instead of the best interests of the United States. I don't like the thought of either one of them making decisions that way, frankly, nor am I yet comfortable with Trump's motives...but Obama and his Harvard-smart team were the kings of making decisions to make him look good. Just without the guy on the NSC facade.
  15. Conversely, having random people not actually qualified in the jet fly with you is a pain in the ass, so no one would bat an eye if you weren't calling to get on the schedule. They're your gate months, do as you wish.
  16. Ah, nice. And diminishing parts source for some part of the boom flight control that would require significant changes, if I remember correctly from talking to bros.
  17. Guess that takes care of the ADS-B issue.
  18. Nor do I think it has a chance for success; more of a public shaming of the sponsor from Alabama, Mike Rogers.
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